Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 125 The Horrifying Corpse Demon

Hearing Zhao Yin calling him a good grandson, Corpse Demon Zhang Jie raised his head.

He looked at Zhao Yin in confusion.

"You want a grandpa, is it okay to look at me?" Zhao Yin tried to make himself look more kind.

Corpse Demon Zhang Jie tilted his head and thought seriously.

When his grandpa was alive, he also fed him and clothed him, and sometimes kicked his butt. The new grandpa in front of him seemed to be similar.

Soon, the dead fish-like eyes of the Corpse Demon showed brilliance: "Grandpa!"

He hugged Zhao Yin's legs: "Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa...!"

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Zhao Yin didn't expect that this sentence would work so well. This Corpse Demon was even stupider than he imagined.

Zhao Yin resisted the nausea and didn't kick the Corpse Demon away, and took out a chestnut.

"Children need to eat more to grow up."

The Corpse Demon looked at the chestnut, and at this moment, it seemed to see Zhang Shuguo holding a sweet potato in his hand, which was what the grandfather and grandson relied on to survive after the end of the world.

Every time, Zhang Shuguo only ate some sweet potato skins, and all the sweet potato flesh was left for his grandson.

The corpse demon suddenly started crying. Zhao Yin had just said this to him only by his grandfather.

"Ahh... Grandpa!"

In fact, sometimes, if you want to let go of a relationship, you need to fill it with another relationship.

At this moment, the corpse demon's longing for Zhang Shuguo faded a little.


After a long while, the corpse demon Zhang Jie was tired of crying, and his voice became quieter. Zhao Yin patted his head.

The corpse demon took the chestnuts handed to him and naturally let go of the "grandfather's" legs.

Zhao Yin quickly stepped back, pulled away, and looked down at his beloved C-level pants.

Fortunately, they were not dirty!

He never approached the corpse demon again, and said: "Grandson, take a good rest after dinner. Remember, don't destroy grandpa's things, and don't provoke those contracted beasts!"

The corpse demon Zhang Jie sat on the ground, chewing chestnuts and nodded: "Grandfather!"

At this moment, among the nine vultures who were eating, Bald Five suddenly screamed.


The sound resounded in the life space.

Song Xiaodao jumped in fear, and she glared and shouted: "What are you yelling for? If you dare to scare me again, I will beat you to death!"

Zhao Yin looked back and saw that Tuwu's body was rapidly expanding.

Even the black and white feathers were growing wildly.

He immediately opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Vulture: Grade D, Strength 74, Agility 85, Stamina 31, Spirit 12, mutated by zombie virus infection]

Just after reading Tuwu's attributes, another vulture also screamed and its body began to swell.

Ten minutes later, it also evolved to D grade!

[Vulture: Grade D, Strength 73, Agility 86, Stamina 33, Spirit 11, mutated by zombie virus infection]

The meat of a whole C-level vulture king, except for the one eaten by the corpse demon Zhang Jie, was eaten by nine vultures at this time.

Then, the remaining seven vultures all evolved one by one.

An hour later, the last vulture that evolved also evolved to D level!

Although the meat of the Vulture King stinks, it saves a lot of corpse crystals.

Zhao Yin had just finished watching the nine vultures when another shrill roar came from behind him.

It was the Corpse Demon Zhang Jie. He had eaten the Rat King meat, a chestnut, and the pot of Vulture King meat!

At this time, the veins on the Corpse Demon's body bulged, as if they were about to burst through the skin, and he looked more like a zombie than a zombie.

His fat slowly shrank, and it was visible to the naked eye that it formed strong tendon meat. His height of 1.6 meters also began to grow wildly, and soon reached 1.8 meters...

His nails became sharp and sharp, a full 7 or 8 centimeters, and flashed with cold light!

The appearance of the Corpse Demon Zhang Jie changed dramatically as his evolution was completed.

