When Song Xiaodao heard this, he remembered what his brother had said a few days ago.

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The brother said that if he was no longer around, if he was lucky enough to meet this bad guy, he would let her follow him and obey his orders.

My brother also said that only by following such people can we survive.

"I won't leave, and I'm not afraid either." Song Xiaodao said tremblingly.


At this moment, Wang Quan, who had just died, suddenly let out a corpse roar. Then, his back twisted in a strange posture, and he stood up straight from the ground.

Wang Quan's empty abdominal cavity was filled with blood, and a piece of intestine was dragged on the ground. His dead fish-like eyes immediately spotted Song Xiaodao not far away.


"Uncle! It...it's alive!"

Song Xiaodao was frightened and ran towards Zhao Yin desperately.

"It just turned into a zombie."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he took out the butterfly knife and handed it to Song Xiaodao: "Go and kill it."

Song Xiaodao originally planned to hide behind Zhao Yin, but he was stunned when he heard this.

Zhao Yin just said that he would let her kill zombies with her own hands in the future.

She thought it was far away, but she didn't expect that she would do it now.

"I...I'm afraid, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill it."

"The movements of a newly awakened zombie are stiff. If you can kill it, it will give you a good practice. When you encounter zombies that need to be dealt with alone in the future, you will have the experience to save your life."

There was no doubt in Zhao Yin's eyes, and he held out the butterfly knife again: "Go, I won't say it a second time."

Song Xiaodao took the butterfly knife, gritted his teeth, and faced the zombie that Wang Quan had turned into, gradually seeing its appearance clearly.

His nose and eyes had been eaten by the zombies just now, the blood all over his body was still red, and the fishy smell could be smelled a few meters away.

More disgusting than the smell of a slaughterhouse.


'Wang Quan' let out another zombie roar and sped up to rush towards Song Xiaodao. However, most of the muscles and meridians of the newly awakened zombie's body had been eaten away. There was no time to recover, and the speed was not much faster than a snail.

Song Xiaodao's whole body felt weak, and he barely managed to avoid its attack.

"Go around behind it and stab it in the back of the head." Zhao Yin shouted.

Song Xiaodao gritted his teeth and became ruthless. He instinctively followed Zhao Yin's advice and took advantage of his small size to get around Wang Quan's armpit. When he got behind him, he raised his knife and stabbed him.

She actually didn't let her miss the mark!

puff! The entire blade of the butterfly knife, which was as sharp as clay, sank into the back of the zombie's head.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Quan fell down.

Song Xiaodao was shaking like chaff, staring blankly at the scene in front of him, as if he still couldn't believe that he had killed a terrifying zombie.

If Zhao Yin hadn't forced her, she would never have dared to use the knife even if it was a zombie that had just woken up, and she would have to be bitten to death by the zombie in the end.

She suddenly felt grateful to Zhao Yin.

Only then did I realize that monsters can actually be killed and are not as scary as imagined.

Soon, Song Xiaodao bent over and vomited. Wang Quan's blood was still hot, and the breeze carried the smell of blood, brains, and viscera.

There were three more zombies wandering not far away. Zhao Yin drew his bow and arrow, swish, swish!

A few arrows hit the heads of three zombies. He frowned and stared at Song Xiaodao: "Go to work."

Song Xiaodao thought that he was going to pull out his brain, and he vomited even more violently. He stood up and walked toward the zombies while vomiting.

The twelve-year-old girl's thin body trembled.

She dug out three corpse crystals and held them together with the brains in front of Zhao Yin: "Uncle, is this it?"

Zhao Yin handed over a rag: "In the future, you must remember that every time you dig out a corpse crystal, you must wipe it clean before handing it to me."

Song Xiaodao looked up at Zhao Yin, this guy also hates brain matter?


She pouted, then carefully wiped the three corpse crystals until they were spotless, then raised her hand and handed it to Zhao Yin: "Uncle, here it is."

Zhao Yin crushed the three corpse crystals directly in front of her and absorbed them.


Song Xiaodao stared at him with a hint of curiosity on his face.

That little monkey from before could grow or shrink at will! The things in his hands suddenly disappeared or appeared! And now when the corpse crystal is crushed, a faint white light will emit!

Everything is mysterious, like a miracle before the end of the world.

However, Zhao Yin did not explain to her, and Song Xiaodao was smart enough not to ask.

When Zhao Yin opened his eyes, he looked at his body.

[Human male, power awakener, F-level evolver, evolution degree 100/1.76: strength 15, agility 17, physical strength 13, spirit 24, talent B-level shooting, life countdown: 29953 days]

After killing zombies for a day, Zhao Yin's evolution level increased to 1.76 percent. At this rate, he would become an E-level evolver in less than two months.

For other survivors, if they could have Zhao Yin's speed, they would be able to laugh out of their dreams.

But Zhao Yin was not satisfied. He knew that those zombies were blessed by nature. If he wanted to go further, he must not be left behind by the zombies.

However, the countdown to life has increased by another month.

"Uncle, when you first came here, did you meet a boy? He was as tall as you, about sixteen or seventeen years old. He was my brother Song Xiaojian!" Song Xiaodao suddenly asked.

Zhao Yin immediately thought of the 'brave' young man who caused the group of corpses.

"I've seen him, he's dead." Zhao Yin nodded and said.

Song Xiaodao stood there, tears welling up in his eyes. Even though he had been mentally prepared, deep sadness still quickly filled his heart.

Song Xiaojian died for her.

From then on, she no longer had a brother in this world, and she lost her last relative.

After a while.

"Where did he get into trouble? Can you take me to see it?" Song Xiaodao begged.

She was still very afraid of Zhao Yin, but for her brother, she couldn't care less.

"He turned into a zombie, who knows where he wandered?"

Zhao Yin frowned and speculated: "If you want to kill him and bury him, I can go there on the way. If I meet him, I will help you bury him. If I don't meet him, I won't delay for such a small matter."

Song Xiaodao didn't expect Zhao Yin to actually agree to it, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you uncle, if I don't meet him, I won't embarrass you."

Zhao Yin touched his stubble, and suddenly his face sank: "Don't call me uncle in the future!"

Every time he heard her call him uncle, Zhao Yin wanted to slap her to death.

He was only in his early twenties.

"Big... then what should I call you? Can I call you big brother?" Song Xiaodao had received seven years of compulsory education before the end of the world, so he still knew basic manners.

Who knew that Zhao Yin's face became even gloomier.

In this life, he would never be someone else's adoptive father or big brother again.

"My name is Zhao Yin."

After saying this coldly, Zhao Yin walked forward.

He deliberately avoided the direction where he saw Song Xiaojian.

Even if Song Xiaojian was still alive, Zhao Yin would not save him.

In a man's life, the two guys he should be most wary of are Xiao Zi and his brother-in-law.

He didn't know anything about Song Xiaojian, so it was impossible for him to bring another burden.

So many people died in the end of the world, so why couldn't Song Xiaojian die?

Zhao Yin continued to move forward, killing zombies when he met them. Now that he had long-range weapons, he could kill them together with the little monkey even if he met a small group of zombies.

With Song Xiaodao's help in collecting corpse crystals, Zhao Yin's evolution was rapidly improving.

"…Evolution degree 100/1.83…"

"…Evolution degree 100/2.51…"

"…Evolution degree 100/3.78…"

Of course, the direction Zhao Yin went was not without purpose.

He remembered that in his previous life, there was a mutated chestnut tree in the suburbs south of Gwangju City.

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