Zhao Yin just wanted to give Song Xiaodao a beating.


At this moment, he suddenly lost himself and saw Song Xiaodao take out the Blood Evil Sword and swing it to cut off a thick birch tree.

As the tree fell, she swung the sword to cut off a section, and then chopped it.

"Woo... woo...!" The little Loli cried while chopping.

"Song Xiaodao, what are you doing?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Damn Zhao Yin, woo... I want to erect a tombstone for Song Xiaojian." Song Xiaodao didn't even raise his head.

Zhao Yin scolded: "Did I say he was dead?"


Song Xiaodao stopped his hand movements, raised his head, and looked at Zhao Yin with swollen eyes: "Song Xiaojian is not dead?"

"He is not dead, he is fine!" Zhao Yin said.

Song Xiaodao was relieved immediately, and then Zhao Yin said: "However, Song Xiaojian said before he left that he would come back to kill me!"

"He... How could he do this? Zhao Yin, if Song Xiaojian comes again, you still have to kill him?"

"Should I wash my neck and wait for him to chop it?"

"No, I mean... not... damn Song Xiaojian!"

Song Xiaodao cursed anxiously, and suddenly didn't know what to do.

Zhao Yin walked over, bent down to pick up the 'tombstone' that Song Xiaodao had chopped off, raised her hand and put it in her arms, and said coldly.

"If you still want to continue crying, I will send you back to the life space, and I can give you a piece of land to build a grave for him in advance. You can also cry in advance, but you don't have to participate in killing the zombie king today."

Song Xiaodao hugged the 'tombstone', his eyes widened.

Zhao Yin frowned, raised his hand to hold the child's head, and sent her directly back to the life space.

He has never been good at comforting women, and he is even worse at comforting a 13-year-old crying loli.

If Song Xiaojian dares to come again, Zhao Yin should be killed, and he will definitely be killed!

If Song Xiaodao dares to rebel for this, then he will be locked up in the life space forever.

With peace in his ears, Zhao Yin rode on the bald egg and flew low all the way back to Ancheng.

At this time, the contracted beasts have all returned.

"Master, there is a valley forty miles east of Ancheng, where tens of thousands of zombies gather. I didn't dare to approach it. I don't know if there is a zombie king!" Lao Hei immediately reported to Zhao Yin.

"Master, there is a big river forty-five miles southeast of Ancheng, where more than 50,000 zombies gather. Without the master's order, I didn't dare to approach it." Xiaobai also reported.

Other contracted beasts reported one after another, and they didn't find anything. Except for the two directions of the east and southeast, the zombies around Ancheng were not summoned by the zombie king, and there were scattered zombies wandering everywhere.

Zhao Yin was stunned: "There are two zombie kings near Ancheng?"

Nowadays, without the summons of the zombie king, zombies cannot gather in large numbers.

So, it is very likely that the zombie kings were in charge of the zombie tides discovered by Xiaobai and Laohei!

In addition, Zhao Yin judged from other scattered zombies in the surrounding area that the zombie king had not evolved to level B, otherwise it would not have been summoned for such a short distance!

As long as it was not at level B, Zhao Yin felt safe.

"Laohei, lead the way, all contracted beasts, the valley forty miles east!" Zhao Yin gave the order directly, turned over and rode on Xiaobai.


Roar, roar, roar!

All the contracted beasts were excited, Laohei was the first to rush out, Xiaobai followed closely with Zhao Yin, and the mighty beasts moved forward directly.

When passing the eastern suburbs, Zhao Yin suddenly heard someone talking, and looked over. Two kilometers away, a camp with tens of thousands of people stood on the wasteland.

Because the nearby zombies were summoned away by the zombie king, someone set up a camp in this "safe zone".

Zhao Yin even saw that near the camp, large areas of weeds had been cleared, and a lot of farmland had been reclaimed, where various wild vegetables were planted.