Zhao Yin's eyelids twitched wildly, and a vague feeling of palpitations emerged in his heart. At this moment, facing this corpse demon, he actually felt pressure!

[Corpse Demon: Grade D, Evolution Degree 100/0, Strength 190, Agility 185, Spirit 3, Defense 179, Spirit 3, Awakening Talent: Stone System]

At this moment, if the strength of the superpower is not taken into account, Corpse Demon Zhang Jie can already surpass the C-level monkey with the basic attributes of D-level!

Zhao Yin now understands why it was rumored in the previous life that the comprehensive strength of the Corpse Demon can even surpass the Zombie King!

You must know that the E-level Zombie King cannot evolve superpowers, but the Corpse Demon can!

After reaching the D-level, although the basic attributes of the Corpse Demon are a step lower than those of the Zombie King, he can not only devour fresh flesh and blood to evolve, but also devour corpse crystals, and can eat human extraordinary food.

Therefore, the evolution speed of the Corpse Demon is definitely not comparable to that of the Zombie King!

How can a D-level zombie king fight a corpse demon that is several levels higher than it?

At this time, all the contracted beasts stared at the corpse demon as if they were facing a great enemy.

Especially the little monkey, it had a vigilant look in its eyes, as if it had felt the threat, and a flame more than one meter long spread on the axe.

Even Song Xiaodao felt something, and his eyes shrank.

"Don't move!" Zhao Yin sent a message to all the contracted beasts. In fact, he already regretted that he shouldn't have let the corpse demon eat the vulture king meat so quickly.

The corpse demon is not tamed yet, and no one can predict what it will do next.

Zhao Yin took a step forward, communicating with the space ring at all times, ready to take out the rat king claw at any time.

"Good boy!" Zhao Yin called tentatively.

At this time, the corpse demon was still sitting on the ground. The evolution just made him a little confused. After hearing this, he slowly raised his head.

Under a head of withered and messy yellow hair, his face was thin and pale, and the veins under his skin could still be vaguely seen.


Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief and smiled kindly: "Good boy, I'm a little tired. You must be obedient later."

The corpse demon nodded obediently, looking stupid again.

Zhao Yin was still worried and secretly sent a message to the little monkey: "If he goes crazy later, kill him immediately. He can't hurt other contract beasts, and the mutated crops can't be lost."

"I know master." The little monkey responded.

With the little monkey's strength and the three abilities activated, there is still not much pressure to kill the current corpse demon.

Zhao Yin then walked into the invisible tent, his body still weak.

"Humans' physiques, even if they become evolved, are still not as good as those mutant beasts!" Zhao Yin sighed in his heart.

In the next two days, Zhao Yin nourished his energy and blood in the life space. He would never leave the life space easily until he returned to his peak state.

When he had time, Zhao Yin went to train the corpse demon, euphemistically called cultivating feelings.

After two days of feeding, the effect was obvious, and the zombie demon became more dependent on him.

This morning, Zhao Yin felt that his body had almost recovered and looked at the remaining food.

As the herd of contracted beasts grew, and a corpse demon was more edible than the contracted beasts, the chestnuts and dried fish had been eaten long ago, leaving only a few hundred kilograms of dried rat meat.

The crispy greens are eaten every day after being picked, but the more than 1,000 kilograms of dried vegetables stored remain untouched.

There are only less than 4,000 jins of corn left out of more than 6,000 jins!

Every day's consumption was a huge figure. Zhao Yang secretly calculated that the remaining food could be eaten for up to four more days, including dried vegetables and fish in the pond.

"In the end, the most urgent need is Nongfu Spring. It's time to go out and kill zombies to get star crystals."

Zhao Yin took all the people and beasts, including the two female slaves and the corpse demon, out of the living space and let them enjoy the sun.

As soon as he came to the outside world, Zhao Yin heard a roar in his ears. It was a waterfall not far away.

"Zhao Yin, where are we?" Song Xiaodao asked.

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