Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1753: Hard defense

This is a two-meter-tall man with a stature like a giant bear, with brown-red hair draped diagonally to his shoulders, high forehead, two thick eyebrows and a pair of blue-brown eyes as deep as the sea, vicissitudes and perseverance. , The brown-red beard on his face is trimmed neatly, and his face is covered with scars like a knife, showing that he has definitely experienced countless cruel battles.

His chest was wide open, revealing copper-like skin, his muscles were as tight as a block of iron, his arms were sturdy, full of strong muscles, and he knew that there was terrible power in it, and the power of surging blood came out from him. It lingers around the body, like a fierce beast, with a fierce air radiating from the whole body.

Standing in front of Di Pingyuan like a wall, Di Ping had to look up at him.

"Ted has seen the master!"

The big man stood in front of Di Ping'an, his eyes were excited and hot, and he suddenly slammed on one knee like Zhou Shan, hammered his chest with one hand, and the sound was like a bronze bell, and the whole camp was buzzing.

"Hurry up, please!"

Di Ping hurriedly stretched out his hand to protect him, and said, "Ted, I don't like to bow down, so I don't need to do that again!"

"Thank you Master!!"

Ted did not refuse to stand up from the ground, and stood beside Di Ping solemnly, respectfully.

Di Ping looked up and down at Ted, with joy in his eyes. This is the strongest combat power of his men. The first rank and ninth rank are not high, but they should be the strongest in the current level of the awakened. First line.

Ted stood beside Di Ping, but his heart was extremely unquiet. He recalled the previous scene in his mind, which seemed to be right in front of him, and it seemed that he was in a trance a long time ago.

The resource station he manages is in a wasteland, where there are many low-level mutant beasts and mineral spirit grass resources. The resource station provides mercenaries with a place to rest and deal with their prey. He has managed this station for several years. It has been fine.

It stands to reason that there are not many powerful mutant beasts in the resource station where he is located, but he has seen a ghost. He encountered the wasteland mutant beast riots once in a hundred years. The resource station was besieged by groups of mutant beasts. There were more than 30 fighters. Almost all of the fifty-odd mercenaries who rested in the resource station died in battle, only a few strong ones broke through, and he was a step slower and was surrounded by mutant beasts.

He is fighting frantically. This resource station is his life's painstaking effort. This resource station has his beliefs and memories, but also his hope. Without the resource station, his promotion will be cut off. Cultivation requires resources. Without this resource station, he would lose everything. In any case, he didn't want to give up. He was doing the last bit of struggle.

It's just that everything is in vain. In the endless tide of beasts, he was just a drop in the ocean, beheading a mutant beast, and another mutant beast threw him down, opened his blood basin and bit his neck.

He had no strength to hide, and no strength to overturn the mutant beast. He could only watch the mutant beast bite, and the tingling sensation of sharp teeth piercing the skin made him despair.

He knew that his life would end here, but his heart was full of unwillingness, he didn't want to die!

Perhaps the heaven heard his call, and a white light fell from the sky and enveloped him, and all the mutant beasts around seemed to be positioned. In the static time, everything came to a halt, followed by a panic-like supreme consciousness. It stretched out from the endless void and reached his consciousness.

"As you wish, you can live on as a follower!"

He wanted to live, this consciousness was like the last straw, he had to grasp it no matter what, although he had fear in his heart, he still agreed.

When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at a brand new resource station, and he became the stationmaster of this resource station, as well as the owner who had already been printed in his mind.

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