At this time, most of the zombies in the forbidden area have already fled, and the few remaining ones are still running wildly outside the forbidden area.

Perhaps, they were imprisoned here by some force before, and now they are free from restraint and leave quickly.

Or perhaps, it was all because the zombie king was killed by Zhao Yin, and they wanted to go outside the forbidden area to find a new king.

Or perhaps, just because the zombie king died and the fog dissipated, the zombies panicked and instinctively wanted to escape...

What is the specific reason?

Zhao Yin couldn't figure it out for a while.

He picked up the gust of wind gun and chased fiercely, trying to kill as many zombies as possible before they dispersed.

During this period of time, it is difficult to encounter C-level corpse crystals from the outside world, and Zhao Yin wants to collect as many as possible.

All people and beasts started their full speed. Finally, after half an hour, there was no zombie in the forbidden area.

Zhao Yin sorted out the corpse crystals.

The harvest just now plus the previous accumulation, 87782 E-level corpse crystals, 3171 D-level corpse crystals, 2845 C-level corpse crystals, and 1 B-level corpse crystal!

There is still a long way to go before a contracted beast can be promoted to A-level.

The higher the level of all life and pseudo-life in the apocalypse, the more difficult it is to be promoted.

The higher the level of all treasures, the rarer they are, just like Zhao Yin has not opened a bottle of C-level evolution potion until now.

Zhao Yin remembered that in the second year of his previous life, ordinary zombies evolved to B-level.

But after reaching B-level, if zombies want to continue to evolve, they need to devour the flesh and blood of advanced evolvers or advanced mutant beasts.

Advanced evolvers are rare, and mutant beasts are even harder to find.

Therefore, most zombies that reach B-level often stay for a few years and cannot evolve again.

This also caused the zombies to riot. Under the leadership of the zombie king, they massacred human evolvers and mutant beasts.

In the end, only a small part of humanity survived...

Only zombies and zombie kings that had devoured star crystals could continue to evolve without flesh and blood.

Zhao Yin put away these thoughts.

He was now ahead of most evolvers, so he didn't need to worry too much.

"Xiaobai, come here." Zhao Yin ordered.

Xiaobai came over immediately, and knowing what his master was going to do, he immediately crawled on the ground.

Zhao Yin rode on Xiaobai and ordered it to fly low in the forbidden area.

His eyes quickly swept over the previously unexplored area, carefully, without leaving an inch of land.

Soon, he found another large piece of rice, about 5,000 plants.

Zhao Yin immediately asked people to go and harvest, and he continued to search with Xiaobai.


Three hours ago, Lu Ling led Xiaohui and the other two out of the forbidden area.

Lin Gang and others were still in the forbidden area, so Lu Ling stayed at the entrance of the valley waiting.

When it was getting dark, people finally walked out of the valley one after another, and almost everyone was carrying mutant crops.

Some people found mutant rice, some found mutant sorghum, and one person found a mutant sugarcane.

But everyone had sadness on their faces.

Previously, more than 50 people formed a total of eight teams.

Including Lu Ling's team, only four teams came out at this time.

Originally, a team had at least five people, but when they came out, only one or two people were left in most teams.

Three hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Including Lu Ling herself, there were only ten people who walked out of the forbidden area.

The sky was completely dark, and Lu Ling's red eyes gradually showed anxiety.

Why didn't Lin Gang come out either?

"With the strength of Second Brother Lin, it is impossible that he can't come out!" Lu Ling clenched her fists.

Jiangshan was destroyed by her, and eight out of ten people will not survive.

If there is no Lin Gang, she doesn't know how the camp will develop in the future.

Lu Ling never thought that one day the burden of the entire camp would be on her shoulders alone.

In the past, Jiangshan arranged everything in an orderly manner. When encountering troubles, Lin Gang would solve them. As a leader, she often only needed to draw her sword at the critical moment, and she didn't need to care about anything else.

At this moment, Lu Ling's heart was very flustered.

"Leader, look, these poisonous fogs...!" Xiaohui suddenly pointed to the valley and widened his eyes.

"How is it possible?" Lu Ling was also incredible: "How could it suddenly dissipate?"

This forbidden area has always existed since the end of the world, and she didn't know what happened.

At this moment, more than a dozen familiar figures appeared in the gradually thinning poisonous fog.

"Boss, I'm back!" It was Lin Shan's voice.

Obviously he was very happy. In the past few hours, he saved more than a dozen subordinates.

After the zombies on this side were transferred away by the zombie king, Lin Shan took the opportunity to collect a lot of crops with his subordinates.

His space ring was full.

In addition to the twelve evolvers brought back by Lin Shan, twenty-two of the fifty evolvers survived.

It was much better than expected.

When Lu Ling saw Lin Shan, tears immediately fell down. She squatted down, covered her face with her hands, and sobbed.

Lin Shan was stunned: "Boss, there are no immortals in the end times, let alone such a dangerous mission. They were all ready to die before entering the forbidden area. Why are you crying for such a thing?"

People died every day in the camp.

Some people died of malnutrition and starvation, and some died of poisoning after eating spoiled food.

After all, they didn't have many mutant crops before, and a group of evolvers needed to be fed.

But Lu Ling often cries about this kind of thing.

In Lin Shan's opinion, more than 20 evolvers died, but tens of thousands of kilograms of mutant crops were obtained, and there was Zhao Yin's previous promise, which was already a good deal.

Lu Ling cried even harder when she heard this.

"Second Brother Lin, Uncle Jiang is dead. I killed him, woooo!"

After Jiang Shan got into trouble, Lu Ling recalled that the zombie was different from other zombies. If she hadn't used that sword.

Maybe the little zombie wouldn't have paid attention to them!

Lin Gang didn't come back to his senses for a long time after hearing this: "Third Master... is he dead too?"

Other evolvers died, Lin Gang could not care, but Jiang Shan was different.

Not only was Jiang Shan a superpower in the camp, but he was also a think tank. Lin Gang had been with Jiang Shan since the beginning of the apocalypse, and then he met Lu Ling...

It can be said that Lin Gang's feelings for Jiang Shan were deeper than anyone else.

"Second Brother Lin, hit me, you'll feel better if you hit me." Lu Ling raised her beautiful face, tears streaming down her face.

Lin Gang laughed miserably, trembling all over, and couldn't stop crying.

After a long while, he said hoarsely.

"Why can others die, but San Ye can't?"

"This road was chosen by San Ye himself, so how can you blame the boss?"

"Hehe... Now that we have tens of thousands of kilograms of mutant food, Brother Zhao will soon teach us how to ripen crops. San Ye will definitely be happy if he is in heaven."

"He always hoped that fewer people would die in the camp. Now he must be very happy, he must be very happy, hehe...!"

Lin Gang smiled, tears falling down in big drops.

All the evolvers were silent.

A few minutes later, Lu Ling was still crying, but Lin Shan was the first to calm down.

"Boss, take this." He took out one of the two space rings in his hand and handed it to Lu Ling: "This space ring belongs to Xiao Xu. He sacrificed himself, and I use the ring to hold mutant crops."

"I saw earlier that the poisonous fog in the forbidden area was about to dissipate. Now it must be much easier to go in and find crops. You take these crops back first and let everyone have a full meal. I will be back later."

"Second Brother Lin, do you still want to go in?" Lu Ling wiped a tear.

"Third Master can't die in vain. If we find one more crop, we can exchange more supplies with Brother Zhao." Lin Gang said.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the fog again.

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