Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1737: origin

In fact, as soon as Di Ping returned to the sanctuary today, he had a feeling that the entire sanctuary was extremely noisy, with noisy voices, not the peacefulness before, and there was an impetuous smell in the air.

He didn't care at the time, and now he somewhat understood where the impetuosity came from!

The rapid population growth in the city does not have time to digest and absorb. These people are mixed with dragons and snakes, three religions and nine streams. Once they have a full stomach, they will naturally have more problems, but the task time given by the system is too tight, so tight that he has no time to pay attention. These ones.

If Xiaoyun hadn't talked about it today, it might take a while before he noticed this situation!

After sending out Xiaoyun, Di Ping came to the French window and looked at the pedestrians in the city through the glass. His brows were frowning. It seemed that he had to think of a way first. If so many people move back and forth, it is easy to get out of business. questionable.

It is right to increase manpower to the Public Security Department. The Public Security Department has sufficient manpower to manage these people. Now that the first phase of residential housing has been delivered, once the living conditions in the base will be improved, it will be changed when the second and third phases are completed. It's easy, now the second phase has been half completed, and it will be basically completed by the end of the month, when the entire sanctuary city can really take shape.

Therefore, now I can't make a big move, I can only use a few people to act as a shock, so that some restless people can be honest.

After the decision was made, Di Ping did not entangle on this issue. He sorted out his mood. Di Ping walked out of the main tower and walked towards his father's residence. He heard the mother's laughter from his parents' room as soon as he was far away. He seemed to be more happy. .

"What's so happy?"

Di Ping stepped into the door and said with a smile.

There were only five people in the room. Di Ping’s parents, De Feiya, Xiao Bi, and Gina were there. The five people saw Di Ping’s expressions, but it seemed that Xiao Bi and De Feiya looked at them with weird eyes. Is holding back a smile.

"what happened?"

Di Ping looked at himself with some doubts, and found nothing wrong, so he looked at several people and asked.


Who knows that as soon as his voice fell, Xiaobi and Di Mu burst into laughter, and the pair of eyes that De Feiya also covered her mouth and smiled turned into crescents, which seemed extremely happy, but Gina turned her face secretly He was laughing, and Father Di was smoking his pipe, but the corners of his mouth also smoked, and a smile appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Di Ping was even more weird now, and he couldn't figure it out for a while, but he felt that everyone was laughing at him.

"We're talking about you blocking other people's chimneys........chuckles..." Xiaobi suddenly said loudly, and then she giggled again.


Di Ping looked at Xiaobi confusedly. How did this involve the people blocking the chimney, but the next moment he knew what they were laughing at. It must be his mother who told a few people about his childhood feat as a joke. The old face blushed, and said with a dry smile: "Hey...Mom, why are you saying everything!"

Mother Di's eyes widened and said: "What's wrong! Can't tell, isn't this all what you did when you were young?"

"Alright alright!"

Di Ping hurriedly raised his hand to surrender, and you should never reason with your mother, because she doesn't reason with you at all.

Speaking of this, he is also funny thinking about it now.

In other words, he was only ten years old at that time. It was the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th. There was a custom in rural areas called stealing autumn. At this time, children went to the fields to steal some peanuts, corn, melons and so on. No matter.

At that time, Di Ping was the head of the village children. He took a group of children to the ground to break some rice jade to eat at night. They stole Liu Erzengzi’s house. They just got a few ears of Liu Erzengzi and screamed. Come here.

At that time, Di Ping was more loyal and asked a group of friends to run behind him first, but Liu Er Lengzi insisted on having a good beating on the ground. After he was beaten, he took his ears to his house and asked him to pay for the rice jade. Di Ping's parents knew that Liu Er's stupefied son was not easy to mess with, so they lost some rice jade, and they also gave Di Ping a fattening beating.

After two beatings, the family lost Miyu. Di Ping was willing to stop his body. Taking advantage of one night, he ran to plug the chimney of Liu Er Lengzi’s house. Liu Er Lengzi cooked a pot every two days, and the whole house was filled. Smoke, the choking family ran out in disgrace, Di Ping and a group of friends clapped their hands happily.

Di Ping was also bad. The entire chimney was blocked to death. It couldn't get through. He could only smash it and make another Liu Er stunned, pinching the waist and cursing the whole village for a day, but Di Ping didn't hear it.

However, Di Ping was subsequently sold by a small partner. Liu Er Lengzi found his home again. Di Ping got the letter and hid in his own rice urn. Liu Er Lengzi did not find him, nor did his parents find him.

He knew that he was too open, and he didn't dare to come out. As a result, he fell asleep in the urn for too long. In the middle of the night, Di Ping's parents didn't wait for him to come back. They were anxious.

In the end, the whole village couldn't find it. All the rivers and ponds in the whole village were touched, and the whole village was busy most of the night.

Di's mother was paralyzed on the ground, Di's father squatted on the ground and smoked, his eyes were scary, and the whole village was comforting at Di's house.

The result was too loud to wake Di Ping, and stood up from the urn in a daze.

It is conceivable that Di Ping will end up afterwards, a combination of two players.

Di Ping still remembers that when he woke up in a daze, he was first greeted by the warm embrace of his mother, and then slapped into a slap.

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