More than a thousand zombies, it didn't take long for the beasts to kill nearly half of them. As the number of zombies decreased, the beasts killed them faster...

Finally, there was silence below, and there was no zombie.

Zhao Yin urged Xiaobai to land. At this time, Lu Ling still buried her face in his arms.

"Leader Lu!" Zhao Yin reminded.

Lu Ling seemed to have finally calmed down a little. She slowly raised her head, wiped her tears, and then saw a huge face.

It was a monkey face full of fur.

Huge golden pupils and a mouth full of fangs.

The monkey was staring at her curiously, and Lu Ling froze.

"Leader Lu, don't panic, this is my contracted beast." Zhao Yin explained.

He turned over and jumped off the golden saddle.

"Monkey, burn the corpse immediately, all people and beasts pick up the corpse crystal!"

An order was passed down, and all people and beasts immediately took action.

Lu Ling suddenly saw the corpse demon in Zhao Yin's team.

She was stunned for a moment, her eyes widened in shock, and at this moment, a familiar voice came from behind.


Jiangshan, two female slaves, and Wang Xiaolei, four people, rushed over at this time because of their slow speed.

"Why are you here?" Jiangshan's face was full of surprise.

Lu Ling trembled all over, almost thinking it was her own hallucination.

She turned back with difficulty and saw that Jiangshan was unharmed and was smiling at her.

"Uncle Jiang!" Lu Ling choked hoarsely.

Jiangshan saw Lu Ling's red eyes and felt distressed. Without waiting for her to ask, he stepped forward to explain.

"Boss, we all misunderstood before. That corpse demon grandfather is actually the good grandson of Zhao Zuzong. He didn't hurt me."

What good grandson, what ancestor, Lu Ling didn't quite understand.

But the only thing she understood was that Jiangshan was not dead.

Soon, Lu Ling's eyes dimmed again.

Jiang Shan saw something and asked, "Boss, did something happen?"

"Uncle Jiang, Second Brother Lin is dead. It was my mistake. In order to harvest more sugarcane, I...!"

Lu Ling no longer had the strength to cry and was shaking violently.

Jiang Shan felt like he was struck by lightning when he heard this!

It was just like Lin Gang's feelings for him.

In this bleak end of the world, the person he cared about most was also Lin Gang!

Jiang Shan stood there, and his whole body was sluggish.

Seeing this, Lu Ling felt more guilty. She lowered her head, looked at her toes, and opened her eyes wide.

Then bean-sized tears fell from her eyes...

"Boss, don't be too sad. It was the zombies who killed him!" After a long while, Jiang Shan whispered to comfort Lu Ling.

"Who hasn't had people die around them in the apocalypse?"

"I saw with my own eyes that my wife and children were burned to death in a fire, and after the meteor shower ended, they turned into zombies."

"The people I once loved... were blood relatives and best friends."

"There were benefactors who had helped him, and there were girls who had secretly slept with him...!"

All of them disappeared in memory with the apocalypse.

Now, it's just one more loss!

Jiang Shan knew that the real leader of the camp had always been himself.

Lu Ling was just a little girl who hadn't graduated yet.

No matter how strong her superpowers were, she was only twenty-one years old after all.

If it weren't for the apocalypse, she would still be just a little girl who would hide and cry when her classmates scolded her.

Before the apocalypse, her parents were in high positions, her family was wealthy, and she was loved by everyone.

After the apocalypse, it was Jiang Shan who personally recommended her to be the leader!

One was to keep this SS-level superpower for the camp!

The other was because the camp needed a sword!

A sword that can resist the zombie king and intimidate other survivors in the camp!

Jiang Shan did not expect that Lu Ling would really stay in the camp.

She was willing to accompany them and live a life where they could not even eat enough mutant sorghum...

"Uncle Jiang, I killed Brother Lin, am I so stupid, so stupid?"

Lu Ling whispered: "Why did I get SS-level superpowers? A stupid girl like me is not worthy of it at all!"

"Leader, you just haven't grown up yet." Jiang Shan whispered.

"You have been given SS-level superpowers since the beginning of the apocalypse!"

"You have not suffered the hardships that other survivors have suffered, so it is difficult for you to grow up."

"After you joined the camp, I gave you advice. You only need her to occasionally use the sword..."

"Leader, in the apocalypse, anyone may die at any time. It is not that you are strong, smart, and calculating, so you can't escape."

Jiang Shan sighed: "If one day even I die, please don't be sad, lead everyone in the camp to survive!"

"Uncle Jiang, I am afraid that I can't protect them well."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, they can't survive!"

Jiang Shan squeezed out a smile: "If it weren't for you, the boss, Lin Gang and I would have died long ago."

"Uncle Jiang, do you really not blame me?"

Jiang Shan looked at the Fengxing Sword in her hand: "Look, Lin Gang gave his beloved weapon to you, the boss, in the end. Did he ever blame you?"

Lu Ling nodded, but she didn't feel good at all.

Jiang Shan sighed again. After all, she was just a girl.

No matter how he taught or packaged it.

Lu Ling seemed destined to never become a qualified leader!

"Zhao Yin, a total of 1541 corpse crystals were harvested, all of which were C-level!"

Ning Yue handed the space ring to Zhao Yin.

Including the zombies that Lu Ling had killed before, the corpse crystals are all here.

Zhao Yin took it and directly transferred all the corpse crystals into his own space ring, then returned the ring to Ning Yue and asked.

"Have you found Lin Gang's ring?"

"Xiaodao and the others are looking for it."

Ning Yue said: "There was nothing left where Lin Gang died before. The ring should have been swallowed by the zombies."

At this time, Song Xiaodao and Tudan were both releasing their superpowers.

The violent wind swept across the land and blew away the ashes left by the corpse.

After the wind, the ground was exposed to the flames that had burned through the ground, leaving it bare.


Song Xiaodao quickly found a space ring and picked it up happily.

Then she came over and handed it to Zhao Yin: "Zhao Yin, look, I found it."

"Very good, Xiaodao, you have been doing things very reliably recently." Zhao Yin praised and looked down.

Soon, he was disappointed.

In Lin Gang's space ring, he had seeds for all the crops before.

Including sugar cane, Zhou Lili and her sister had already gone to harvest it.

As for other items, none of them were worth his attention.

Zhao Yin simply returned them to Lu Ling: "Chief Lu!"

"Thank you, Brother Zhao!"

Lu Ling held the space ring in both hands, her eyes red.

Lin Gang died without even a bone residue left, this was his only relic in the world.

"Brother Zhao, you saved my life and found Brother Lin's space ring for me. I will definitely repay you." Lu Ling said.

"There's no need to repay, just take me back to the camp and get those crop seeds back!" Zhao Yin said.

What a joke, this woman is a jinx.

When he gets the seeds, he will leave immediately and will never have too much contact with her.


On the other side, outside the camp.

Xiaohui and more than 20 people appeared in front of the gate.

"They are back!" Someone shouted from the sentry tower.

Soon, the gate opened, and all the survivors in the camp came out to greet them.

There were thousands of people, and a group of evolvers were at the front.

"Brother Hui!" "Brother Hui!"


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