Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 197: Fatty Baba and SS-level Speed ​​Ability

The last time Zhao Yin met the two female corpse demons, he had the opportunity to escape back to the life space because the dog-head hat blocked him for a moment.

Ever since the dog-head hat was damaged, Zhao Yin has always lacked a sense of security.

At this time, Zhao Yin immediately put the dog-head hat on his head, and the warmth came, and his heart was at ease.

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He couldn't wait to open the fourth corpse king star crystal.

A flash of white light passed, and in Zhao Yin's hand, a dark yellow spiral wrapped in transparent plastic wrap appeared...

Yes, a pile of feces!

Zhao Yin was stunned, making sure he was not mistaken.

"A pile of shit?"

Zhao Yin was incredible, holding the spiral to open the true vision eye.

[Poop fertilizer: Grade A, extraordinary synthetic fertilizer, efficacy promotes plant evolution, note: select a mutant crop to fertilize, complete secondary mutation]

Zhao Yin immediately became excited and almost threw it out before.

I remember that the last time I opened a bag of C-level compound fertilizer, the dandelion completed its evolution. Since then, Zhao Yin has one more mutant crop.

Although he has not used the detoxification effect yet, it is also indispensable as a vegetable.

Zhao Yin immediately thought about how to use this bag of A-level baba fertilizer and chose a chestnut tree for fertilizer.

Chestnut trees are mutant crops with two attributes. After completing the second mutation, there may be surprises.

As for corn, Zhao Yin also wants to see what attributes it can mutate into after the second mutation, but there is only one baba fertilizer, so he can only wait until the next time the extraordinary fertilizer is opened.

He still prefers the chestnut tree!

After putting away the baba fertilizer, Zhao Yin pinched the fifth corpse king star crystal.

[Beast-carrying Golden House: Grade A, Type Auxiliary Extraordinary Mount Equipment, Sturdiness 500, Carrying Weight 500, Moving Speed ​​200, Special Effect: After the Master Rids, the Mount Inherits 100% of the Master's Moving Speed]

Zhao Yin dragged a palm-sized golden house in his hand, and he could not feel any weight.

He immediately thought of the old cow. The mountain-like back was big enough for him, Ning Yue, and Song Xiaodao to ride together after putting the golden house on it.

After the old cow added the moving speed of its master, plus the moving speed bonus of all its equipment, its speed would not be much slower than that of Xiao Bai who had activated the rapid ability!

The attributes of this equipment are more practical than ordinary S-level mount equipment!

Zhao Yin smiled, and all the five pieces of Corpse King Star Crystal were top-grade!

Then he pinched the last piece of Corpse King Star Crystal!

A burst of white light flashed, and a bottle of potion appeared in his hand.

[Talented supernatural potion: SS grade, type speed-related advanced potion, after taking it, the hidden talent of the evolver's bloodline is opened, swiftness]

Sure enough, this potion was opened!

Although he had been mentally prepared, Zhao Yin was still shocked.

This is the highest-level supernatural potion he has obtained except for the contracted soul!

Except for the SSS-level treasures, it is already the most precious thing in the end of the world!

Even the contracted soul is only the more and stronger the contracted beasts are conquered, the greater the value it can reflect.

It is not an SSS-level combat supernatural power that goes against the sky from the beginning!

Now that Zhao Yin has this potion, his personal combat power will be changed dramatically.

At this time, the contracted beasts are still hunting the corpses. On the monkey's side, a sea of ​​fire has already formed, and all the corpses that it touches have been burned to ashes.

Zhao Yin picked up the Swift Wind Gun and rushed into the zombies...

Soon, all the zombies were slaughtered. Zhao Yin ordered the little monkey to burn all the corpses, and the others and the beasts went to pick up the corpse crystals.

This time, he got 48,521 E-level corpse crystals, 314 D-level corpse crystals, and 1 C-level corpse crystal!

284 star crystals!

Adding the previous 213, Zhao Yin's star crystals reached 497 again!

In one night, two zombie kings were killed, and nearly 100,000 zombies were killed. Although the contracted beasts had compressed biscuits to replenish their energy, their physical strength was exhausted.