Zhao Yin even saw a kind of grass seed, which was not a mutant crop, but could be used as food for ordinary survivors.

Zhao Yin concluded that the owner of this camp was definitely an ambitious and strategic person after the end of the world!

However, Zhao Yin was not interested in going there, nor was he willing to waste time on it.

Forty miles away, the contracted beasts ran at full speed and soon arrived.

"Master, it's in front." Lao Hei, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped and raised his paw to point forward.

In the night, the valley was pitch black.

The shadow of the mountain blocked the moonlight, so that only the dense group of corpses could be seen dimly, like a swarm of ants surging in the dark.

"Bald Egg, find the zombie king and come back to report to me the location!" Zhao Yin ordered.

Pa Pa...

Bald Egg immediately flapped his wings, flew rapidly to the valley in the moonlight, and turned into a small black dot in the blink of an eye.

Then, roar, roar, roar!

There were bursts of corpse roars in the valley. Bald Egg didn't dare to fly too high, as it would be easily discovered by the zombies. They all stared at the living creatures in the sky frantically and could only circle around anxiously below.

The valley was not big. Soon, a huge corpse roar came!

The zombie king was alarmed.

Bald Egg immediately followed the corpse roar and locked its position.

It was a guy taller than all the zombies. He was standing in front of a valley in the northeast corner. He had a bald head and bare buttocks, and his muscles were bulging high. His dead fish eyes stared at Bald Egg indifferently.

A C-level zombie king couldn't give Bald Egg too much pressure. It quacked playfully and turned around to fly back.

Who is not a C-level? Who is not a king?

Wait for Bald Egg King to unlock all the potential of C-level in the future, and it will definitely not be a big problem to fight against the zombie king of the same level!

Although I can't beat it now, I still have the master, and it's not shameful to fight in a group!

After Bald Egg flew back, he reported everything he saw to Zhao Yin in his mind.

"Judging from the size, it is a C-level zombie king. It didn't attack after seeing Bald Egg, which means it is not an elemental or spiritual power!"

Zhao Yin was very calm and closed his eyes to listen. At this time, the zombies in the valley were still roaring densely.

Soon, Zhao Yin judged that the zombies were between 40,000 and 50,000!

It was only about two or three miles from the entrance of the valley to the cave in the northeast!

Zhao Yin opened his eyes and entered the life space. He found that the corpse demon grandson still showed no signs of waking up. He summoned everyone except the two female slaves and Song Xiaodao and took them all out of the life space.

"Zhao Yin, I want to go too!" Song Xiaodao shouted loudly behind Zhao Yin before his figure disappeared.

Zhao Yin ignored her and disappeared in front of her.

Zhao Yin didn't care how the child cried in the life space. Song Xiaojian and Song Xiaodao had different positions.

Therefore, Zhao Yin didn't plan to let her out until Song Xiaojian's problem was solved.

Who knows if the child will suddenly stab her in the back for her brother?

Every time Zhao Yin thought of this possibility, he felt cold on his back.

Zhao Yin took out 20 bottles of iced black tea at a time and distributed them to all the contracted beasts. He also took out 12 compressed biscuits and distributed them to Monkey, Old Cow, Old Black, Little White, Bald Egg and Big Hair. These mutant beasts needed to use superpowers, so each beast was given two.

"The plan for this battle is that Monkey will be the vanguard, aiming to take the zombie king in the northeast corner!"

"Lao Niu will be in charge of the left wing, and Baldy will be in charge of the right wing. The three of you will be responsible for tearing apart the zombies!"

"Other contracted beasts must not disperse, but follow Monkey and the others. Lao Hei will be in charge of the center. In case of any accidents, all people and beasts will immediately gather around Lao Hei and lead everyone to evacuate!"

"Everyone, including Ning Yue, will still follow behind Damao and be responsible for covering the rear of the beasts!"

"Xiao Bai, take me to fly at low altitude!"

After Zhao Yin gave the order, all people and beasts responded immediately.

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