Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 167: I haven't repaid the favor of saving my life yet

Ning Yue can understand the word "superpower", but it is too incredible.

She didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

"Yes, super powers! In the apocalypse, zombies are evolving, animals and plants are evolving, and of course human survivors can also evolve," Zhao Yin said.

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"Evolve?" Ning Yue looked into Zhao Yin's eyes.

In his deep eyes, Ning Yue felt a kind of vicissitudes that should not belong to his age.

"The heads of some zombies produce treasures called star crystals. When you open them, you can get extraordinary food, equipment, or various potions and powers!"

Zhao Yin patiently explained: "There is an evolution potion. After taking it, your body's potential will be unlocked, you will become an evolver, and your physical fitness will be enhanced."

"Some mutant beasts can grow without evolution potions and superpower potions!"

"Zombies can also absorb unknown energy and evolve. Devouring star crystals or flesh can speed up the evolution...!"

"This apocalypse is very sad and magical. We have entered an extraordinary civilization, and I only understand the tip of the iceberg."

Zhao Yin didn't explain it to her in too much detail, and couldn't finish a sentence or two.

When Ning Yue heard this, her bright eyes flashed, thoughtfully.

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly heard footsteps, which did not belong to zombies, but to humans.

"Ning Yue, do you have any companions?" Zhao Yin asked.

"I have no companions...!" Ning Yue immediately became nervous in the middle of her words.

Although she hadn't heard any movement yet, she knew that Zhao Yin had the ability to detect zombies in advance, so she must have noticed the arrival of humans at this time.

It was night now, and it was difficult for survivors to detect zombies with their eyesight in time. Few people chose to go out at this time.

Therefore, it is very likely that Zhang Bo and others are not dead!

"Brother Zhao, I...I should go!"

"Is he your enemy?"

Zhao Yin's eyes turned cold. He guessed something from Ning Yue's expression and asked, "Do you need my help?"

"Brother Zhao, you are very strong. You are not even afraid of zombies, but...but there are many of them...!" Ning Yue said tremblingly.

She didn't understand the power system. She only knew that Zhao Yin was very strong, but she didn't know how strong he was.

At this time, Ning Yue did not want to implicate Zhao Yin.

After saying that, Ning Yue turned around and ran forward quickly. She didn't know the direction Zhang Bo and others were coming from, so she was so stubborn that she actually took the initiative to greet them.

Zhao Yin did not remind him and followed him from a distance.

Ten minutes later, several figures suddenly appeared in front of Ning Yue. When she found them, they also noticed her.

"Where Ning Yue is, the little bitch didn't get eaten by zombies!"

In the night, a girl's voice came.

Because of the cover of the grass, the distance between the two sides was less than a hundred meters when they met.

"Bitch almost killed us, we can't let her go!"

"Ning Yue, don't run away. It was you who killed Li Ling and the others. It was all you!"

Several people rushed over quickly, forming a siege and rushing toward Ning Yue.

At this time, Ning Yue's only escape route was the way behind her, but Zhao Yin was there.

Ning Yue hesitated.

She didn't want to implicate her savior!

Just this hesitation caused all escape routes to be completely blocked by several people.

"You have already killed my father, what else do you want to do?" Ning Yue said with a pale face.

"You don't know what we want to do?" Zhang Bo laughed ferociously.

Ning Yue was silent. Before she ran away, she already had the answer in her heart.

At this time, there were only seven of them left, the two men were Zhang Bo and Yu Yuanqing, and the other five were female college students.

The clothes on everyone's body were torn and messy, with cuts cut by branches, and some blood seeped out of their skin.

They had paid a heavy price to escape from the zombies before.

"Ning Yue, keep running!" At this time, Zhang Bo had madness in his eyes: "Why don't you run away?"

Ning Yue stood there without saying a word, with only despair in her eyes.

She did not beg for mercy from them, knowing that doing so would only make her death even more undignified.

