"Friends of Daxia, tell me your purpose of coming here. Can we help you in any way?" The beard changed into a smiling face.

"I'm going back to Daxia and want to borrow a map!" Zhao Yin directly explained his purpose.

Zhao Yin just knew that Asan Kingdom was in the southwest of Daxia.

After the end of the world, many landmarks have disappeared, and since he doesn't know much about the world map, he may take the wrong path if he is not careful.

So in order to return to Daxia as soon as possible, we must first get a map.

"Going back to Daxia? That's a good idea!"

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

The bearded man touched the beard at the corner of his mouth and pondered for a moment: "Friend, we have a map, which is in the camp. Please come with us to get it."

Zhao Yin nodded: "Please lead the way."

The two men looked at each other, turned and walked towards the camp.

Soon, they met the three men and two women who were waiting there. They were chattering something, but Zhao Yin couldn't understand.

Both women were carrying sacks with bulging bags inside. Zhao Yin could hear the breathing coming from inside, guessing that they might be ordinary animals they went out hunting.

Even if it is a pseudo-mutant beast, these people cannot capture it. They are not even evolvers.

The entire camp is surrounded by a barbed wire fence, which serves as their protective wall.

Zhao Yin came to Tieshi and looked up at a sentry tower not far away. Two young men holding rifles were standing guard there.

"They mainly guard against zombies. Friends from outside are very welcome in the camp." The bearded man was worried that Zhao Yin would be frightened by the gun, so he quickly explained.

Zhao Yin nodded and took steps to follow them.

Song Xiaodao still grabbed Zhao Yin's rat leather armor with one hand and gnawed on the chestnut in the other.

In the camp, there are thousands of low stone houses, which are simple and ugly. They are built with stones and some thatch is laid on the roof.

There was feces everywhere on the ground, and the dirt on the road was soaked softly with urine. The bearded people in front stepped on it with their bare feet, leaving deep footprints.

But they are used to it.

"Friends, our Asan Kingdom is much safer than your Daxia. Our country was more developed before the end of the world, and we will live better after the end of the world."

The bearded man turned back to Zhao Yin and said, "Do you see how safe our camp is? You Daxia people must be very envious!"

Zhao Yin didn't know where he got his confidence.

Before the apocalypse, these Ah Sans always liked to compare themselves with Da Xia and indulge in all kinds of obscenities, but after the apocalypse, they still can't stop eating shit.

"No, I'm not envious. Look, I have pants." Zhao Yin pulled up his rat leather armor, revealing his C-level trousers.

Under the sun, the pants legs were straight, and the extraordinary material flashed with a faint fluorescent light.

The bearded man's eyes suddenly widened, he lowered his head to look at his bare legs, and then greed appeared in his eyes: "Are you so rich in Daxia?"

"Everyone in Daxia wears trousers." Zhao Yin shook the trousers on his legs.

Zhao Yin's feelings for his family and country had long been wiped out in the seven years of the last days of his previous life, but he didn't want to hear Ah San despise all Daxia people.

He is from Daxia, and his ancestors are also from Daxia.

At this time, a group of children passed through the stone house, all naked and skinny.

Suddenly, they saw Song Xiaodao who was eating chestnuts.

All the children stared blankly at the chestnut in her hand, unable to look away.

"Zhao Yin, it stinks!"

Song Xiaodao wrinkled her nose. Asan's camp was so smelly that she couldn't eat any more chestnuts in her hand. When she saw that there was only half a mouthful left, she threw it away.

Just happened to fall into a pile of fresh feces.

The next moment, all the children came forward to fight for it. A little boy was the closest and suddenly jumped up and was crushed under him along with the pile of feces.

Another older child picked up a stone and hit the little boy on the back of the head, causing blood to flow out.

Seeing this, the bearded man's face turned blue and white. He rushed forward and slapped all the children hard, knocking all the children to the ground.

Then he turned to Zhao Yin and smiled: "Friend, these children are from low castes and untouchables. They are not real Ah San people. You see, if I beat them, the parents of the children will not dare to provoke me."

Several adults came over and quickly took their children away. No one dared to take another look at the beard.

Zhao Yin watched everything with cold eyes. At this time, he had gradually lost patience with the beard.

"Where's the map?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, friend, I almost forgot your business, please come with me." After finishing speaking, he continued to move forward.

Gradually walking into the core area of โ€‹โ€‹the camp, where the stone houses were built even taller, Zhao Yin suddenly saw a huge statue in the center of the camp, and his expression was slightly condensed.

It was a seven-eight-meter-tall recumbent python carved from solid obsidian!


Zhao Yin had just escaped from the mouth of the giant python, so how could he not recognize it?

Before he could ask, the bearded man proudly introduced: "This is the Naga god worshiped by the leader of our camp. You may not believe me when I tell you, my friend. After the end of the world, we will rely on the Naga god to protect our camp!"

After saying that, the bearded man put his hands together, prostrated on the ground and bowed deeply.

Several other people also knelt down and worshiped devoutly.

Zhao Yin was shocked. Is that giant python a god?

Such a ridiculous idea flashed through his mind, but the evolution speed of the giant python was indeed weird.

After bowing to the bearded man, Zhao Yin asked: "The giant python...oh, where is your snake god? Are you sure it is protecting you?"

"Of course the gods live where the gods live!"

The bearded man said mysteriously: "My friend, do you really believe it? The Naga God is more than three hundred years old and has existed before the end of the world. All the zombies near the city were eaten by the Naga God for us. Everyone can see it. It has a majestic figure.โ€

"He is the leader. He can communicate with the Naga God. He only needs some tribute every day, and the Naga God will protect us forever!"

When Zhao Yin heard this, his heart was shaken violently. Did it exist before the end of the world? It is more than three hundred years old?

Although Zhao Yin still doesn't want to believe it, how can we explain the giant python's evolutionary speed?

Even if all the corpse crystals in Asan Kingdom were eaten by the giant python, with the current level of the zombie, it is unlikely that it would evolve to level A!

Without waiting for Zhao Yin to ask any more questions, the bearded man dodged the sacks behind the two women and said to Zhao Yin.

"Friend, I'm going to report to the leader. With his permission, you can take the map with you. Please wait here."

After saying that, Lu Xiu strode away alone carrying two bags.

The two women also left, but the remaining four men did not leave, faintly surrounding Zhao Yin in the center.

They don't seem to understand international languages.

He chattered words that Zhao Yin couldn't understand.

However, Zhao Yin could vaguely guess that they probably told him not to worry and would send him on his way later.

Zhao Yin was a little anxious, worried that the giant python would kill him at any time.

But if he wants to get some supplies from these international friends, he must have an excuse!

Although he was quick to fall out with others in the past, he was not a bandit after all!

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