Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 203 Laughter in the End of the World

Zhao Dehai was speechless for a long time.

His mind, at this moment, was like an ocean.

Stupid? Stupid?

How can the hot blood flowing in the body become cold after living for a day?

When Zhao Yin destroyed the Asan Army Camp for them, they thought that the mission was over and everything was in the past.

They took off their military uniforms and chose to be part of the apocalypse.

They think that living is already difficult, and if their homeland is gone, who should they take responsibility for?

They think that this is the rest of their lives, this is what they should do, and they should no longer have faith or obsession from now on!

At this moment, not only Zhao Dehai, but also Liu Shun and more than thirty soldiers clenched their fists. In their hearts, it was carved in their souls... That thought was impacting their recent understanding and perseverance.

After Li Qingyang finished speaking, he picked up the bowl in front of him and drank a few drops of wine in one gulp.

"Tuan Zhao, it's time for us to leave. If there is a chance, I still hope that you can go to our camp and take a look."

"Go and have a look?"

Zhao Dehai was greatly moved and subconsciously looked at Song Xiaodao and Wu Xuegui.

At this moment, Wu Xuegui turned his back and lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Song Xiaodao said: "It will take four hours for Ning Yue to awaken her powers. It's not impossible for you to go, but you can't delay Zhao Yin's departure."

"Thank you Miss Song!"

Zhao Dehai stood up, bowed to Song Xiaodao, then turned to Liu Shun and said, "Old Liu, you all stay here, I'll go take a look and come back."

"I want to see it too!" Liu Shun said.

"Zhao Tuan, I also want to take a look." Liuzi said.

Immediately afterwards, more than thirty soldiers all expressed that they wanted to go.

"The camp is only about twenty miles away from here, so it won't take long to get back and forth." Li Qingyang said with a smile.

The young men who had their military uniform collars exposed were all very happy, like children who had received certificates and were looking forward to showing them to adults.

Zhao Dehai hesitated slightly and nodded: "Let's all go. Remember, you can't delay the boss's important matters."

After saying that, the group set off immediately.

Finally, Wu Xuegui turned around and saw that his eyes were already red.

"Xiao Dao, I also want to take a look, is it okay?" He almost said in a pleading tone.

Song Xiaodao nodded and did not stop him. He walked forward and ruthlessly took off the space ring from Wu Xuegui's hand.

"You can go, but you can't bring the ring."

Wu Xuegui smiled bitterly, understanding that the little Loli was worried that she would take the boss's things and never come back.

Wu Xuegui already understood Song Xiaodao's character. He bowed and wanted to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Wu, take these things with you. When you go to a friend's house as a guest, you must bring some gifts. Don't embarrass Zhao Yin." Song Xiaodao imitated Zhao Yin's tone and said.

She took out two cloth bags from the space ring, one full of corn kernels and the other full of chestnuts.

Wu Xuegui's face immediately showed a big smile. This was the first time Song Xiaodao saw him smiling so happily, and he was in a trance for a while.

He was not polite, bowed again, picked up two big bags, turned around and ran away.

The old lame man who was no longer lame ran happily all the way.

Under the morning light, Wu Xuegui caught up with Zhao Dehai and others and merged into a large force of seven to eight hundred people. Li Qingyang led the way. As his speed increased, a group of evolvers gradually threw away the ordinary survivors behind them.

As the distance widened, ordinary survivors were chasing after them desperately, but Li Qingyang, Wu Xuegui and others ran faster.

From a distance, Song Xiaodao saw that Zhao Dehai seemed to be twenty years younger, jumping and running with a group of young people...

The few precious hairs on Wu Xuegui's head were blown by the morning wind. He raised his legs hard and jumped in the grass...

"Commander of the Guards, Li Qingyang requests to return to the team!"

"Commander of the Guards, Wang Xueming requests to return to the team!"

"Commander of the Guards, Liu Wanchun requests...!"

"Commander of the Guards, Zhang Baisui...!"

"Fang An..." "Yu Shangjie..."

Zhao Dehai shouted: "Allow to return to the team!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Ha ha……!"

"Ha ha ha ha……!"

In the morning light, the old lame man ran to the front of the team without knowing when.

He suddenly stopped, turned around, and shouted loudly: "Lion Regiment Iron Blood Battalion, Thunder Company Sixth Class, Wu Xuegui, please return to the team!"

