
Zhao Dehai and Liu Shun were both in a trance.

Zhao Dehai said bitterly: "You are deserters, but why aren't we deserters too?"

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The Kunlun Military Region is gone, and the entire Daxia has fallen into an unprecedented disaster. However, these soldiers who are supposed to defend their country have gone to the ends of the earth in order to survive.

Isn't that deserter?

"In the end of the world, there are no longer any regiment commanders or staff officers. In front of you, there are only two workers." Liu Shun said with a wry smile.

Compared with Zhao Dehai's loyalty, Liu Shun is calmer.

"Brothers, it is the greatest luck for everyone to survive. We are not deserters. Since the end of the world, everyone has been fighting the enemy and the zombies. We just changed the way to perform the mission!"

Although these words are a bit far-fetched, they are also somewhat reasonable.

Everyone's heavy mood finally felt better.

"Old Zhao, please sit down and chat, brothers!" Wu Xuegui took out several long benches from the space ring.

Zhao Dehai introduced Wu Xuegui to Li Qingyang and others, and the six people saluted the veteran who had retired for many years.

Wu Xuegui saw Zhao Dehai's embarrassment. He met his former subordinates, but he couldn't even take out something decent to entertain them.

"Come on, come on, the wine that the boss just gave me hasn't been drunk yet, brothers, have a taste." Wu Xuegui said, taking out the small half bowl of corn wine that he had saved and prepared to leave for Wang Xiaolei.

He carefully distributed it to the six people who had just arrived.

"I still have a small sip here." Zhao Dehai smiled and distributed the unfinished wine to the six people.

As for other food, they didn't dare to make a decision without Zhao Yin's order.

At this time, Song Xiaodao on the side just felt bored, so he took out some dry food from the space ring.

There were hot steamed buns, roasted chestnuts, and a dozen large corn cobs.

Even Song Xiaodao took out a bottle of wine that he secretly got in the life space.

"Old Zhao, are these all your former subordinates? Do you want to invite them to work for Zhao Yin?" Song Xiaodao said with a blink of an eye.

She has the eye of true vision and can see that several people are evolvers. The one called Li Qingyang is a D-level evolver and has even opened the potential of E-level.

Although Zhao Yin is no longer short of people to collect corpse crystals, since there is Da Mao, these evolvers can form combat power.

Regardless of whether Zhao Yin accepts it or not, Song Xiaodao plans to settle it for him first.

If Zhao Yin doesn't want it, there is no loss anyway.

"Work?" Li Qingyang and others were stunned.

I heard Liu Shun mention the matter of workers before, and now I finally understand something.

The five young men with military collars exposed behind him all approached Li Qingyang. Some pulled his clothes, and some quietly patted his buttocks...

"Old Li, hurry up and agree. The boss of Zhao Tuan is very powerful!"

"Old Li, look at these foods, there are fish, meat, steamed buns, and wine!"

The table that Wu Xuegui had not had time to clean up was still filled with leftovers from Zhao Yin and others. Several "deserters" were very envious.

Li Qingyang immediately showed a humble smile to Song Xiaodao: "Excuse me, can we bring more people to work for the boss?"

"Of course, but things can only be settled after Zhao Yin's consent. I just want to recruit people for him in advance. I am not sure whether he will recruit workers in the end and how many people he will recruit."

Song Xiaodao said honestly, and then asked: "How many people do you have left? Are they all evolvers?"

"Evolvers?" Li Qingyang shook his head: "We still have 30,000 people, most of them are old, weak, women and children, and only... only 60 evolvers...!"

In the end, Li Qingyang couldn't say anything more.

Even before the apocalypse, no one was willing to recruit the elderly, the weak, women and children, let alone after the apocalypse?

As expected, Song Xiaodao immediately shook his head: "Even if Zhao Yin recruits people, he will only recruit evolvers, and it is impossible to recruit so many people."

Thirty thousand people, the life space cannot accommodate them.

For Zhao Yin, these evolvers have limited combat effectiveness. They can mainly do some miscellaneous work that contracted beasts cannot do, such as the future infrastructure of the life space, such as farming...

Too many people will only become a burden to Zhao Yin.

The eyes of Li Qingyang and the five young men beside him dimmed.

Soon, Li Qingyang shook his head decisively: "Sorry, we haven't thought about working for the time being."

"Li Qingyang, think about it first!"

Liu Shun immediately glared and scolded: "Miss Song is the boss's real person, the boss will seriously consider her words, don't you want to stay and eat and drink well?"

"You don't know yet, since we followed the boss, not only have we not been starving, we can eat mutant crops every day, and we have never lost a single person!"

Being by Zhao Yin's side can be said to be the most stable place in the end times, not to mention that Zhao Yin also improves their strength from time to time!

Liu Shun was afraid that Li Qingyang and others would be angry, so he said to the other soldiers earnestly: "You all have the right to speak, agree to Miss Song, and your fate may be changed from now on!"

Several soldiers shook their heads, and someone spoke up.

"Liu, Lao Li's idea is the decision of all of us."

"Liu, Zhao, we were just joking before. In fact, we won't starve in the camp."

Li Qingyang added: "Zhao, Liu, we are very happy to see that you can find such a good boss, but everyone has their own choice. Our decision is to lead the people in the camp to survive no matter what."

Zhao Dehai remained silent on the side.

Liu Shun said nothing more.

The thirty-odd soldiers who had followed Zhao Yin also sighed. At this moment, they were facing these comrades who called themselves "deserters". Something buried deep in their hearts was surging wildly.

That title seemed to be called responsibility.

The responsibility of being a soldier!

With the arrival of the end of the world, it was buried deeper and deeper in my heart.

At this moment, it seemed to be completely awakened.

"With the six of you, plus more than fifty evolvers, can you really protect the camp of 30,000 people?" Zhao Dehai finally spoke.

"How much do you know about the end of the world? Even powerful superpowers can die at any time. What can you use to protect those people?"

"Why can't you follow the boss, improve your strength, and survive, so that you can have a chance in the future!"

Zhao Dehai asked a series of questions, as if trying to prove that his decision was right.

"Zhao Tuan!"

Li Qingyang smiled: "In the end times, even if there are terrible zombies and powerful mutant beasts, what does it matter?"

"When we survive and become stronger in the future, the people in the camp will have died long ago. Who can we soldiers protect?"

"Zhao Tuan, your decision is not wrong. In the end times, there is no right or wrong."

"We also know that we may die tomorrow, or today, and we will die faster with them, but this is our choice!"

"Just like the oath we made when we joined the army, once we chose it, there is no way back."

"I can't retreat, and I don't want to retreat. I will die without regrets!"

"Zhao Tuan!" Li Qingyang lowered his head and laughed dumbly: "We are all stupid people. People like us don't deserve to live in the end times. Living one more second is blind to God!"

"We chose the stupidest way, but he just doesn't want to regret it!"

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