Night gradually fell, and Zhao Yin had no intention of stopping.

Before the end of the world, some people said that hard work would not necessarily lead to wealth, but after the end of the world, only hardworking people could survive.

Until late at night, Zhao Yin took Song Xiaodao and the little monkey out of the city and approached the destination. The zombies gradually became scarce.

The ruins of the city were no longer in front of him. The barren farmland burned by fire was bumpy and desolate. Occasionally, zombies wandered around aimlessly.

They seemed tireless, and their extremely bloodthirsty nature drove them like a perpetual motion machine that never stopped.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

In the previous life, some people speculated that it was the mysterious power brought by meteorites from outer space that replenished the energy of zombies.

"Zhao Yin, don't we rest?" Song Xiaodao was already panting, and every step was extremely difficult.

Tiredness replaced her initial fear of zombies.

"Rest when we get to the village ahead." Zhao Yin drew his bow and arrow, whoosh!

A zombie in the distance was shot in the head.

The little monkey raised a steel stick and smashed a zombie's head with it, then the man and the monkey continued to walk forward without even looking at it.

Song Xiaodao could only cheer up and quickly dig out the two corpse crystals, jogging to catch up with Zhao Yin, wiping the corpse crystals and handing them to him.

Zhao Yin took the corpse crystals and crushed them directly.

[Human male, awakened person with superpowers, F-level evolver, evolution degree 100/6.42: strength 15, agility 17, physical strength 13, spirit 24, talent B-level shooting, life countdown: 30074 days]

If he continues at this pace, Zhao Yin will become an E-level evolver in at most ten days.

The life countdown has been extended to more than 30,000 days!

Finally, a ruin appeared at the end of the field, which was the village Zhao Yin was looking for.

In the village full of ruins, a small rural western-style building that was intact stood alone in the center.

Like Zhao Yin's villa, this was a surviving building.

In the night, Zhao Yin saw from afar a towering tree swaying in the wind in front of the gate of the small western-style building, and the air nearby seemed to be much fresher.

"Zhao Yin, there is a house over there!" Song Xiaodao immediately pointed at the small western-style building and said.

Zhao Yin also smiled, and all his fatigue was swept away: "Let's go, there is food over there."

The little girl and the monkey were shocked when they heard that there was food, and they hurried to follow Zhao Yin.

When they arrived in front of the villa, Zhao Yin suddenly stopped and raised his hand to hold the little monkey who had rushed in front: "Wait!"

The little monkey was grabbed by the tail and pulled back by the owner, looking up at Zhao Yin in confusion.

At this moment.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The quiet world instantly boiled up, and countless corpse roars broke out from the small western-style building, breaking the quiet night.

The door was suddenly knocked open, and dozens of zombies rushed out.

"Retreat, quick, Xiaodao, run!"

Zhao Yin roared, and immediately drew his bow and arrows. After a few sounds of arrows cutting through the air, he shot the heads of several zombies in front.

The zombies behind seemed endless. A small rural building that was not too big actually rushed out of one or two hundred zombies.

And these zombies all had evolutionary degrees. Two of them had reached F level, and their speed was not much slower than Zhao Yin, the evolver.

Zhao Yin had no time to think about why these zombies evolved so quickly and why they hid in that small building. After shooting a few arrows, he turned around and started running wildly.

If he was surrounded by this group of zombies, he might not die on the spot, but as long as he was scratched and bitten by the zombies, he would be infected.

He now only had a can of tuna that could resist the zombie virus. It was not worth it for these zombies.

Song Xiaodao's two short legs couldn't run fast at all, and she cried loudly in fear, but the more she cried, the more zombies she attracted.

At this time, the little monkey grabbed Song Xiaodao and ran forward by her collar.

"Monkey, let go of Song Xiaodao and kill those two F-level zombies!" Zhao Yin ordered loudly behind him.

He asked Song Xiaodao to run first, not the monkey.

What was it, an F-level mutant beast, afraid of?

While shouting, Zhao Yin turned around and started shooting arrows, whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three more arrows were shot out in succession.

The two F-level zombies seemed to have awakened some wisdom in their previous lives and quickly hid in the zombie group.

However, Zhao Yin's arrows were not aimed at them at all, and the three ordinary zombies in front were accurately shot in the head.

At this time, the zombie group approached a distance of more than ten meters. Zhao Yin did not dare to fight and turned around to continue running forward.

"Monkey, what the hell are you wasting on?"

Seeing that the master was fighting alone, he threw away Song Xiaodao and his body expanded rapidly, turning into a huge monster covered with golden hair in the blink of an eye.


The little monkey snorted, slightly distinguished the F-level zombies mentioned by the master, and suddenly rushed forward with big strides.