"Because of you, we were chased by zombies. Wei Gang and the others died. Ning Yue, do you know that you killed several of them!" A girl said loudly.

The reason why they were able to escape from the zombies before was not because of how strong they were, but because the zombies were busy eating meat.

It was Zhang Bo who tricked Yu Yuanqing and others into luring away the zombies, and they were able to escape!

But at this time, they blamed all their sins on Ning Yue.

"If you didn't escape, how could we chase you out, and how could they die?"

"Ning Yue, without you and your dad, they might not have died, but because of you, they died!"

"You have to pay for your life. How can I kill you?"

Yu Yuanqing stared at Ning Yue's chest and licked his chapped lips with a strange look in his eyes.

This rich third generation before the end of the world, his hands are stained with blood tonight, the devil in his heart is completely out of the cage, and there is no longer any hypocrisy.

"Young Master Yu, you stopped us from killing this bitch earlier because you were just greedy for her body. Don't think I don't know!" A girl also had a strange look in her eyes.

"Zhang Bo, Mr. Yu, you can have fun as much as you want. I want to see if this White Lotus can still be as good as before under you!"

"Hehe... I want to see it too!" Another girl said.

Ning Yue had no idea that they would all become so crazy overnight!

Everyone stepped forward, the encirclement quickly shrank, Yu Yuanqing stretched out his hand to grab Ning Yue's arm...


Suddenly, a black shadow flew over, making a sound of breaking through the air, and hit Yu Yuanqing's forehead.

It was a newly broken branch, which pierced Yu Yuanqing's forehead and came out from the back of his head. The tip brought blood and brain matter. When it sprayed, Yu Yuanqing's body flew upside down and fell heavily.

He fell to the ground and was dead.

"Ning Yue, where do you want to go before you repay your life-saving grace?"

A tall figure walked slowly in the night.

Crack! Crack...!

The grass roots that were broken under his feet made a crisp sound, like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of Zhang Bo and others.

Ning Yue turned around and saw that it was Zhao Yin again.

"Zhao... Brother Zhao?"

She didn't expect Zhao Yin to follow.

She didn't know him at all, but he saved her life several times in a row.

Ning Yue's nose was sore and she wanted to cry for no reason. After her father Ning Yaozu died, the world was left with only loneliness and desolation.

She didn't expect to meet such a man in despair.

"Who... who are you?"

Everyone couldn't help but tremble when they saw the branch stuck in Yu Yuanqing's forehead.

Zhang Bo shouted loudly: "Don't meddle in other people's business, be careful not to get burned!"

"Get burned?"

Zhao Yin stared at the group of frail college students in front of him and chuckled: "You, are you worthy?"

The next moment, Zhao Yin flashed in front of Zhang Bo and punched him directly.


Zhang Bo's head suddenly shattered, and the white bones and warm blood splashed on the faces of the girls under him.

"Ah...!" A girl screamed loudly.

Then, everyone dispersed and turned to flee in different directions, wishing that their parents could have given them an extra pair of legs.

They all collapsed. They had seen murder, but they had never seen such murder.

This man is not a human at all. He is scarier than those zombies!

"Want to leave?"

Zhao Yin said calmly: "Tonight is a good time to die!"

He took his time and the Zhuge Crossbow appeared in his hand.

There were not many arrows left, but it was enough to kill a few people.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The remaining five girls didn't run a few steps, and all of them were pierced through the head by arrows, without screaming...

From the time Zhao Yin appeared to the time he killed all of them, less than a minute had passed.

Ning Yue stared at Zhao Yin blankly, as if she only realized at this moment that he was much stronger than she had imagined!

Zhao Yin walked over, pulled out the arrows one by one, and put them back into the space ring.

"Ning Yue, aren't you leaving?"

At this moment, Zhao Yin's eyes were still gentle.

But it was precisely because of this gentleness that Ning Yue at this moment regained the feeling of seeing him for the first time.

Her hands and feet were cold.

Who on earth could remain so calm after killing people?

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