The two sisters Zhou Lili are working hard to make arrows.

Although they are evolved, and their hands' strength and speed are far superior to ordinary people, both of them still have blisters on their hands.

"Are the arrows ready?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Hurry...almost!" The two sisters were shocked when they saw Zhao Yin.

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The two men managed to produce more than a thousand arrows, which was still less than half of the three thousand arrows required by Zhao Yin.

"Since we haven't made enough three thousand, we'll have to work overnight." Zhao Yin said indifferently.

In his eyes, Zhou Lili could not see the envy of any other man, but only ruthlessness and coldness.

Now, both sisters were extremely afraid of the man in front of them.

"I know...I know!"

Zhao Yin turned around and walked towards the patch of dandelions. The two sisters relaxed and endured the excruciating pain in their hands, and started to move faster.

"Sister...I really don't have any strength anymore, huh...!"

Zhou Dandan's tears fell down and she cried softly with her lips pursed.

Zhou Lili felt guilty. Her sister was very simple and not yet 19 years old.

In the past, Zhou Lili decided everything, and she was the one who caused her sister to suffer.

"Don't cry, it will be enough soon. Crying won't solve the problem." Zhou Lili comforted her.

"But...but I'm so hungry." Zhou Dandan wiped away her tears.

I haven't had any water for two days, and my physical fitness has reached its limit.

Zhao Yin let them down today without giving them anything to eat. Just now they could only drink water from the pool to satisfy their hunger.

"He still needs us and won't starve us to death."

Zhou Lili said: "As long as you live, there will be hope!"

Zhou Dandan wiped away her tears and continued working...

Zhao Yin listened to the words of the two sisters without any expression on his face. He picked out a dandelion that looked the strongest, peeled off the soil at the roots, and poured the compound fertilizer down.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin took out a bottle of Nongfu Spring to water the dandelions to speed up the absorption of fertilizer.

Suddenly, a green light spread across the dandelion's rhizome, slowly covering it upwards, spreading through the stems... leaves...

In the green light, the dandelion grew rapidly, and soon reached half a foot high...

One foot...two and a half meters!

The momentum of growth stopped until it was almost as tall as a person.

At this time, each leaf is the size of a cattail fan, thick and green.

At the very top of the stem, a flower bud grew, and its pale golden petals were vaguely visible.

After the green light dissipated, Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Seeing.

[Dandelion: E-level mutant plant, rich in nutrients! Efficacy: Removes poisons below B level! Special effect: Sow seeds, and when the umbrella withers, a thousand mutated plants of the same level will grow.]

Zhao Yin's heart skipped a beat and he evolved directly to E level!

In the apocalypse, some mutant beasts and plants are highly poisonous. So far, Zhao Yin has no way to deal with them.

Now that he had this dandelion, Zhao Yin suddenly looked forward to meeting a mutant beast with poisonous powers as soon as possible.

The most important thing is that the special effects of dandelions are also very powerful, and the number of plantings has directly increased a thousand times!

In addition to corn, it is another mutated crop that can reproduce in large areas!

Even if you don’t mention its detoxification effect, even if you use it as food, it can still fill your stomach!

Zhao Yin took out another bottle of Nongfu Spring to water it without hesitation.

The dandelion stopped growing. All the energy was concentrated on the flower bud at the top. Soon, a huge golden flower gradually bloomed.

The next moment, the fragrance of the flowers escapes, refreshing the heart and mind, floating in the space of life.

The two sisters Zhou Lili couldn't help but look over, with surprise in their eyes!

The energy of Nongfu Spring was exhausted, and the dandelions still had not finished sowing. Zhao Yin took out the last bottle of Nongfu Spring from the space ring.

He never thought that one day the material he was most in need of would be Nongfu Spring.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin watered it again, and the pale golden flowers continued to bloom, gradually withered, and gradually grew into a huge umbrella-shaped hairy flower ball!

When the energy of Nongfu Spring is used up, the black seeds are mature and fall off on their own without the need of wind, scattering around, falling into the soil and disappearing.

At this moment, if Zhao Yin has enough Nongfu Spring, a thousand E-level dandelions can be generated immediately!

It's a pity that he doesn't have a bottle now.

We can only wait for them to grow on their own.

Zhao Yin used the space ring to get water from the pool and wet all the soil that had been planted. He looked back and saw that the huge dandelion was still not withered, and its leaves were green and thick.

"Having this one plant is enough to deal with the poisonous crisis, but I can't eat E-grade dandelion vegetables recently."

Zhao Yin walked over and looked at other crops. The large areas of corn were growing very well, and the chestnut trees had also grown many crisp branches and leaves. The crispy greens had not been picked for three days, and now they have lush branches and leaves.

"You two, starting from tomorrow, pick the crispy greens every day and make them into dried vegetables and give them to me." Zhao Yin turned around and ordered the two sisters.

"Yes, Master." Zhou Lili replied respectfully.

Zhou Dandan just nodded and looked at Zhao Yin in horror.

Zhao Yin stopped paying attention and prepared to leave the life space.

"Master, wait." Zhou Lili suddenly boldly called him.

Zhao Yin frowned and looked over coldly.

"Master, I...we haven't eaten for three days. We really don't have the strength. What if this delays the progress of the work...!" Zhou Lili said in a low voice.

In fact, in the life space, there are fish in the pond, crisp ear vegetables and chestnut leaves and the dandelions before...all of which are edible.

But without Zhao Yin's consent, they dared not move at all.

Zhao Yin took out two pieces of dried fish and threw them in front of them: "Tomorrow morning, I want to see three thousand arrows."


At this time, far away on the other side of the pond, a white cat the size of a calf turned into lightning and rushed towards Zhao Yin quickly.

"Master! Xiaobai misses you!"

The babyish voice sounded in Zhao Yin's heart.

Zhao Yin found Xiaobai sleeping in the cornfield early in the morning. It had already completed its evolution.

But Zhao Yin didn't come in to take it away. It was sleeping soundly on the other side just now.


Xiaobai's fur was sparkling, and he rubbed Zhao Yin's legs affectionately: "Master, have you forgotten Xiaobai? Xiaobai has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Growth stage white cat: E-level mutant beast, strength 41, agility 50, physical strength 43, defense 32, spirit 19, blood talent: extreme speed]

Even though it has evolved to E-level, it is still in the growth stage!

But Xiaobai's attributes are not worse than those of adult mutant beasts.

Zhao Yin touched its head: "Come out with me, I will promote you to D-level tonight, and fight with the monkeys tomorrow!"

After saying that, Zhao Yin and Xiaobai disappeared in the life space.

In the outside world, Wu Xuegui had already prepared dinner, and people and beasts were waiting for Zhao Yin.

After dinner, Zhao Yin took out 10,000 F-level corpse crystals and piled them in front of Xiaobai: "Let's start!"

Xiaobai came forward like eating cat food, crunching, and a large amount of energy gathered in its mouth...

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