"Zhang Bo, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ning Yue's pretty face frosted instantly: "Don't forget who saved you!"

"We are all hungry, do we have to wait forever?"

Zhang Bo stared and said: "These wild vegetables have been cooked two or three times. If we don't eat them, the nutrients will evaporate completely!"

"This is the last batch of food, all dug up by my dad and his friends!"

Ning Yue's eyes were filled with tears of grievance: "They have been out for three days. If they don't find food, they must be tired and hungry when they come back. If there is no more food to replenish...!"

"Ning Yue, for your dad, do we all have to starve together?" Another girl interrupted Ning Yue.

Immediately, everyone became emotional.

"Ning Yue, it was Boss Ning who saved us. That's right, we have always been grateful, but you can't waste food for a dead person, right?" Another girl said.

"Ning Yue, you are too selfish!"

"Ning Yue, it's true that the supermarket belongs to you, but now is the end of the world, and the resources of the whole world are shared by everyone. Do you really think we should listen to you?"

"Ning Yue...!"

The more they talked, the more they went too far.

Ning Yue spoke several times, but her voice was drowned out by the voices of the crowd.

She was aggrieved and tearful, glaring at everyone.

There were no evolvers in the supermarket.

Those who survived until now are basically young and strong.

Except for the four people who went out with Ning Yaozu to find supplies, nine of the thirteen people left were female students from nearby universities, including Ning Yue.

Among the four young men, Zhang Bo and another one named Wei Gang were also students. The other two, one named Yu Yuanqing, was the grandson of the chairman of a well-known company before the end of the world.

One was named He Feng, who had long hair and was a resident singer in a bar.

In short, the four men looked like they were powerless!

Perhaps, this is why Ning Yaozu and others did not take them to find supplies together.

Zhang Bo directly picked up a big spoon and scooped up a bowl of wild vegetables that had been cooked in the pot. Then, everyone started to grab it.

Ning Yue couldn't stop them at all, so she could only pick up the bowl and grab it from them.


A girl suddenly slapped Ning Yue in the face and said sarcastically: "Didn't you leave it to your dad? Why did you eat it too? You are such a scheming bitch?"

Ning Yue was so angry that she slapped back, Pah!

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

The beaten girl covered her face and shouted: "Sisters, when her father was still alive, Ning Yue was domineering. Now she really thinks of herself as a princess. Teach her a lesson!"

It seemed that several girls had already discussed it and immediately rushed forward.

Someone grabbed her hair and pressed her directly to the ground. A group of people surrounded her and punched and kicked her.

Ning Yue was just an ordinary girl, how could she withstand such bullying.

Soon, she fell to the ground with blood all over her head and face, and fell into a semi-comatose state.

Several men looked at her as if they were watching a joke.

"That's enough! You've already taught her a lesson. If you hit her again, she'll die." At this time, the rich second generation named Yu Yuanqing spoke up.

"Mr. Yu, are you heartbroken?" A girl turned around and asked.

They joined forces to deal with Ning Yue, on the one hand because Ning Yue was the owner of this place. After the end of the world, Ning Yaozu treated his daughter much better than they did.

On the other hand, it was because Ning Yue looked better than all of them.

The boys in the supermarket looked strange every time they saw Ning Yue.

The girls were jealous and wished she would disappear sooner.

"We don't know whether Ning Yaozu is dead or not. If he comes back and finds out that you killed his precious daughter, even if he is a good person, you will all be in trouble!"

Ning Yaozu is not only the boss here. Among the four people he took out to find supplies, there were two police officers before the end of the world, and the remaining two were also retired soldiers.

The four of them were very grateful to Ning Yaozu for taking them in. In addition, Ning Yaozu himself was calm and thoughtful, so the four of them always regarded him as the leader!

All the girls stopped their actions after hearing this.

"Hmph! Wait one more day. If Ning Yaozu doesn't come back, I'll kill you then." said the girl who started first.

"Eat, eat!" Zhang Bo shouted after watching the excitement.

Everyone picked up their bowls and started eating. They all swallowed the soup and wild vegetables in a few mouthfuls like starving ghosts.

Zhang Bo finished eating first, and stretched out his spoon to fish in the pot again...

Just then, the wooden board blocking the door of the supermarket was suddenly removed, and two people covered in blood walked in.


A girl screamed in fear, and the fear immediately began to spread. Everyone dropped their bowls and desperately fled to the depths of the supermarket.

"Wait, don't be afraid, it's us...!"

At this time, one of the two bloody people made a familiar voice.

"Is it Ning Yaozu?"

Everyone stopped, Yu Yuanqing stepped forward bravely and found that it was indeed Ning Yaozu, and the other person was the police officer Yang Chen who went out with him.

One of Ning Yaozu's arms was broken, and he was bandaged with a rag, and blood was still dripping. Yang Chen, who was supported by him, had a big hole in his belly, and his internal organs were exposed.

Behind Ning Yaozu, there was still a big bag, bulging.

"Uncle Ning, where are the others, how did you get injured like this?" Yu Yuanqing asked.

"We found some food and met other survivors who were trying to snatch it. Xiao Lei and Xiao Huang...both died. Only the two of us came back alive...!"

Ning Yaozu lost too much blood and his face was as pale as paper. He relied on his willpower to support himself: "Hurry, help me, quickly get the needle and thread, and sew up Xiao Yang's wound!"

However, no one moved. In the end times, being injured like this is basically equivalent to being sentenced to death.

Ning Yaozu was stunned, thinking that they were scared by his appearance.

"Children, don't be afraid, Uncle Ning brought you food."

With a plop, Ning Yaozu threw the bag on his back to the ground, and suddenly, several boxes of instant noodles covered with green hair rolled out.

Everyone's eyes widened immediately, and then they finally moved...

But they didn't go to help, but to snatch the food in the bag.

"You kids... Hey!"

Ning Yaozu sighed: "Don't be too anxious, saving Xiao Yang's life is the most important thing!"

The food was snatched away in an instant. Yu Yuanqing grabbed a box of instant noodles in his hand and his attitude became much better: "Uncle Ning, I'll find needles and thread for you now."

"What needles and thread? Officer Yang is hopeless. Even if he survives temporarily, it's a waste of food." Zhang Bo grabbed Yu Yuanqing.

"Xiao Zhang, what did you say?" Ning Yaozu was stunned and looked at Zhang Bo in disbelief.

This is the child he saved with his own hands. He has always been respectful to him. He never thought that Zhang Bo would say such a thing.

"I say, Uncle Ning, you saved my life. Even if you and Officer Yang don't die, you are useless. You can survive, but Officer Yang doesn't have to!" Zhang Bo said directly.

The girls on the side nodded in agreement.

"She won't live for a few days, it's just a waste of food!"

"Even if she's bandaged, she'll die sooner or later without medicine!"

"Uncle Ning... It's not that I don't want to help you, it's that they all disagree!" Yu Yuanqing also said.

Ning Yaozu's eyes were spurting with anger, as if he finally understood something.

"Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, where are you, hurry up and get the needle and thread."

He was going to ask for help from his own daughter, and when he looked around, he found Ning Yue lying in the corner.

Her face was covered in blood, and it was unknown whether she was alive or dead.

"You... you beasts...!"

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