The poor little monkey didn't dare to disobey the master's order, but before it got close to the pot, ugh!

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It bent over and started to dry heave.

Its tears came out, and it was even more smelly than those zombies.

"Master... ugh... I, I can't eat it, ugh--!" The little monkey spat out a mouthful of yellow bile.

Zhao Yin frowned. This monkey had been following him since the beginning of the apocalypse, eating delicious food and drinking spicy drinks, and had long been picky.

Damn it, I will give it less good things in the future!

This pot of C-level mutant beast meat must not be wasted.

"Old Cow, you usually have the best appetite, you come." Zhao Yin gave up torturing the little monkey and pointed at the old cow.

The old cow is the most obedient and sensible!

The old cow moved its front hooves with difficulty, mustered up the courage to go to the guillotine, and finally approached the big pot. A dark green bubble in the pot suddenly burst, and a more disgusting stench came to his face.


The old cow didn't eat a bite, but vomited a bunch of food residue in the pot.

"Master, I... I can't do it either... Ugh!"

The old cow's huge belly was twitching.

Zhao Yin waved his hand impatiently, telling the old cow to get out, and then smiled at the flying white tiger: "Xiaobai...!"

"Master, I...!" Xiaobai quickly shrank back: "Xiaobai wants to poop."

After telepathically transmitting the message, Xiaobai spread his fleshy wings, and with a whoosh!

It flew to the other side of the pond in the cornfield, and quickly dug a big hole with its two front paws, squatted down and started to poop...

Even though it didn't have any, it also tried its best to poop, pooped hard...

Zhao Yin could only look at Lao Hei and Bald Egg.

Soon he shook his head, forget about these two!

Lao Hei had just recovered from a serious injury.

Bald Egg was already C-level, and it would be a waste to eat it. It was not qualified to waste Zhao Yin's food like the little monkey and the old cow.

In the end, Zhao Yin could only order six giant rats and nine vultures to eat.

The giant rats had eaten zombies before, but they vomited after just a few bites.

Only nine vultures enjoyed the meal.

They didn't mind eating the meat of their own kind.

Zhao Yin kept hearing the voice of gratitude to his master.

Bald Egg on the side was drooling, but he didn't understand why his master called everyone but didn't call him.

Zhao Yin turned to Wu Xuegui and said, "Take the time to melt these pots and make them again. Don't use them to cook for me in the future."

"I understand, boss." Wu Xuegui breathed a sigh of relief.

Just then, a hoarse voice came from not far away: "Master!"

Zhao Yin looked back and remembered that there was still a corpse demon here.

Corpse demon Zhang Jie was still tied up in the trap. At this time, he looked at the nine vultures eating with a dull look, moving his nose vigorously and swallowing his saliva.

Zhao Yin was a little surprised and asked, "Do you want to eat too?"

"Master! Master!"

Corpse demon Zhang Jie immediately nodded vigorously and showed Zhao Yin a pleading look.

Compared with the post-apocalyptic animals, his IQ is an insult to them. It can only be said that he is only smarter than the unevolved zombies.

Zhao Yin asked Song Xiaodao to go forward and put away the hunting net. The corpse demon Zhang Jie jumped up from the ground in an instant and rushed towards the big pots regardless of everything.


Zhao Yin kicked out with one foot and kicked the corpse demon Zhang Jie directly out.

With a plop, he fell on the cornfield.

"I let you eat?" Zhao Yin asked coldly.


The corpse demon Zhang Jie stared at Zhao Yin in astonishment, his eyes full of fear.

He was extremely afraid of the man in front of him and instinctively did not dare to provoke him.

"As long as you listen to me, I will let you eat." Zhao Yin suddenly relaxed his breath.

The corpse demon Zhang Jie grinned, a silly smile appeared on his hideous face, and nodded: "Master!"

Zhao Yin suddenly found that the corpse demon in front of him was like a child, and the mother was wherever there was milk!

In fact, he knew from the beginning that this kind of fool was the easiest to be brainwashed, but the corpse demon was too obsessed with his grandfather.

