"Zhao...Brother Zhao, if you must ask me to repay your kindness...!"

Ning Yue hesitated and said, "Can you let me go back first and bury my father?"

Zhao Yin directly agreed: "Yes!"

"Thank you, Brother Zhao!" Ning Yue said gratefully.

The two of them walked one behind the other, walking in the late night of the apocalypse, stepping on the grass.

There was a rustling sound under her feet, and Ning Yue's cheeks were slowly turning red.

She understands what Zhao Yin means by repaying kindness!

In her body, the only thing worthy of the other party's attention is her own body.

If it were before, Ning Yue would not do such a dirty thing even if she died.

But at this time, Zhao Yin was not only her savior, but also avenged her father on her behalf!

She bit her lip and could only comfort herself in her heart.

"Actually, he is quite handsome, although he is a bit perverted...!"

"Ning Yue, how can you think about your benefactor like this? He is just...a pervert!"

Ning Yue really couldn't comfort herself!

For Zhao Yin, she was very complicated.

While she was fearful, she was also grateful to him; while resisting, she was also tinged with a hint of admiration for him...

Ning Yue simply stopped thinking about it.

The morning light shines on the southern suburbs of Xilin City, dispersing the haze surrounding the distant mountains. The gloomy and terrifying world seems to have a touch of warmth.

In front of the solitary grave, Ning Yue, whose eyes were swollen from crying, was kneeling there.

Looking at the tombstone carved by her own hands, the handwriting is crooked.

"Ning Yue, it's time to leave."

Zhao Yin sat on a large meteorite and extinguished the cigarette butt on his finger.

Last night, he only helped Ning Yue kill the zombie that Ning Yaozu had turned into, and Ning Yue did everything else by herself.

She didn't ask Zhao Yin for help, so Zhao Yin didn't help.

Ning Yue has been kneeling here for three hours without saying a word. When she heard Zhao Yin's voice, she stood up slowly, her expression calm.

For a moment, it was as if I came out of sadness.

"Brother Zhao, where are we going?" she asked softly.

"Take you to a good place!"

Zhao Yin said, holding her little hand. The next moment, Ning Yue felt a blur of flowers in front of her eyes and appeared under the chestnut tree in the life space.

She was immediately stunned by the scene in front of her.

Surrounded by trees more than ten meters high...

No, those are crops that look like corn stalks, but they are huge and scary, densely packed, crowded together, countless...

In front of you is a pool, with fish swaying on the water.

Around the pool, there are more than a dozen terrifying giant trees that are twenty stories high!

Not far away, there lay a buffalo like a hill, a giant monkey, seven giant rats, and a snow-white tiger with wings...!

There are dozens of human figures setting up large pots for cooking, and the fragrant smell spreads in the air...

Two women were washing clothes by the pond and pouring the dirty water into the cornfield...

A girl was lying on a wooden bed under the chestnut tree, sleeping soundly... Another girl was holding corn leaves and fanning her...

Everything is a scene that can only appear in fairy tales, but it is real and appears in front of Ning Yue.

Her mood at this moment, saying that a country bumpkin has entered the city is a compliment. It should be said that she is like a mortal entering a magical world!

"Brother Zhao...!" Ning Yue nervously pulled Zhao Yin's sleeve.

"I don't like others calling me brother. From now on, please call me Zhao Yin!" Zhao Yin said.

"Zhao Yin, where are you?"

Ning Yue was afraid that the giant beasts next to her would suddenly wake up and swallow Zhao Yin in one mouthful, and then swallow her in one mouthful.

"This is my territory!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and immediately, all the sleeping contract beasts and Song Xiaodao woke up.


Across the pond, a group of terrifying vultures suddenly spread their wings, flew out of the cornfield, arrived in an instant, and landed under the chestnut tree.


A loud roar shook the entire space, and then, the zombie demon, whose appearance was no different from that of a zombie, rushed towards him...

The giant monkey opened his eyes...

The hill-like buffalo looked back...

Even Song Xiaodao, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, jumped up. Then she saw the strange girl next to Zhao Yin, rubbing her eyes vigorously.

At this moment, all eyes were fixed on Ning Yue!

Ning Yue felt great pressure and hugged Zhao Yin's arm tightly: "Zhao Yin, it... they woke up!"

"Don't be afraid, they are all my partners."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he shouted loudly to the beasts: "Stand up and line up!"

In Ning Yue's eyes, all the terrifying giant beasts, in the next moment, all turned into good babies and lined up neatly.

Even Zhao Dehai and others who were making breakfast quickly lined up in an extremely orthodox military posture. In an instant, the group of men who looked ordinary before became astonishingly imposing.

Ning Yue was shocked and finally understood that these terrifying giant beasts and orthodox soldiers were all Zhao Yin's subordinates!

What is the identity of the man she chose to follow?


"Boss!" "Boss...!"


Voices of greetings and voices came one after another, and only one voice was discordant: "Zhao Yin, is this your new slave girl?"

Song Xiaodao looked at Ning Yue with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Female slave? Newly captured?" Ning Yue was stunned, as if she understood something instantly.

She looked back and saw the two girls washing clothes, still working there.

Their hair was messy and their faces were tired, working non-stop like machines...

On the side, dozens of nylon ropes were tied to the corn vines, drying countless freshly washed clothes...

At this moment, Ning Yue seemed to understand everything, but she didn't feel like she was kidnapped, but secretly relieved.

"Just be a slave girl?"

It was Zhao Yin who saved her life and avenged her, so it was right for her to work for him.

It was better than what she had guessed before!

"This is Ning Yue, she will be my partner in the future, Song Xiaodao, take her to find a place to take a bath and change clothes! Wu Xuegui, get her something delicious!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he walked towards the invisible tent and waited for dinner.

Now that he had found Ning Yue, he felt much better, but he didn't have much time to waste on her.

After seeing the female corpse demon, Zhao Yin was eager to improve his strength as soon as possible. He had remembered last night that in Nanzhou, hundreds of kilometers away from Xilin, a powerful mutant beast appeared in the second year of the apocalypse!

It was a lion, and Zhao Yin couldn't remember what specific superpowers it had.

He only remembered that an S-level superpower appeared in Nanzhou that year and captured the lion with a "slave collar".

Later, the superpower led the lion to the Central Plains and had friction with Lin Tianfeng.

Zhao Yin was not there at the time, and went to a secret place to collect mutant crops for the camp. Lin Tianfeng, the young man, went to war with the S-level combat superpower.

At that time, Lin Tianfeng's contracted beast had not been cultivated yet, and the other superpower not only had combat superpowers, but also had the assistance of the lion.

As a result, the family assets that had been accumulated with great difficulty were all lost. After Zhao Yin came back, he took Lin Tianfeng away with him...

Zhao Yin clearly remembered that Lin Tianfeng already had three mutant beasts in his hands at that time.

Two of them were killed by the lion!

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