Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1785: There is an emotion

"Ah! Get away!"

The city guard soldiers on the first line of defense suddenly jumped out of the truck in horror and retreated to the second line of defense. They did not dare to stay in the face of the terrifying fire dragon. This was simply beyond human resistance.

boom! With a loud noise, the fire dragon threw a hundred meters away and hit three trucks on the first line of defense. The truck was immediately swallowed by the fire dragon.

The next moment, the truck exploded violently. Several city guard soldiers retreated a step slowly and were engulfed by the fire dragon in the air. They were ignited in an instant with a scream, and were blown up by a strong explosion in the next moment. No bones exist.

Astonishment flashed in the eyes of Xu Sheng and the others. They did not dare to imagine that a line of defense could not even stop a mutant beast, and was instantly flattened by a monster. Such a terrifying monster might be just one of these city guard soldiers. Minutes can't stop it, I'm afraid that the city owner is so rushed that he can only come to collect the corpses.

"The monster is coming, shoot!"

At this moment, the sea of ​​fire that the truck turned into suddenly burst into flames, and the flames were scattered like fireworks. The huge body of the monster had been squeezed out of the sea of ​​fire, and it was still carrying flames and smoke, like a giant flame beast. , Extremely scary.

Seeing this terrifying monster, everyone's hearts trembled, even those who were awakened were terrified. The courage that rose in their hearts quickly declined, and many soldiers' hands with guns began to tremble.

Da da da.......

The five machine guns roared frantically and spit out flames, but the flame bullets hit the monsters and couldn't even shoot through the leather armor. They were scattered and flew around. Everyone saw this scene. Thick helpless.

Seeing the monster rushing over quickly, all the fighters desperately shot frantically, and a dozen awakened persons have stood up, with determination on their faces and weapons in their hands.

Although the tension in the hands of each one was all sweat, thinking that they might die in the next moment, many people naturally felt a trace of sorrow.

"Die me!"

At this moment, a soft drink sounded, everyone looked over, only to see a red figure falling from the sky.

"Miss Xiao Bi!"

Everyone who saw it screamed with surprises on their faces. Now only Miss Xiaobi can stop this monster.

The monster also suddenly turned around and looked up, but just as it raised its head, Xiao Bi has arrived, Boom! With a loud noise, Xiao Bi lifted a huge stone tablet and smashed it on the monster's head like a meteorite.

boom! The monster was also smashed to the ground by this powerful blow, and the other shovel-shaped flat angle on its head finally broke after the previous one.

Roar! The monster roared and shook its head abruptly. The huge force flew Xiaobi away, and then suddenly opened its mouth towards Xiaobi.

puff! A jet of green liquid sprayed out and shot towards Xiaobi who was flying in the air.

As soon as the liquid came out a strong fishy smell filled the air, the fishy smell was so terrible that everyone smelled it, and the stinging in the eyes, as if being stimulated by a strong poisonous gas, made the brain dizzy.


Everyone looked at the big green pungent smelling liquid with horror. They never expected that this monster could still spray poison.

Xiaobi's state was a little wrong at this time. She closed her eyes, her limbs drooping weakly, as if a frail autumn leaf was flying in the wind, and she was about to be sprayed by the venom.

"Ah! Miss Xiaobi, be careful!"

Many people shouted in horror.

Xu Sheng, Fatty, and Zhang Liang's eyes were red, and Xu Sheng roared from the top of the car and leaped down towards Xiaobi, while Fatty and Zhang Liang also jumped out of the car and pursued them.

It was just some distance away, waiting for them to arrive at the speed of the three people, afraid that the venom had arrived, but the three people still did not hesitate.

Because the city lord said to ensure the safety of Miss Xiaobi anyway!

At this moment, no one saw it. After the position, the air suddenly fluctuated, a white light flashed suddenly, and then a figure appeared.

At this time, everyone's attention was on Xiaobi, and no one noticed this scene.

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