Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 198 The Prototype of a Perfect World

"Zhao Yin, I still have a lot of dry food, please send me back to the living space!" Song Xiaodao said seriously.

"Don't want to eat?" Zhao Yin asked.

Song Xiaodao shook his head: "I want to evolve to C level as soon as possible!"

Zhao Yin raised his hand and fell on Song Xiaodao's shoulder, and the next moment, he returned to the life space with her.

After Song Xiaodao walked out of the wooden house nearby, Zhao Yin also walked towards a chestnut tree.

Zhao Yin took out a rat claw and dug up the soil on the ground, preparing to use the bag of cake fertilizer.

Suddenly, Zhao Yin was stunned. He dug through the soil more easily than before. Upon closer inspection, he found that the soil that used to be tight and sticky had a tendency to turn into sand.

Zhao Yin was startled and quickly walked to the cornfield nearby. He soon discovered that almost the entire living space and all the land had the appearance of desertification!

The corn that was planted seemed to have not grown for a long time, and the leaves showed signs of withering!

Zhao Yin frowned.

"There is no water shortage, so why is there desertification?"

He had never had a life space before and didn't understand why this was happening.

This is not the outside world, just a core fragment of a certain world, but its importance to Zhao Yin is self-evident!

At this moment, the pendant on his neck suddenly felt cool, and a mysterious and mysterious understanding appeared in his heart.

"Mutated crops require too much energy, and the living space is still too weak to withstand the absorption of hundreds of thousands of mutant crops!"

Therefore, the living space is withering. If Zhao Yin doesn't care, more than 200,000 corns, thousands of dandelions, crisp ears, and chestnut trees will consume all the energy and then collapse.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Zhao Yin's back. Fortunately, he discovered it early.

At this time, the living space was sending him a message, asking him to cut down most of the mutated crops immediately.

"Although I am not short of food now, it would still be a pity to cut it down!"

Zhao Yin shook his head. He also received another message. As long as the diameter of the living space is upgraded to 10,000 meters, the energy contained in the space will increase by one level.

As soon as he thought of it, Zhao Yin gave up using Baba Fertilizer immediately and walked towards a boundary wall.

He took out all the extraordinary equipment he had accumulated recently from the space ring, and threw them one by one into the gray mist inside the boundary wall!

Except for leaving a sailor suit for Ning Yue, after all the F-level to D-level equipment was thrown away, the life space increased from 4595 meters to 6398 meters!

There was still a long way to go before 10,000 meters. Zhao Yin frowned, pondered for a while, and left the life space.

"Everyone, hand over all your E-level and above equipment!" Zhao Yin directly ordered.

Everyone was stunned. Their equipment was given to them by Zhao Yin, and he said at the beginning that they could take it back at any time.

But Zhao Yin now has no shortage of low-level equipment, and no one understands why he would do this.

"Boss, have you encountered any problems?" Wu Xuegui asked boldly.

Zhao Yin briefly talked about the life space, and then said: "Don't worry, there will be better equipment in the future. After the life space is upgraded, I will assemble it for you!"

"Boss is joking. The equipment was originally yours. If you need it now, we should hand it over." Wu Xuegui said respectfully.

He was the first to take out the weapon that had once aroused the envy of Zhao Dehai and others.

Immediately afterwards, everyone handed over their equipment, including Ning Yue, who also handed over the C-level Yuanyue Ax!

No one showed any reluctance.

There are a total of 26 E-level equipment, 13 D-level equipment, and 1 C-level Yuanyue Ax!

Zhao Yin put away all his equipment and returned to the life space again.

He threw 26 pieces of E-class into the boundary wall, and the space increased by 260 meters again!

13 pieces of D-level equipment increase the space by 1,300 meters!

At this time, the direct distance to the life space reached 7958, still a difference of 2042 meters!

Next, Zhao Yin could only throw C-level equipment into the boundary wall.

A piece of C-level equipment can increase the diameter of the space by 500 meters. Including the Yuanyue Ax handed over by Ning Yue, there are three extra pieces of C-level equipment, and the diameter of the space increases to 9458 meters!

