Xiao Hui heard the sound of Brother Hui in his ears, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Go home!"

The two dozen or so evolvers behind them all shouted loudly: "Go home!"

"We're home!"

yes! Go home!

After the end of the world, the camp will be their home. With the three leaders here, this home can give them a sense of security.

"Brother Hui, where are the three leaders? Why haven't they come back?" An evolver who had a close relationship with Xiao Hui stepped forward and asked.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Someone behind him immediately laughed and said, "Did we find too many crops to fit in the space ring? Are the three leaders taking care of them?"

"Ha ha……!"

Many people laughed.

Many people also noticed that of the fifty evolvers who went out, only about twenty came back.

But everyone tacitly agreed not to ask.

There is an unwritten rule in the camp: if someone dies, bury it if you can. If you can't, forget it.

Never mention it easily, otherwise the big leader will cry.

"Three leaders...!"

Xiao Hui suddenly stopped talking, and then continued: "The leader said, let me come back and let everyone have enough to eat."

After speaking, he took out two large bags of mutated sorghum, about four to five hundred kilograms, and tried to give one or two to everyone in the camp.

Most of the survivors are just ordinary people who can eat enough mutant crops after just one tael.

Everyone became excited again.

"Long live the leader!"

"Long live the leader, long live the second brother, long live the third master!"

"Long live...! Long live Brother Hui!"


No one noticed how stiff the smile on Xiaohui's face was, because this time, the third master was also dead!

They had seen with their own eyes that the third master was captured by the corpse demon in order to save himself and others...

Soon, the whole camp was filled with the aroma of rice.

Xiao Hui and two other C-level evolvers were sitting in a stone house, listening to the outside survivors queuing up for meals, laughing and chatting, and the clatter of bowls and chopsticks.

"It's been almost an hour. Why haven't the leader and second brother come back yet?" said an evolver named Jianjun.

"Both the leader and the second brother are the best among the superpowers. Without us dragging them down, nothing in this world can keep them!"

The other one is called Ahua.

Xiao Hui frowned: "The zombie king we met last time died at the hands of the leader. There is no way she will be fine."

At this moment, an alarm bell suddenly sounded over the camp!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

There was an evolver on the sentry tower knocking a copper basin.

"The leaders are back!"

Xiaohui's face showed surprise and he stood up suddenly.

Every time the leader returned in triumph, someone would ring the copper basin and call everyone to come and greet him.

Xiaohui and the other three immediately walked out of the house. At this time, everyone in the camp put down their jobs and swarmed towards the camp gate.

It was a mess, and many people were shouting excitedly.

Xiaohui and the other three followed the crowd and walked towards the gate.

Suddenly, the expressions of the three of them changed.

"No, why do Li Wu and the others look so nervous?" Ah Hua said.

"What are they talking about? It's too noisy to hear clearly!" Jianjun said.

The evolvers on the sentry tower all had ugly faces. Some were waving their hands to this side and shouting something loudly. Unfortunately, the crowd was too loud and could not be heard clearly from behind.

Suddenly, Xiao Hui saw the evolver named Li Wu raising the bow and arrow in his hand and shooting an arrow outside the wall.

"No! It's an enemy attack!" Xiaohui shouted loudly.

"Quickly, come back. All the women enter the stone houses, the men pick up weapons, and the evolved ones go to the sentry tower!" Jianjun shouted.

Unfortunately, his voice was also drowned.

At this time, the survivors in the front of the crowd had discovered something and planned to turn around and run back, while the crowd in the back still didn't know and pushed forward desperately.

This also caused crowding, and soon the crowd became chaotic.

Several women were pushed to the ground. Before they could get up, they were knocked down again, and someone stepped on them directly...

Soon, there were more and more trampling incidents...

"Get out of here, everyone!" Xiaohui shouted.

He reached out to take out his machete to shock him, but after touching it, he remembered that the machete had been given to Lu Ling.

Just then, boom!

The two doors made of meteorite alloy suddenly collapsed!

Immediately afterwards, a large group of zombies rushed in.

Judging by their size, there are at least fifty C-class zombies, sixty or seventy D-class zombies, and more than a hundred E-class zombies!

Xiaohui's face turned pale instantly and his whole body was shaking.

He knew that there were not so many high-level zombies nearby, and they had already been eliminated by the leader.

Only in forbidden areas can there be so many there!

The people in the forbidden area are all super zombies, and each one is comparable to the zombie king of the same level!

"It's over!"

At this moment, even Xiaohui and three other C-level evolvers were convulsing in fear, and they didn’t even have the strength to pick up weapons...

The zombies rushed into the crowd and began to massacre. Blood was immediately sprayed, and broken limbs and arms were flying...

The screams are endless...

At this moment, the camp ushered in its true end.

It was already bright.

All the contracted beasts were having fun and playing around while walking.

Song Xiaodao sat on Xiaobai's back, eating a handful of fried soybeans, which had just been processed by Zhou Lili in the life space, and sprinkled with star salt, which was crispy and salty!

Lao Hei reluctantly carried Lu Ling and Jiang Shan, while Ning Yue accompanied Zhao Yin in the beast-carrying golden house on the back of the old cow.

At this moment, Zhao Yin was shirtless, lying on the soft quilt.

His back, the muscles showed a beautiful inverted triangle, with smooth lines, like a fine work of art.

Ning Yue's snow-white fingers gently stroked his back, inch by inch, moving down...

"That's it!"

Zhao Yin turned over, and Ning Yue's 'massage' talent had eliminated his fatigue for the day.

He held Ning Yue's little hand: "Ning Yue, do you know about cow shock?"

"Cow shock?" Ning Yue was stunned.

"Yes, cow shock!"

Zhao Yin pulled her into his arms and raised his hands to strip off her clothes.


Ning Yue screamed before she could react, and then Zhao Yin covered her mouth: "Don't shout, there are people outside."

Ning Yue struggled for a while, then chuckled: "Bad Zhao Yin, are you afraid of being accused of doing it in broad daylight?"

"I want to try the bull shock!" Zhao Yin said seriously: "Let's do it in broad daylight!"

As Ning Yue's dress was completely torn off, she looked like a peeled lychee.

Her skin was white and flawless...

The girl's unique body fragrance entered her nose, Zhao Yin was intoxicated, and turned over... [Omitted millions of words]


Zhao Yin was shirtless, holding a half-burning cigarette in his mouth, curling up one leg, and leaning against the wall of the beast-carrying golden house.

Ning Yue was only covered with Zhao Yin's suit, and her little head was lying on his legs.

Her long and beautiful legs were curled up under the suit as much as possible, as if she was sleeping soundly

The wind blew into the house through the half-opened gauze curtain, ruffling Ning Yue's hair. The strands of hair flickered in the morning light between the gauze curtains, as beautiful as a dream.

Zhao Yin raised his hand to smooth Ning Yue's hair, revealing her fair, oval face.

He pinched her slightly chubby cheeks.

Ning Yue suddenly raised her head and tilted her face up. Her eyes were dark, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was breathtakingly beautiful.

"You didn't sleep?" Zhao Yin asked.

Ning Yue shook her head and asked lazily, "Zhao Yin, what do you think, if we were always like this, how nice it would be?"

Zhao Yin smiled, took a deep puff of the cigarette, and threw the cigarette butt out of the window.

"How far is forever?"

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