Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1752: Rival Monster

Di Ping had been in the city for two days to deal with the matter. He couldn't stay there anymore. After two days of warming up, there were nearly a hundred more vital energy in his body. He has now reached more than six hundred vital energy, which seems to be still There is no sign of stopping.

Moreover, his meridians didn't feel full at all. The meridians that he had undergone two transformations were as wide as a big river. There was no pressure on this amount of vitality. Di Ping didn't know how much vitality he could nurture.

He didn't know this question, but he couldn't sit still. De Feiya was in retreat. Xiao Bi took a group of City Guards and the Awakened to sweep around every day, bringing back a large number of personnel and supplies. He felt that he had to do something. .

He didn't care how much the secrets of the awakened and the exercise techniques he announced had on the outside world. After two days of brewing, with the radio waves about the secrets of the awakened and the exercises, they flew around the country like wings.

When these news spread to Kyoto, and the contents recorded in books appeared on the tables of the major forces, the transmission of the sanctuary city flashed, a cloud of white light disappeared, and Di Ping appeared on the transmission well in the resource station.

This teleportation is much smaller than the teleportation well of the sanctuary. It is a black metal platform with a radius of no more than three meters. There are lines and runes on it, and four silver spikes more than two meters high. Stabbed into the sky like a horn, the platform is inlaid with crystals and gems, and it is also covered with runes and lines.

As soon as Di Ping appeared, he saw two humanoid war puppets guarding the teleportation well. They had a long knife on their backs and held a weird firearm with both hands. The strange reason was that Di Ping had never seen it. It looks a bit like a small energy cannon.

"I have seen the master!"

When the two humanoid war puppets saw Di Ping, they didn't even lag behind and knelt on one knee to bow.

"Get up!"

Di Ping nodded and said.

He found that this Zhan Puppet had much higher intelligence than the one he got from Zhenyang Sect. It seemed that it was no different from a normal person, and even his voice was close to a normal person.

The two war puppets stood up, and then stood there again, motionless, while Di Ping walked down the teleportation shaft and looked at the place.

He has checked in the system before that this camp is rectangular, divided into two parts, one front door and one back door. The front is mainly the public area. Anyone who enters through the front door can rest in this area. There is a barracks in this area. There are restaurants, treatment rooms, shops, etc., and the second half is a confidential area. There is a station master's control tower, which is in the middle of the camp, and there is an energy cannon on the top.

On the two sides are a military camp and a collection station. The collection station is equipped with a fully automatic prospecting vehicle and mining equipment. The center of the second half is a transmission shaft, and Di Ping is now in this location.

All he could see was the ten-meter-high wall and the ten-meter-high tower in the middle, as well as the barracks on both sides.

There are sci-fi style elements in the magic-style buildings. There are buildings made of special materials such as alloys everywhere, and one or two rune elements can be seen in many buildings.

He just glanced twice and suddenly felt a powerful momentum coming from the Central Station Master Tower. He stood still, with a calm smile on his face, and was not moved by the powerful momentum.

A sturdy figure shoots out from the station master tower, like a galloping horse, and it almost arrives at a distance of more than 30 meters.

The incoming person rushed to Di Pianyang and stopped abruptly, as if he were still on the ground. Such a fast speed and this kind of reaction force shows how strong his control over the body is, the speed is too fast, and it brings energy. The wind blows Di Ping's clothes to hunt, but Di Ping's color does not change.

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