Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1784: Mental Attack Shows Power


Di Ping's face changed drastically. He knew that this was the highest-level help signal he had set up. If he couldn't intercept it, he could directly warn him because he missed it in a hurry. When this signal came out, something must have happened, and he shouted with a deep face.

He also ignored the presence of outsiders at this time, as soon as this signal came out, it could kill people.


As soon as the light moved and shot from the watch, Xu Sheng's anxious face appeared in front of Di Ping Pian. When he saw Di Ping, he had no time to say hello, and hurriedly shouted: "City Lord, something happened, we met a powerful mutant beast, Xiao Miss Bi lost to the enemy and was injured. Now she is in a critical condition and asks the city lord for support!

Xu Sheng looked anxious and worried, but he was still organized and explained the matter clearly.


He was shocked when he heard that something happened to Xiaobi. If something happened to Xiaobi, it would be because De Feiya came out to blame herself. He didn't rush to think about it, and immediately shouted: "Xu Sheng, you start positioning immediately, I will be there in two minutes. , We must hold on, and we must ensure Xiaobi’s safety anyway!"

"It's the city owner!"

Xu Sheng stood at attention with a firm eye, then turned off the watch, took out a positioning stone, opened it and placed it on the flat open ground nearby.

Then, he looked at Xiaobi, who was being chased by the monster, who had no power to defend himself, flashed with determination, he took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted: "Everyone get out of the car and form Line of defense, use firepower to stop the mutant beasts and rescue Miss Xiaobi. We only need to block for two minutes, and the city lord will be there!"

"Get out of the car! Get out of the car and form a line of defense!"

Zhang Liang also yelled, then jumped off the truck.

The soldiers of the City Guard who had been holding back for a long time screamed and rushed out of the truck, and the heavy weapons on the truck were re-armed and pointed directly at the mutant monster.


Turning off the watch, Di Ping had no time delay at all, and there was no time to say more. He shot out into the city as soon as his body moved. The speed was as fast as lightning. When everyone recovered, Di Ping had already shot more than fifty meters away. And his roar came from far away: "Brother Cao, Captain Lei, I have to take care of it, and I will accompany you when I come back! Bingyu helped me arrange them..."

When his voice fell to the ground, Di Ping had shot more than two hundred meters away, and then disappeared into the sight of everyone in a flash.

Lei Bing, Cao Ruida and others all stared at Di Ping's lightning-fast figure with stunned mouths. It took a long time to come back to their senses. They swallowed involuntarily, their eyes filled with intense horror.

"Fast speed!"

Lei Bing murmured.

Cao Ruida's heart was even more ups and downs. He knew that Brother Di was very strong. He had seen it before, but now it seemed to be stronger than before, and the speed was even faster, like a spark of lightning.

Boom boom boom...

The bullets of the organ cannon poured out towards the monster, preventing it from chasing after Xiao Bi, who was already very embarrassed with blood.

The flaming bullet hit the monster, making a dangling sound. The bullets of the machine gun were not enough to penetrate the bones of the monster. They were bounced off, but that was it, the monster became more irritable, and it made an angry sound toward the position. Roared, and then even gave up Xiaobi and rushed towards the position.

"Launch rockets!"

Xu Sheng commanded calmly.

Boom boom boom...

With a loud roar, more than a dozen rockets flew out and rushed towards the monster, but the monster did not even hide, and more than a dozen rockets happened to be shot on the monster, and suddenly there was a shocking explosion and a strong fire. And the smoke covered the huge monster.

Roar! With a roar, a terrifying aura rose up from the smoke and flames. The flame seemed to be engulfed by a violent wind, like a huge fire dragon, roaring toward the position.

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