Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 111: Reappearance of the Monster

[Flying White Tiger: D-level mutant beast, strength 79, agility 108, physical strength 78, defense 72, spirit 36, bloodline talent: extreme speed]

Xiaobai finally evolved into a flying white tiger!

When it reaches adulthood, its size is extremely exaggerated!

It's a bit bigger than Lao Hei, and it's almost catching up with Lao Niu.

A pair of flesh wings grow on the shoulder blades, looking majestic.

Its hair is still snow-white, and its huge eyes are cold, indifferent, and cruel...a pair of sharp claws, even sharper than the claws of the Rat King!

Zhao Yin took Xiaobai out of the invisibility tent. After some testing, he found that after turning on its superpower, its speed was only a few points slower than that of the little monkey.

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Mainly because the little monkey has reached C level!

Moreover, the little monkey is not an ordinary mutant beast. Its first and second abilities can also increase speed!

The level suppression of mutant beasts becomes more and more obvious the further you go. Now at Xiaobai's level, almost no mutant beasts can catch up with him in speed.

Suddenly, a scream came from the invisible tent.

Zhao Yin hurried back and saw Wu Xuegui hugging Wang Xiaolei in a hurry. Her face was twisted in pain and big beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.

"Boss, Xiaolei just drank the potion, did something go wrong?" Wu Xuegui asked anxiously.

Zhao Yin almost forgot to give Wang Xiaolei the evolution potion. He took out twenty kilograms of dried rat meat and said: "This is the price every evolver has to pay. If you can survive, you will be in heaven. If you cannot survive, you will be in hell!"

"If you want her to survive, feed her these foods. Also, take her outside the tent tonight and don't disturb my rest."

After saying that, Zhao Yin began to make the bed.

"Thank you boss!"

Wu Xuegui said gratefully, quickly brought the food and hugged Wang Xiaolei and walked out.

Early the next morning.

Zhao Yin felt wet on his face in a daze. When he opened his eyes, he saw a big snow-white head. Xiaobai stretched out his tongue and licked Zhao Yin's face.

If Zhao Yin hadn't already been a D-level evolver and was thick-skinned, his skin would have been peeled off by the barbs on his tongue. Even so, his face was wet with its saliva.


Xiaobai yelled at the top of his lungs, still low and hoarse, which made people feel goosebumps all over.

"Master, Xiaobai misses you."

"How could there be such a clingy cat?"

Zhao Yin pushed its head away, turned over and sat up.

Xiaobai thought it was cute when he licked Zhao Yin when he was little, but now it made him feel a little impatient.

At this time, Wang Xiaolei walked in with breakfast.

[Human female: F-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0, strength 11, agility 14, physical strength 13, spirit 10, life countdown: 30122 days]

At this time, Wu Xuegui also walked into the invisible tent carrying a big basin. When he saw Zhao Yin, his eyes were as if he had seen his daughter-in-law who had just passed through the door, with a face full of attentiveness.

"Boss, I'm afraid of delaying you in killing zombies, so I got up two hours early to cook."

"Get some hot water and wash my face." Zhao Yin ordered.

"Okay boss!" Wu Xuegui quickly put down the vegetable basin and walked quickly out the door.

Zhao Yin finished his breakfast and entered the life space again.

The two sisters, both with heavy tiredness on their faces, were picking crispy greens.

"Are the arrows finished?" Zhao Yin asked.

The two sisters bowed quickly, and Zhao Yin accidentally caught a glimpse of the white snow on Zhou Lili's chest, which was shaking and making waves.

'Tolerance is a virtue'!

Subconsciously, Zhao Yin thought of this word in his mind.

"Reporting to the master, we have just finished work and have prepared a total of 3156 arrows, and we are preparing to cook for you, boss!"

"First bake the dried vegetables. Today's task is to make five thousand arrows!"

"What...five thousand?" Zhou Lili screamed immediately.

"have opinions?"

They only started making the three thousand arrows yesterday in the afternoon. Today they had an extra morning, so Zhao Yin added two thousand more.

