At this moment, Zhao Yin vaguely understood something.

This kind of thing is only suitable for zombies and corpse demons to absorb, and it seems to have no effect on humans.

He called Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue to try it.

Soon he found that the two women, like Zhao Yin, could not absorb any energy.

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Then, Zhao Yin called six more mutant beasts.

The result was still the same!

None of the mutant beasts could absorb energy.

Zhao Yin's eyes fell on the face of the corpse demon, looking at his silly expression, his heart was complicated.

Zhao Yin hoped that any person or beast in the team could grow quickly.

But this corpse demon was the only one that was different.

Although, now with the restriction of the slave collar, the corpse demon also behaved very smoothly.

But every time Zhao Yin thought of the two female corpse demons, he still felt like there was a thorn in his heart.

If the corpse demon grows to a certain level in the future, it may enter the eyes of that existence.

If Zhao Yin himself does not grow to that level, what will be the consequences?

Will the other people let him go if he enslaves his own people?

Therefore, before Zhao Yin grows up, at least he cannot let the corpse demon grow to that level!

If a man does not think about the future, he will have immediate worries!

At this moment, Zhao Yin thought of a lot.

In fact, he has thought of a better way to use this crystal.

Pseudo-mutant beasts and corpse demons are actually the same physique, both of which are mutants produced after being eroded by the zombie virus.

If the corpse demon can use it, the pseudo-mutant beast may also be able to use it!

Moreover, in this forbidden area, the mutant crops have a better living environment than the outside world. Zhao Yin suspects that it is also related to this crystal.

If the crystal is placed in the life space, will the crops also grow faster?

At worst, throwing this crystal with extraordinary energy into the boundary wall can also upgrade the life space.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yin immediately put the crystal away.


The corpse demon was a little shocked. He thought that after the master finished the research, he would use it for himself!

"Master has not studied it thoroughly yet. My dear grandson, remember that unknown things may be dangerous. The energy it allows you to absorb may be the honey before the poison. Sooner or later, it will poison you to death. Do you know?" Zhao Yin warned seriously.

The dead fish eyes of the corpse demon immediately showed fear: "Master!"

He hugged Zhao Yin's arm tightly, like a child seeking protection from an adult.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and patted the corpse demon's head.

At this time, Song Xiaodao and his two daughters and six mutant beasts also followed in.

"Search carefully to see if there are any treasures." Zhao Yin ordered.

All people and beasts acted immediately.

Every inch of dust in the 'hall' was turned up by them, but in the end, nothing was found.

Then, Zhao Yin led the team into the mouth of the skull, where the accumulated soil was thicker.

After searching for a while, all people and animals were covered in mud, but no treasures were found.

"The owner of the skull was killed by other lives, and the valuable treasures were looted at that time." Zhao Yin said darkly.

It was the luck of this forbidden land to leave a piece of corpse crystal fragment.

Now, it has become Zhao Yin's luck.

The skull itself still has some energy, but after being absorbed by the forbidden land, it is now decayed.

Finally, Zhao Yin found the only tooth on the gums of the skull.

After the Eye of Insight looked at it, it was found that there was still a "small amount" of extraordinary matter left, instead of the whole skull, which had "weak" extraordinary matter left.

Song Xiaodao chopped a few times with the Blood Evil Sword, but found that he couldn't cut it.

Zhao Yin directly put the tooth into the life space.

He cut off another piece of palatine bone, the size of the house, whether it was useful or not, put it away first.

As for moving the whole skull away, Zhao Yin didn't do that because it was too big.

Anyway, no one else could move it away, and if it was found to be really useful in the future, he could come back at any time.

After doing all this, the cave was no longer valuable, and Zhao Yin led all the people and beasts to leave the cave.

At this time, Song Xiaodao suddenly screamed.

"Zhao Yin, look!"

Zhao Yin looked at the whole forbidden area, and the thick fog was dissipating rapidly.

Zhao Yin didn't know where the poisonous fog came from. In fact, all the previous guesses were just guesses!

But he had never heard of the dissipation of a forbidden area!

