Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 164 Eight contracted beasts advance together

Ning Yaozu cursed angrily.

"Ning Yaozu, you are disabled now and can no longer provide us with food. How dare you curse again!" Zhang Bo suddenly showed a fierce look in his eyes.

Ning Yaozu did not lose his mind. He stopped talking, put down Yang Chen, and walked hard to the shelves aside, intending to look for needles and threads...

Yang Chen's zombies couldn't wait for a moment.


A rusty fruit knife suddenly penetrated Ning Yaozu's lower back, and when he pulled it out, bright red blood blossoms came out.

Zhang Bo's eyes were bloodshot and he shouted loudly: "Come together and kill this loser, otherwise, he won't let us go when his injuries get better!"

As soon as he finished speaking, He Feng rushed forward, picked up a chair, and hit Ning Yaozu on the head.

Suddenly, Ning Yaozu fell to the ground.

"Those who see it have their share. Anyone who doesn't take action is not one of our own!" He Feng said loudly.

After all, you feel guilty for killing your benefactor with your own hands.

If everyone kills together, this guilt can be alleviated.

Wei Gang also rushed forward and picked up a kitchen knife that he usually used to chop vegetables. Poof!

Half of the kitchen knife cut directly into Ning Yaozu's shoulder.

"Why are you pretending to be good people? Come together and give Uncle Ning a good time!" After Yu Yuanqing finished speaking, he also stepped forward, pulled out the kitchen knife, and chopped it down hard.

Half of the kitchen knife sank into Ning Yaozu's neck...

All the girls swarmed forward, picked up various tools, and attacked Ning Yaozu desperately...

boom! boom! boom!

The warm blood splashed on the faces of these young people, and they all looked like demons coming out of their cages!

This scene was all seen by Ning Yue, who had already woken up just when Yu Yuanqing was swinging his knife.

Ning Yue covered her mouth desperately to prevent herself from making a sound, and while everyone was going crazy, she got up and ran out of the supermarket.

She understood that her father was hopeless and that he would definitely kill her next.


Ning Yue panicked and accidentally hit a steel plate blocking the door. The sound immediately alerted the people inside.

"That little bitch is going to run away!" a girl yelled.

"Chase her, come together and kill her!" Zhang Bo said loudly.

Everyone was stimulated by the blood and fell into a state of excitement.

After the end of the world, they had been suppressed for too long, and at this moment, they completely exploded...

After cleaning the battlefield, Zhao Yin harvested a total of 64,852 E-level corpse crystals, 194 D-level corpse crystals, and 127 corpse crystals!

The remaining corpse crystals from before include 31,323 F-level ones, 3,260 E-level ones, and 18 D-level ones!

Nowadays, F-level corpse crystals have become rare items, and Zhao Yin plans to keep them all.

Maybe it will have other uses in the future.

E-level and D-level corpse crystals are enough to promote eight contract beasts to C level!

He immediately divided the corpse crystals into eight piles and collected all the remaining 6,452 E-level corpse crystals.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin shouted to the beasts resting not far away.

"Lao Niu, Lao Hei, Xiao Bai...!"

"Tu Liu, Tu Yi...!"

"Rat Six, Rat One, Rat Two, eight of you, come here,"

The eight contract beasts immediately ran over in a hurry.

They all knew that the master wanted them to advance, and their eyes were full of excitement.

Zhao Yin pointed to the eight piles of corpse crystals and said.

"Choose a bunch of each beast, and they will be promoted to C level here. If anyone dares to bring the corpse crystal back to the living space to advance, and damages my cornfield, I will break its fifth leg!"

"I know Master."

"Thank you, Master!"

"Thank you Master...!"

A series of voices resounded in Zhao Yin's heart.

"Master, Lao Niu is willing to serve you...!"

The old cow wanted to imitate the little monkey and flatter him, but suddenly he remembered that on that rainy night last time, the claw of the white rat king...

The old cow trembled all over, it was a pain that he could never erase in his life.

This oath was too poisonous, and Lao Niu quickly changed his mind: "Lao Niu is willing to kill more zombies for his master!"

Zhao Yin nodded and looked at the remaining mutant beasts that had not received the corpse crystals.

At this time, they were all envious, looking at the eight contracted beasts absorbing the corpse crystals, all with eager eyes.

Zhao Yin said comfortingly: "The order in which you are promoted is based on your past contributions to me. Rat Six, Rat One, and Rat Two followed me earlier than the vultures, and they work the hardest at ordinary times! Rat One and Rat Two Tu Liu, they all sacrificed their lives to work for me, so they are promoted first!”

"As long as you work harder than them in the future, it will definitely be your turn next time you kill zombies."

"Thank you Master, Tu Qi loves to work!"

"Master, Shu San still wants to work!"


Another voice sounded in Zhao Yin's mind.

He no longer paid attention to these contracted beasts and told Wu Xuegui: "Let's cook. There are not many zombies in Xilin City anymore. Both humans and beasts are tired. We will rest here tonight."

Wu Xuegui immediately took out the cooking utensils and food from the space ring, and Zhao Dehai and others stepped forward to help.

A group of wage earners got busy.

Now that the giant python skeleton has been eaten, the ingredients have become extremely dull.

Only cornmeal and chestnuts are the staple foods, and when mixed with crispy greens and dandelions, there is no meaty taste left at all.

Zhao Yin moved out a set of tables and chairs, and opened all the star crystals while waiting for the eight contract beasts to advance in the sea of ​​blood and corpses.

[38 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 18 sandwich breads, 18 bottles of iced black tea, 25 compressed biscuits, 5 yellow peaches, 4 cans of beef cans, 6 instant noodles, 4 cans of tuna cans, 1 bottle of F-level evolution potion, 1 bottle of D-level healing potion]

[2 butterfly knives, 1 military jacket]

[1 E-level watermelon knife]

[1 D-level mountain axe]

[100 Star Salts: Grade D, extraordinary seasoning, strength +50 for 24 hours after consumption, note: consume one at a time]

[Black Iron Mount Armor: Grade C, extraordinary mount equipment, mount movement speed 110, impact force 120 additional attributes: mental strength 30]

After all the star crystals were opened, there was another surprise!

A C-level mount armor!

If the old cow, who was promoted to C-level, is equipped with the speed increased by the mount helmet, then the speed of the old cow will be the fastest among all the contracted beasts except for Monkey and Xiaobai!

The old cow's defense and strength are amazing, but its biggest weakness is speed. Zhao Yin suddenly couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be after it was promoted to C-level and made up for its shortcomings!

Zhao Yin directly threw the star salt to Wu Xuegui. After eating it, it can temporarily increase 50 points of strength, which is still very impressive for the current contracted beast group.

Except for the black iron mount helmet, Zhao Yin collected all the extraordinary supplies.

He looked at the extraordinary food and potions in the space ring.

[38 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 377 sandwich breads, 350 bottles of iced black tea, 303 compressed biscuits, 5 yellow peaches, 6 cans of beef, 84 instant noodles, 8 cans of tuna, 4 bottles of F-level evolution potion, 37 bottles of D-level healing potion, 6 bottles of C-level healing potion]

After this battle, the compressed biscuits decreased by more than 30 pieces, and other supplies increased!

Even if we don't mention a rare C-level mount equipment, it is a huge gain to be promoted to C-level with eight contracted beasts.

Half an hour later, all eight contracted beasts had evolved.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Vision...

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