The value of their existence is to work, should he be allowed to raise these two women for nothing?

Zhou Lili woke up and quickly lowered her head and said: "I don't dare, the master said five thousand, we...even if we die, we will definitely make five thousand, and we will never let the master down!"

Zhou Dandan on the side subconsciously grabbed his fingers. Chun Bai, who once belonged to the girl, was now covered in scars.

They all have understood that only by completely obeying Zhao Yin can they survive.

In this life space, it is impossible to escape!

Zhao Yin said no more, put away the arrows, and left the life space.

Soon, Zhao Yin led the humans and beasts into Luoshan City again.

"We have nearly 5,000 arrows. Monkey, Xiaobai, and Laohei, your task today is to attract the zombies. Control the number of arrows within 8,000 at a time. I want to kill all the zombies in the city as soon as possible!" Zhao Yin said.

This method of attracting monsters is very effective and is also the safest method.

"I understand, Master!" the three contracted beasts responded in unison.

Zhao Yin found a place with a wide view and stopped, and the three contract beasts separated and left quickly.

After a while, ho ho ho!

The roars of corpses formed one after another, and the huge figure of the little monkey ran towards Zhao Yin, followed by a vast group of corpses.

At least two to three thousand, looking like an army of thousands.

Ho ho ho...!

At this time, another roar of corpses came from another direction. Zhao Yin looked back and saw that it was Lao Hei, followed by about two thousand zombies, raising dust all the way.

Zhao Yin immediately took out the Zhuge Crossbow, threw a Rat King Claw to Wang Xiaolei, and shouted: "Everyone and the contracted beasts are ready to fight!"

At this time, Xiao Bai still hadn't come back. If the zombies it led back were included, five thousand arrows would not be enough!

So hand-to-hand combat was still needed!

All the people and beasts immediately dispersed, surrounding Zhao Yin in the middle, and Wu Xuegui quickly hid in the invisible tent.

As the little monkey and Lao Hei approached with the zombies, Zhao Yin suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Why hasn't Xiao Bai come yet?"

"It has never participated in the battle in the West Valley. This is the first time it has led a group of zombies. It won't..."

Before Zhao Yin had time to think about it, Xiao Bai's figure appeared in the distance.

It was seen jumping and frolicking, with the zombies behind it covering the sky...


Zhao Yin cursed, and estimated that there were at least 7,000 or 8,000 zombies!

"Stupid, how could you attract so many?"


Xiaobai ran and roared excitedly. After seeing the master, it suddenly accelerated, and rushed to Zhao Yin first without caring whether the zombies behind it could keep up.

"Master, Xiaobai missed you!"

"Stinking idiot, who told you to attract so many zombies at once?"

Zhao Yin kicked it hard.

"Master, it's not... not 8,000 zombies?" Xiaobai drooped his ears and said aggrievedly.

"What I'm saying is that a total of 8,000 zombies were attracted at a time, not that you attracted 8,000 by yourself. Didn't you read?" Zhao Yin kicked Xiaobai's fat butt again.

It didn't dare to hide, knowing that it had done something wrong, and crawled at Zhao Yin's feet with its head in its arms.

"Hurry up and kill the zombies!" Zhao Yin kicked its butt again.

At this time, the little monkey and the old cow had already led the zombies to arrive, and the two beasts accelerated back to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin didn't bother to educate the underage big cat anymore, and raised the Zhuge Crossbow, whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The sound of arrows breaking through the air, accompanied by the sound of automatic loading, the rain of arrows was thrown out and fell into the zombies, and the zombies in front fell down in large numbers...

A few minutes later, there were only seven E-level zombies left in the two zombie groups, with arrows stuck in their heads, but they still rushed towards Zhao Yin.

At this time, the eight thousand zombies led by Xiaobai also arrived.

Zhao Yin shot the remaining dozens of arrows in the space ring in one breath, and then gave an order.

"No arrows, all of you turn on your superpowers, monkey, pay attention to control the fire system, rush up!"

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