It was impossible to attract monsters in a valley with the zombie king, so Zhao Yin planned to solve them all at once. For his current strength, it was just a matter of spending some more extraordinary materials.

After the order was conveyed, Zhao Yin turned over and rode on Xiaobai, slowly rising into the air.



The little monkey drank the iced black tea directly, and then activated the first ability, gigantic!

Its body grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, its height grew to fifteen meters, like a mountain and a demon.

Under its golden armor, the exposed hair was like golden silk, dancing without wind, and its momentum became more and more amazing!

Then, it activated the second ability, frenzy!

The golden hair stood upside down, and the dark eyes gradually turned golden. The body rose several meters again, reaching a terrifying twenty meters!

The next moment, the little monkey activated the third ability, fire!

The dark red flame, with a hint of blue flame, spread rapidly from the feet upwards, quickly covering its entire body, until it spread over the twenty-meter-long golden war stick in its hand...

At this moment, the little monkey has completely reached his peak state!

The figure is like a mountain, the devil flame is surging, and the terrible momentum is sweeping wildly!

The little monkey took big steps, and the earth was shaking. One step was twenty or thirty meters. Because of its huge body, its speed looked even more amazing.

At this time, Zhao Yin realized that several tons of B-level mutant beast meat were not eaten in vain. The potential of the little monkey has made great progress recently!

Zhao Yin opened the True Vision Eye to check.

[Adult Tongtian Monkey: C-level mutant beast, strength 445, agility 475, physical strength 384, defense 457, spirit 180, bloodline talent: gigantic, frenzied, fire control]

This is not counting the doubling effect of iced black tea that the True Vision Eye cannot detect.

The little monkey today has completely developed its potential to the peak of C-level!

Maybe even ordinary B-level mutant beasts can't have this terrifying attribute.

At this time, all the contracted beasts drank the iced black tea, and all their attributes doubled.

The old cow rushed out after the little monkey, and the bald egg on the right also flapped its wings...

In an instant, all the people and beasts rushed into the valley, the wind swept, and the flames made the surrounding air temperature become scorching.

Roar, roar, roar...

At this moment, the zombies in the valley sensed the existence of living things, and the uneasy corpse roars became more and more intense.

With the excited corpse roar of the zombie king in the depths, all the zombies began to surge in an orderly manner, rushing madly towards the little monkey in the front...


The monkey instantly crashed into the group of corpses, and the 20-meter golden war stick in his hand instantly burst out ten terrible stick shadows, and the group of corpses within a radius of dozens of meters was instantly swept into minced meat and limbs!

Then, the little monkey rushed to the northeast without any pause...

Now, it can control the third ability more comprehensively. After the flames burned the remains of the zombies into ashes, it perfectly avoided every piece of corpse crystal...

Zhao Yin in the sky narrowed his eyes. He seemed to have finally waited for a faster way to collect corpse crystals.

In the future, with the little monkey's third ability, he only needs to pick up corpse crystals and star crystals, and no longer needs to cut the zombie heads with effort!

At this time, the old cow also rushed into the zombie group, rushing as always. It is the bulldozer among the fighting cows!

In terms of the speed of group attack, except for Da Mao, Bald Egg is definitely a fierce general. A rain of arrows fell, and it quickly strangled the zombies. Facing zombies of lower levels than it, it was like a meat grinder!

The herd was advancing rapidly. Because Zhao Yin did not hesitate to spend iced black tea and compressed biscuits, even with the command of the zombie king, tens of thousands of zombies could not stop the herd at all.

Ten minutes later, more than 10,000 zombies had been cleared, and the little monkey finally approached the zombie king in the northeast corner.

At this time, Zhao Yin, who was flying at a low altitude, opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Male zombie, C-level, evolution degree 100/15, strength 420, agility 380, defense 465, spirit 35, awakened superpower: Iron Fist]

An ordinary zombie king!

There is nothing special about the superpower, just an ordinary attack superpower.

It saw the herd of beasts killing it so quickly, and fear appeared on its face. Even if it wanted to leave at this time, it was already impossible.


The zombie king roared, and a pair of big hands suddenly grew larger, rapidly metalized, and in the blink of an eye, turned into two fists the size of a small refrigerator, and smashed the little monkey madly.


The basic attributes of the little monkey were not much worse than those of the zombie king, and with the doubling of iced black tea, it was completely incomparable to this zombie king.

He smashed the zombie king with a stick, and he hit the rock wall beside the cave, and his body sank deeply into it.

At the same time, the zombie king's hands were burned by the flames, but the iron fists did not seem to be afraid of the flame power, and quickly repelled the flames.

At this time, Lao Niu also arrived, and he hit the zombie king's belly directly.

With a puff!

The spikes on Lao Niu's helmet deeply penetrated the zombie king's abdomen. Lao Niu shook his head and picked it out of the rock. It was spinning in the air like a rotten sack and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Before Zhao Yin had time to make a move, all the contracted beasts rushed forward.

Even Ning Yue rushed up and chopped a few times, even though she couldn't even break the zombie king's defense...

Zhao Yin didn't expect that now facing a C-level zombie king, the contracted beasts could actually chop melons and vegetables.

It was so easy that it was unreal!

"Am I so strong?" Zhao Yin finally realized something.

It's not that Zhao Yin was slow to react, but the crises he encountered before were stronger and stronger, as if God was deliberately killing him, the reborn one.

Now looking back, the Gwangju Industrial Park and the Zombie King, the White Rat King, have long become insignificant in his eyes. Even if it is the Sky-Swallowing Vulture, as long as he dares to come, even if there are tens of thousands of vultures protecting him, Zhao Yin is confident that he can easily kill it!

After the corpse demon grandson wakes up, even if it is the bone-changing zombie king of Asan Kingdom, Zhao Yin is confident that he will never be so embarrassed if he meets it again, but... only thinking of the two female corpse demons...

Zhao Yin's heart, which had just expanded, became alert again.

Soon, the zombie king was beaten into slag by the contracted beasts. After the little monkey burned it with fire, five corpse king star crystals and one C-level corpse crystal were exposed to the air.


Zhao Yin could only bombard the prepared superpowers into the group of corpses on the side, and then ordered Xiaobai to land slowly.

"Ning Yue, go pick up the corpse king star crystal and corpse crystal." Zhao Yin ordered.

After the death of the zombie king, the zombies fell into chaos, and the intensity of the attack on the contracted beasts also slowed down. With Da Mao and Zhao Dehai, they could easily resist.

Zhao Yin took the star crystal and corpse crystal handed over by Ning Yue, and ordered everyone and beasts: "Kill all the zombies!"


Roar, roar, roar!

All the contracted beasts still had the aftereffect of iced black tea, and turned back excitedly.

Zhao Yin sat on Xiao Bai and opened the corpse king star crystals one by one.

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