Still a difference of 542 meters!

At this moment, there is no spare equipment left that Zhao Yin can use, or that he is willing to use.

Finally, Zhao Yin gritted his teeth and took out an animal trap. Pain flashed across his face, but he still threw it into the life space.


A B-level animal trap directly added 1,000 meters in diameter to the living space, finally breaking through to 10,458 meters!

This time, the vibrations in the space were more severe than ever before!

Even Song Xiaodao, who had evolved to C level, was alarmed.

"Zhao Yin, what happened?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Zhao Yin briefly explained what happened, and the two of them watched the space vibrate side by side until half an hour later.

In Zhao Yin's mind, there was suddenly a touch of excitement.

That was the life space transmitting to him. At this moment, the light of the entire life space was a little brighter.

The line of sight is wider, and it actually feels like being in the outside world.

Suddenly, a chill came over me, it was a gust of wind blowing.

Although it was very small, Zhao Yin was still keenly aware of it.

"Zhao Yin, do you feel it? There seems to be wind!" Song Xiaodao stretched out his little hand, spread his fingers, and closed his eyes to feel it.

"In the future, our life space will not really evolve into a world, right?"

Zhao Yin was shocked. In the past, if the outside world was a living world, then the life space was like a dead world, but at this moment, the fragments of this world had a hint of life.

Zhao Yin looked up and saw that outside the boundary wall above his head, it was like a stream flowing slowly, no longer the foggy one before, but what it was, Zhao Yin couldn't understand for a while.

"Zhao Yin, do you think the energy of the life space now can make all these corns mature?" Song Xiaodao asked worriedly.

"Upgrade the space to a higher level as soon as possible, and everything will not be a problem."

Zhao Yin said: "Let's take a step back. Even if there are no such crops, the five million catties of corn in the granary are enough for us to eat for a long time. I don't believe that the life space can't be upgraded at that time!"

Song Xiaodao clenched his fist: "Zhao Yin, I am now C-level, and I can help you collect more equipment, and sooner or later upgrade our home into a complete world."

The little loli seemed to be convinced that this life space will definitely evolve into a real world in the future!

She seemed to have completely forgotten about Song Xiaojian, and her little face was full of happiness.

Zhao Yin then opened his true vision and looked at Song Xiaodao.

[Human female, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 310, agility 315, physical strength 200, spirit 150, life countdown: 489866 days]

Zhao Yin nodded: "C-level, not bad!"

He came to the largest chestnut tree, took out the manure, dug a hole and buried it.

A few seconds later, a layer of faint green fluorescence began to spread at the roots of the tree. Then, the light became stronger and stronger, rising rapidly upwards, quickly covering the trunk, branches, and even every leaf...

At the same time, the chestnut tree shrank rapidly in the green light, and the height gradually dropped to 70 meters... 60 meters... 50 meters...

20 meters... 10 meters... 5 meters...

"Zhao Yin, what's going on?"

Song Xiaodao looked at the sapling that was not much taller than Zhao Yin, and spoke anxiously. Zhao Yin frowned, and he didn't know.

In his previous life, he was just a small person after all, and he had never seen such a high thing.

"Zhao Yin, what should we do, will the chestnut tree disappear?" Song Xiaodao looked at the small tree that had shrunk to less than knee height.

"It shouldn't, it may just be a secondary mutation process...!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yin was stunned, looking at the small tree that had shrunk to less than chopstick height, still shrinking rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it became like a small grass seedling.

The speed of shrinkage is still accelerating. In the end, it is no longer even grass, but completely absorbed by the rhizome.

At this moment, only a big pit is left. At the bottom of the pit, a rhizome that is not much bigger than a little finger is half-buried in the soil.

Zhao Yin stared blankly, and Song Xiaodao also widened his eyes.

"Zhao Yin, didn't you say it won't disappear?" Song Xiaodao muttered for a long while.

Zhao Yin coughed dryly: "Isn't there still a root?"

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