I don't know what it means!

Zhao Yin turned around and looked at the other side of the core of the forbidden area, which was the opposite direction from when he came.

The zombies there did not besiege Zhao Yin before. There were about 20,000 to 30,000. As the thick fog dissipated, they were so dense that there was no end in sight.

There were at least more than 10,000 C-level!

Seven or eight thousand D-level, five or six thousand E-level.

At this moment, as the thick fog dissipated, all the zombies were like crazy and began to scatter.

The direction in which a group of zombies moved was exactly here in Tushan.

Without the restraint of the zombie king, they passed through the core area and moved quickly to the other side.

"Zhao Yin, do you want to go down and kill the zombies?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Zhao Yin shook his head: "There are not many compressed biscuits and D-level healing potions left. Wait a while and let some of the zombies disperse first."

There are too many zombies here, and they are too strong.

Choosing to start a war at this time will inevitably lead to being surrounded like before.

The pseudo-mutants are going to fight again, consuming the few healing potions!

And the zombies here are too strong, and the mutants also need to consume a lot of compressed biscuits and iced black tea.

Otherwise, even B-level mutants will find it difficult to avoid being injured under the siege of countless super C-level zombies!

Moreover, the zombies in the forbidden area do not produce star crystals, which is a loss-making business. Zhao Yin has to keep more than 100 pieces of compressed biscuits in his hand to deal with unknown crises at any time...

"You can't use up all the extraordinary materials that save your life for corpse crystals!"

Zhao Yin stayed on the mountainside, watching the corpses below quickly disintegrate.

The corpses are like ant nests, densely packed, moving quickly, and then disappearing at the edge of the forbidden area...

At the same time, the fog gradually faded, and finally, it was no different from ordinary haze.

"Go down, kill the zombies, and take the corpse crystals!" Zhao Yin finally ordered.

Most of the zombies have dispersed, and now is his chance to kill them.

After Zhao Yin went down the mountain, he waved his hand to summon all the pseudo-mutants.


A bolt of lightning descended, paralyzing a C-level zombie in front, and then Zhao Yin ordered loudly: "Kill!"

At this moment, all the contracted beasts no longer had any scruples and immediately dispersed to chase and kill.

Song Xiaodao still rode Xiaobai, Ning Yue rode Laohei, and both contracted beasts had the ability of extreme speed, and instantly turned into afterimages.

The two women led the two contracted beasts and rushed into the nearest group of zombies.

After the group of zombies was frozen, a wind blade attacked and cut the zombies' heads.

The ice mist and wind blade cooperated with each other to kill the zombies very quickly.

All the contracted beasts each chose a group of zombies to chase and kill.

Even if it was a pseudo-mutant beast, it was easy to kill a C-level zombie at this time.

For a moment, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Zhao Yin held the gust of wind gun, activated the swift ability, and shuttled through the group of zombies at a high speed. With every shot, a zombie's head was smashed.

Originally, he only wanted to kill the C-level zombies, but after the D-level and E-level zombies found him, they all turned around and rushed over frantically, and Zhao Yin had to kill them one by one...

After more than ten minutes, all the zombies that broke into the core of the forbidden area were killed.

Zhao Yin summoned the four people in the life space, and after letting the little monkey burn the corpse, except for the old cow, all the people, beasts, and corpse demons began to collect corpse crystals.

Five minutes later, the corpse crystals were collected.

205 E-level, 346 D-level, 548 C-level!

"Zhao Yin, do you want to kill back?" Song Xiaodao looked at the direction of the coming direction.

Zhao Yin shook his head and looked in the opposite direction: "Kill over there, and after solving the zombies in the forbidden area, go there to search for mutant crops."

Zhao Yin had not explored that side before.

Song Xiaodao heard this and remembered the real purpose of this place.

Compared with corpse crystals, Zhao Yin, who has a life space, cares most about mutant crops.

For example, golden silk fruit, silver skin fruit... are all hard to find in the outside world.

Now that we have come to the forbidden area, there is no reason not to search it thoroughly.

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