After downing the ninth bottle of iced black tea and consuming ten compressed biscuits, the giant python below suddenly paused, and then rapidly shrank.

Soon, the body length shrunk from nearly one thousand meters to three hundred meters!

Its cold eyes were still looking at Xiao Bai and Zhao Yin with resentment.

Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief and patted Xiao Bai under him: "It stopped, fly slower."

"My master's guess is right. The smelly snake was turning on its superpowers before it chased us. With such a big body, it was just showing off!"

Xiaobai was already out of breath and had compressed biscuits to replenish her energy, but her physical strength was almost exhausted, but she was still very excited.

After flying another fifty kilometers, Zhao Yin didn't feel the giant python chasing after him for a long time.

Suddenly, he saw a large number of temporary stone houses in the ruined city below.

"This ruined city is a large gathering place for survivors!" Zhao Yin was stunned.

He has heard countless human voices.

However, Zhao Yin couldn't quite understand which dialect it belonged to.

Nowadays, most of the survivors who can survive have left the shelter. As long as there is a chance, many people will choose to find companions to hug together for warmth.

Once they gathered together and created a camp, safety was guaranteed.

In the apocalypse, various forces came into being because of this, and some quickly perished, destroyed at the hands of zombies or mutant beasts, or destroyed by other survivor camps.

Among these forces, as the strength of the survivors becomes unequal, their status will gradually change, and they will gradually develop into a slave society.

It seems that the beginning of any civilization cannot escape this set of order cycles...

Wherever there are people, there will be rivers and lakes; where there are rights, there will be ambitions...

It was like this in the previous life, and it will still be like this in this life!

Zhao Yin had not heard so many human voices for a long time, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He patted Xiao Bai on the head: "Get down!"


Xiaobai suddenly accelerated and was about to dive in the direction of the stone house.

Zhao Yin stopped him and said, "Don't mess around. I want to inquire about information from them and find a place where no one is around to land.

Xiaobai's excited face suddenly became decadent, and he slowly landed outside the city.

Zhao Yin stepped on the ground and sensed it again. He found that the giant python did not catch up again, and then he was relieved.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zhao Yin first brought Xiaobai back to the life space.


As soon as Zhao Yin's figure appeared in the life space, the first one to notice Zhao Yin was the idiot corpse demon. He shouted and rushed towards Zhao Yin.

"My dear grandson! My dear grandson, don't come here!" Zhao Yin was startled and quickly raised his hand to stop him.

There is a rotten smell unique to zombies on this corpse demon.

No matter how much I washed it in the past two days, it couldn't be removed.

Zhao Yin glanced at the tattered pants he was wearing, hesitated slightly, and took out a clean sportswear and a pair of clean old Jiefang shoes from the space ring.

I remember that these shoes were taken off the feet of the cook named Lao Qin.

"My dear grandson, I'm going to reward you. Go change your clothes by yourself. If you have anything else to do, don't bother me." Zhao Yin said.

The corpse demon grabbed the new clothes and grinned: "Master! Master!"

He turned around and hid in the cornfield, and he actually knew how to hide his shame.

At this time, Song Xiaodao and a group of mutant beasts came forward.

"Zhao Yin, what happened, why did you suddenly send us back to the life space?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Zhao Yin briefly explained the matter, and everyone turned pale when they heard the one-kilometer-long giant python.

"One kilometer long, how big is it?" Song Xiaodao patted the airport on his chest: "How did it evolve?"

This was what Zhao Yin was confused about, so naturally he couldn't answer her words, and then said: "Anyway, it's okay now. I'm going to ask the survivors how to get to Xincheng. You all stay in the life space."

"I want to go with you!" Song Xiaodao quickly grabbed Zhao Yin's clothes.

Zhao Yin frowned, but finally nodded: "After entering the city, you are not allowed to leave my side at will."

"I know you are worried about me," Song Xiaodao immediately smiled and said: "Don't forget, I am also a D-level person now, who dares to bully me, hum!"

She clenched her little fists.

"It's not necessary. Don't hurt people at will!" Zhao Yin said. In fact, this was what he was worried about.

The purpose of going here is to find out information, not to kill anyone.

Zhao Yin only took Song Xiaodao to leave the life space. After all, humans and mutated beasts are inherently antagonistic.

Taking them into town will only cause unnecessary conflict.

The A-level giant python is not too far away from here, and it may suddenly kill him at any time.

Get the information you want and leave as soon as possible.

This city looks smaller than Luoshan City, but many buildings have been preserved, crooked and covered with vegetation.

Everywhere is full of dilapidation, and the original appearance of the building cannot be seen. It can only be vaguely distinguished. Before the end of the world, most of them were small buildings with two or three floors.

"It seems that this is a remote town!" Zhao Yin had a vague premonition.

Xincheng before the apocalypse was very prosperous, and there was absolutely no such small town nearby!

Song Xiaodao held Zhao Yin's clothes tightly, holding a chestnut in his hand and gnawing on it, humming softly in his nose. The child seemed to be in a good mood.

As we approached the camp, we could already see people coming and going in the distance.

Zhao Yin was slightly startled. The crowd looked a little strange. Some of them were wearing baggy tops that were too big to their knees, tattered and bare-legged.

Some people only had cotton wrapped around their lower bodies... Everyone's face was dark and their facial features could not be seen clearly.

There were a few women whose clothes were still intact. They were also baggy. Wasn't it the famous clothing "Sari" of India that was widely circulated on the Internet?

Zhao Yin understood in an instant that this guy was teleported to India!

Ten thousand grass mud horses galloped through his mind!

Zhao Yin just wanted to grind the vulture to ashes.

The group also saw Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao. Two men with their buttocks exposed and homemade spears in their hands immediately walked over here.

The others all looked at Zhao Yin vigilantly and took out the weapons behind them.

Zhao Yin paused and signaled Song Xiaodao to stop, quietly waiting for the two men to arrive.

The two men stopped far away, and one of them, a middle-aged man with a beard, asked in international language: "From Xiaoshi?"

"No! From Daxia!" Zhao Yin also answered in international language.

The other man looked at Song Xiaodao, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he quietly touched the beard with his elbow.

The beard looked at Song Xiaodao, and the expression on his face changed instantly...

All their actions were seen by Zhao Yin.

But he was not surprised. In the end times, women are a sought-after resource in many camps, not to mention that Asan is known for his humiliation!

If these Asan are determined to die, Zhao Yin can do nothing.

He can only do it reluctantly and pinch his nose to gain more resources.

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