Maybe he could use this corpse demon for his own purposes without waiting for the slave collar.

Zhao Yin ordered Wu Xuegui: "Go find a big bowl and put a bowl of vulture king meat in it."

Wu Xuegui immediately went to do it. When he brought the foul-smelling broth to the corpse demon, he immediately jumped on it and scooped out a large piece of meat with his hands and swallowed it directly.

Then, he picked up the bowl and poured it into his mouth.

He was even hungrier than a starving ghost.

Soon, a bowl of vulture king meat was finished.

The corpse demon put down the bowl, his mouth was covered with foul-smelling broth, and he looked up at Zhao Yin.


"Not full?" Zhao Yin stood there, his eyes as gentle as his own grandfather.

The corpse demon immediately nodded vigorously: "Grandpa, Grandpa!"

"Old cripple, bring another pot." Zhao Yin ordered again.

Wu Xuegui and Wang Xiaolei wrapped towels around their noses and put down a steaming pot.

The corpse demon pounced again, quickly picked up the meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

Zhao Yin bent down, looked at the corpse demon's terrifying face from a close distance, and asked, "Are you still missing your grandfather?"

The corpse demon paused while picking up the meat, slowly raised his head, and his eyes instantly became sharp, staring at Zhao Yin intently.

The meat in his mouth fell into the pot again, and the splashing soup fell on his chest.

At this moment, Zhao Yin's pupils were also slowly shrinking.

As long as the corpse demon dared to attack him, Zhao Yin would definitely kill him on the spot without hesitation.

For a long while, the corpse demon did not move, just staring at Zhao Yin.

Slowly, his eyes were no longer sharp, and were gradually replaced by sadness.

Zhao Yin relaxed slightly. The Silly Corpse Demon's temperament was more docile than expected.

The benefits of taming a corpse demon are definitely no less than those of contracted beasts, and he is willing to spend some time on this silly corpse demon.

Zhao Yin took out a piece of rat meat and said, "Eat it, it tastes better than the vulture."

Corpse Demon Zhang Jie subconsciously took the rat meat handed over by Zhao Yin, and couldn't help but bite it into his mouth.

Every time a piece is torn off, it is swallowed directly into the belly.

"You should know that the old man is dead. If he is still conscious, he will definitely thank Shu Liu for rescuing him!" Zhao Yin whispered.

Corpse Demon Zhang Jie paused again, and a hint of black gradually appeared in his sad eyes.

The black ones are his tears.

The corpse demon didn't know much, but he knew a lot about his grandfather, so much that he understood it better than he knew himself.


The corpse demon opened his mouth and shouted, the rat king meat in his mouth fell to the ground, and tears rolled out.

"In the apocalypse, life is difficult for everyone. In fact, for an old man like him, life is worse than death. He is probably ninety years old!"

Zhao Yin remembered the appearance of the old zombie when he first saw it, and said: "He has lived longer than many people. It will be very difficult after the apocalypse. Look, you are so fat, but he is so thin."

"He is alive because of you. If you don't listen to me, you will definitely be killed by me, and he will be very sad."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, Zhang Jie was stunned again. A drop of saliva slipped from the corner of his mouth and stretched into threads!

"Don't worry, as long as you obey, no one will kill you. If someone kills you, I will kill him first!"

Zhao Yin's voice was slow and slow, as if he was telling a fact: "I will give you food and drink. Eat what others can't eat, and drink what others don't have. That old man will be very happy if he knows what he is doing."

The corpse demon slowly raised his head, his face covered with snot and tears, and he stared at him blankly.

Facing such an ugly and disgusting face, Zhao Yin tried his best to maintain a kind smile like an old man.

He slowly raised his palm and stroked the corpse demon's head.

"So, you will listen to me in the future. You know, even if I ask you to fight to the death, you will have no regrets. Only in this way can you survive!"

The corpse demon nodded: "Master!"

"Good boy!" Zhao Yin smiled.

He no longer wants to be the foster father of others, but is willing to be the foster father of this corpse demon that will be ridiculously powerful in the future!

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