At this moment, the hair on Wu Xuegui's head was lifted by the strong wind, revealing his bare head, with the messy hair on both sides dancing in the wind.

"Permission to return to the team!"

"Haha..." "Hahaha...!"

Laughter echoed in the early morning, on the wasteland, in the morning wind, and spread far and wide...

It has spread to far distances!

Song Xiaodao's little face also showed a smile, and she also felt happy.

It turns out that in the apocalypse, there will still be such joyful laughter.

[Human male, power awakener, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 337, agility 356, physical strength 280, spirit 450, talent B-level shooting, life countdown: 499963 days]

Zhao Yin subconsciously opened the Eye of True Sight and found that he only had strength and agility, a few points increased due to the canned beef and yellow peaches he had eaten recently.

I just remembered that the Eye of True Seeing cannot detect SS-level abilities!

He clenched his fists and felt the changes in his body. At this time, it seemed that every cell was several times more active than before.

SS-level ability, swiftness, is the fourth ability he has activated now!

Zhao Yin directly turned on the speed, and suddenly everything in front of him seemed to slow down.

In the distance, the water waves stirred up by the fish in the pond were rippling slowly like a turtle. Beside the pond, the two sisters Zhou Lili were brushing their shoes, and their movements were also extremely slow.

Even the dust floating in the air seemed to be still.

Zhao Yin moved slightly and quickly ran out of the wooden house, appearing next to the pool in an instant.

Because his mental power far exceeds that of ordinary evolvers, he is even faster than Xiao Bai at this time!

The two sisters Zhou Lili felt a strong wind blowing by, and Zhao Yin appeared in front of them inexplicably. They were both startled.


Zhao Yin was in a good mood at this time. The two female slaves were pleased with him and he smiled at them.

The two women were stunned for a moment, and even Zhou Lili's cheeks turned red.

"Master, you...!"

"Work hard and I'll give you another chance next time you kill zombies." Zhao Yin said.

The two women were shocked, and both had the urge to cry.

They did not expect that they would really have a chance to get out of the living space in their lifetime. The two women quickly bowed to Zhao Yin to thank him.

Zhao Yin glanced at the white snow on Zhou Lili's chest, turned around and walked towards the contracted beasts.

At this time, the five contract beasts had finished digesting the silver leaves.

[Adult Sky Monkey: C-level mutant beast, strength 445, agility 475, physical strength 384, defense 457, spirit 320, bloodline talents: giantization, madness, fire control]

[Adult male lion: C-level mutant beast, strength 275, agility 290, physical strength 250, defense 295, spirit 188, blood talent: gravity field]

[Flying White Tiger: C-level mutant beast, strength 355, agility 460, stamina 368, defense 390, spirit 235, bloodline talent: extreme speed]

[Vulture King: C-level mutant beast, strength 367, agility 380, physical strength 302, defense 388, spirit 270, bloodline talent: Arrow Feathers]

[Rat King: C-level mutant beast, strength 350, agility 385, physical strength 295, defense 408, spirit 224, bloodline talent: Earth Escape]

The mental power of the five contracted beasts has grown significantly.

And with the recent consumption of B-grade turtle meat, except for the little monkey, whose comprehensive attributes have reached their peak, other contracted beasts have also grown tremendously.

However, the comprehensive attributes of the lion's hair are still the weakest. There is no way, its foundation is too bad, even if it has B-level mutant beast meat, it will not be able to make up for it all at once!

Zhao Yin set his sights on the last mutant beast, Lao Niu.

[Adult buffalo: C-level mutant beast, strength 480, agility 310, physical strength 450, defense 480, spirit 105, bloodline talents: huge strength, iron armor]

Except for the fact that Lao Niu's mental power has not been developed in any way, all other attributes are about to reach the C-level peak.

As for the pseudo-mutated beasts, Zhao Yin just glanced at them casually, and their attributes had also grown a lot.

[Mouse: Grade C, strength 267, agility 295, physical strength 142, spirit 18, mutated by zombie virus infection]

[Vulture: Grade C, strength 259, agility 305, physical strength 15, spirit 20, mutated by zombie virus infection]


The fourteen pseudo-mutated beasts are of the same level and have basically the same attributes.


"Master!" 'Master...! ’

A series of voices echoed in Zhao Yin's heart, and he nodded with satisfaction: "Let's all rest, Wang Xiaolei, and continue to take good care of the good grandson of the zombie demon!"

After giving instructions, Zhao Yin left the life space.

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