Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1738: Eighty-one days

Everyone laughed for a while and then gave up. Di Ping looked at them and said, "Let's go! Let's have dinner tonight!"

"The Bingyu girl has been invited before, so go! With you young people, we will not join in the fun, and it will be uncomfortable to have us playing with you!"

Mother Di waved her big hand and drove Di Ping away.

"Yes, you go! I'm old now and can't stand the noise, so I can drink a little wine quietly at home to make it more comfortable!"

Father Di also shook his head.

Di Ping knew the temper of his parents. If they didn't want to go, they didn't go, and it was true that they were uncomfortable there, and they were not reluctant. He looked at De Feiya and Xiao Bi. Before she could speak, De Feiya spoke first: "I won't go, I will retreat later!"

"I'm not going anymore! I want to accompany the master!" Xiaobi was obviously insincere with her small mouth. She has been playing crazy these days. She feels that it is much more fun here than they are, and it's okay to fight monsters. There is also a group of people to play with, without any depression, she likes her life now.

"Okay, your heart is no longer here, go!"

De Feiya looked at Xiao Bi, who was insincerely surging in her face, with a chuckle.

"Then... Lord, you have to retreat..."

Xiaobi moved a little, but she still took care of Delphia, with hesitation in her eyes.

"Fiya, there is a training room in the city lord tower. No one can enter except me. You won't be disturbed in retreat there. I think you should retreat there!"

Di Ping thought for a while and said.

De Feiya thought for a moment, then looked at Di Ping and nodded softly, "Well then!"

"Gina, you will find Butler Barton and ask him to arrange training room No.1. You can ask Butler Barton to arrange whatever Feiya needs!"

Di Ping looked at Gina and confessed.

"Master, I wrote it down!"

Gina replied respectfully.

After the arrangement, Di Ping looked at De Feiya and said with gentle eyes: "You will go to the training room with Gina in a while, Ning Shenhua don't save it, you must fully recover from the injury!"

"I know!"

De Feiya smiled softly.

"Then let's go!" Di Ping nodded to his parents, De Feiya and Gina, and then stretched out his hand to make a request, and looked at Xiao Bi with a smile on his face and said: "Please... we. Master Xiaobi..."

"Master!" Xiao Biqiao blushed, and looked back at De Feiya timidly.


De Feiya laughed.

Xiaobi received the order, and she suddenly raised a thick smile on Qiao Qiao's face, turned around to look at Di Ping, raised her small face, and said triumphantly: "It's pretty much the same, and then she really stepped out... .."

When the two of them had just left the house, Di Mu’s joking laughter sounded again in the room. She had a chest and an arrogant Xiaobi. Upon hearing this laughter, her waist collapsed and her face became bitter, she knew she was already. Embarrassed in front of the master again, she gave Di Ping angrily, thinking that Di Ping embarrassed her.

Di Ping touched his nose with a weird expression, thinking that your own stinky beauty seems to have nothing to do with me, right?

However, he didn't care about Xiaobi, this girl had to coax, there was still something demanding of her below, but she couldn't mess her up.

When Di Ping arrived, everyone was almost there. Even Liu Zhenglong and his wife had arrived. The crowd seemed to be familiar with what they were talking about. When Di Ping arrived, everyone got up to welcome them, and even Liu Zhenglong and Gu Ruoxi also hurriedly stood up.

"Uncle Liu made you wait for a long time!"

Di Ping hurried over and greeted Liu Zhenglong enthusiastically.

"Just arrived.... We just arrived too!" Liu Zhenglong was not a nerd, and he knew about human accidents, and said with a calm smile on his face.

Although Gu Ruoxi didn't speak, she nodded to Di Ping, acting gracefully and cordially. Seeing the state of the crowd towards this young man, you can know that his prestige in the city of asylum is really growing.

She couldn't help feeling a little bit in her heart. In these last days, perhaps only such a person can protect relatives from the end of the world, and only such a man can give women security, and her daughter's choice may be right!

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