Zhao Yin ordered Wu Xuegui and others to cook on the spot, and took out large pieces of turtle meat for steaming. He released the invisible tent and went in directly to open the star crystals.

[112 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 92 sandwiches, 95 bottles of iced black tea, 89 compressed biscuits, 19 yellow peaches, 24 cans of beef, 15 instant noodles, 7 cans of tuna, 6 bottles of F-level evolution potion, 3 bottles of E-level evolution potion, 1 bottle of D-level evolution potion, 3 bottles of D-level healing potion, 1 bottle of C-level healing potion]

[17 pieces of F-level equipment][8 pieces of E-level equipment]

[Machete: Grade D...]

[Machete, Grade D...]

[Saber: Grade D, type of extraordinary weapon, firmness 50, attack 48, with chopping power +30]

[Female sailor suit: Grade D, type of extraordinary defensive equipment, firmness 55, spirit 45, with movement speed +50]

[Magic collar: Grade S, type of extraordinary disposable auxiliary equipment! Effect: prohibits life forms below S-level from using extraordinary power! Note: Use after the life form is mentally weakened! ]

All the star crystals have been opened!

These ordinary star crystals actually opened an S-level item!

Zhao Yin picked up the magic-forbidden collar, and his eyes showed reminiscence. In his previous life, this thing was opened in the fifth year after the end of the world.

At that time, Zhao Yin didn't think about how to use it, and kept it as a bottom line. He didn't expect that his adopted son Zhang Dongliang would betray him and use the magic-forbidden collar on him...

Zhao Yin's eyes showed murderous intent, which quickly dissipated.

He put away all the items he had brought out and walked out of the invisibility tent.

At this moment, a blazing fire was burning under twenty large pots, reflecting on the faces of the surrounding people and animals. The turtle meat in the pot was cooking fragrantly.

When everyone and the beasts saw Zhao Yin walking out, they all stood up to say hello.



Zhao Yin waved his hand: "Let's all eat!"

He raised his hand and summoned Song Xiaodao from the life space. The little girl's eyes became swollen from crying. When she saw Zhao Yin, she immediately turned away.

"Crying all night?" Zhao Yin touched his nose and asked.

Song Xiaodao lowered his head and clasped his fingers without making a sound. His two ponytails were a little loose and hung down on the back of his snow-white neck.

Zhao Yin took out the magic-forbidden collar he had just issued: "Next time I meet Song Xiaojian, I can give him a chance."

After saying this, Song Xiaodao suddenly turned back and looked at Zhao Yin suspiciously.

"This is called the Forbidden Magic Collar. You should know what it is from the name."

Zhao Yin handed the collar to Song Xiaodao: "If you have the ability to catch Song Xiaojian and wear a magic-forbidden collar for him, I will build a wooden house for you in the life space so that you brothers and sisters can stay together forever!"

This is the biggest concession Zhao Yin can make for Song Xiaodao.

This was also the method he came up with after getting the magic-forbidden collar.

"Really, Zhao Yin?" Song Xiaodao asked.

In this world, if there is still one person who understands Zhao Yin, it must be Song Xiaodao.

Zhao Yin never shows mercy towards any hostility, he always kills with all possible means, let alone Miss Song who offended him completely!

So Song Xiaodao understood that Zhao Yin was able to make such a big concession, all for himself.

"If you can't imprison him after all, and he has caused losses to me, I will still kill him!"

Zhao Yin continued: "Song Xiaodao, do you still remember the choice I gave you?"


Song Xiaodao nodded and said in a trembling voice: "If I go with you, I can't look back in this life. If I can't imprison Song Xiaojian in the end and kill him... I... I don't blame you."

It seemed that Song Xiaodao had already thought through some issues, and Zhao Yin felt slightly relieved.

He took out a bottle of D-level evolution potion and a piece of C-level corpse crystal, and handed them to Song Xiaodao: "After dinner, evolve to C-level!"

Song Xiaodao took it blankly and looked down at the evolution potion and corpse crystal in his hand.

Her tears were falling again.

Zhao Yin is not a good person, but he is the best person in the world to her!

He is cold-blooded and not nice to everyone.

But I am the only exception.

Even Ning Yue is worse now!

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