The zombies did not know what fear was. Seeing that flesh and blood life was rushing towards them, they immediately gave up chasing Zhao Yin and all surrounded the little monkey.

Zhao Yin's pressure was relieved, and he turned around and saw that the giant little monkey was already surrounded.

It waved the steel rod in its hand, and every time it hit, a zombie fell to the ground, but there were too many zombies, and soon it was surrounded by water. Countless hands grabbed the thick fur of the little monkey, and some zombies opened their mouths to bite...

Soon, the monkey was covered in blood.

The two F-level zombies, who had just begun to gain wisdom, seemed to understand the horror of mutant beasts of the same level. They actually knew to rush to Zhao Yin while other zombies were surrounding the monkey.

Zhao Yin narrowed his eyes: "Do you think I'm a soft persimmon?"

[Female zombie, F-level, evolution 100/2.3, strength 22, agility 15, spirit 2]

[Male zombie, F-level, evolution 100/52, strength 24, agility 16, spirit 2.3]

It seems that they were a middle-aged couple in their lifetime, and they should be farmers in this village.

The agility of the two zombies almost caught up with Zhao Yin, the evolver, and their strength was much higher than Zhao Yin, and even their spirit had evolved.


Zhao Yin shot two arrows, one of which was aimed at the female zombie's head, but it dodged flexibly and the arrow pierced its chest, while the arrow shot at the male zombie did not even hurt a hair.

The two zombies have closed the distance again, and now they are less than ten meters away from Zhao Yin.

"Zhao Yin, run!" Song Xiaodao behind him also stopped and saw the two zombies approaching Zhao Yin, which were obviously several times faster than other zombies, and shouted anxiously.

Zhao Yin stood there motionless, and the compound bow suddenly disappeared, and a revolver appeared in his hand.

The two zombies had no idea what the black lump was. Seeing Zhao Yin take the initiative to put away the bows and arrows that attacked them, they moved faster.

Bang bang!

The muzzle sprayed dazzling sparks, and the two zombies were one after the other, as if time was frozen there.

There was a bullet hole between their eyebrows.

Then they fell straight down.

Then, Zhao Yin put away his pistol and used the bow and arrow again, and together with the little monkey, he dealt with the remaining zombies.

Song Xiaodao was stunned: "He, his gun is so powerful!"


The little monkey smashed the head of the last zombie with a stick, and its huge body quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye it became the skinny monkey cub, standing there gasping for breath.

The previous battle almost squeezed out its strength, and Zhao Yin, who was standing beside it, was also slightly out of breath. Although he was not as desperate as the little monkey, this high-intensity shooting was also extremely physically exhausting.

"Well done." Zhao Yin stepped over the corpses, came to the little monkey, and patted its head with his hand.

The little monkey's depressed expression instantly cheered up, and it kept squeaking. Zhao Yin sensed with his heart that it was telling how dangerous it was just now and how brave it was, all for protecting its master.

Zhao Yin generously took out twenty compressed biscuits at a time, opened one and chewed it, and gave the rest to the little monkey: "Eat it, it's your reward."

The little monkey happily held the biscuits and circled around Zhao Yin several times: "Master, I will definitely work harder in the future."

At this time, Song Xiaodao widened her eyes, even forgetting her shock at Zhao Yin and the little monkey's strength, staring at the compressed biscuits in the little monkey's hand without blinking.


She couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

For a few days, Song Xiaodao only accompanied Wang Quan to eat a small half bowl of rotten meat rice porridge. At this time, the fragrance of compressed biscuits came, and the strong feeling of hunger almost occupied every part of her body.

Zhao Yin didn't mean to give her food, pointing to the two F-level zombies and said: "I will do these two myself, and you will deal with the other zombies. Eat after you finish your work."

Song Xiaodao also knew that she was the most useless one in this team of two people and one beast.

But Song Xiaodao1 couldn't help but say: "Can you finish eating and then work?"

"No!" Zhao Yin refused.

He stuffed the compressed biscuits in his hand into his mouth, and then walked towards the bodies of the two F-level zombies with the Tang sword.

Crack, crack!

Just like cutting a watermelon, the two knives cut open the zombies' heads. The Tang sword moved back and forth, and soon found two corpse crystals and two star crystals.

He smiled, and he knew that the current F-level zombies must have star crystals in their bodies.

They can evolve so fast, only the power of star crystals can do it.

After absorbing the two corpse crystals, the evolution degree increased by two percentage points.

Equivalent to two hundred ungraded corpse crystals.

What Zhao Yin cares more about are the two star crystals.

There was no star crystal income all day today, and these are the only two!

I hope I can have good luck!

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