Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1724: Bloodline evolution

"This is my gift to everyone!"

At the mouth of the valley, Di Ping stopped the crowd from seeing each other off again, and then said with a smile while watching them.

He didn't stay any more. After leaving the small world, he exchanged greetings with everyone and left. He got the Ning Shenhua and hurried back as soon as possible. He didn't want to wait for a moment. Everyone wanted to keep him and everyone was gone. Stay longer, but keep sending one or two kilometers.

Hearing that Di Ping said he wanted to give something, everyone was a little confused!

What gift Di Ping gave empty-handed, but the next moment everyone only felt a horrible breath rising from Di Ping's body, and then they felt their body sank suddenly, like a mountain pressing on them and making them immobile.

All of a sudden the entire group's complexion changed, and they looked at Di Ping in panic, wondering what he was doing!

The next moment they felt a mysterious force entering their brains, and then there seemed to be a piece of information pouring into their consciousness.

This process is very short, almost only one or two seconds, the pressure on the body suddenly disappeared, the power returned to the body, and the body was regaining its ability to move.

"Everyone, if you have the opportunity, you must go to the Zhongzhou Asylum City and it will be of great benefit to you!"

Before everyone could react, Di Ping gave them a fist.

Then, it shot out like a big bird, and disappeared in front of everyone with an astonishing speed and two flashes. Only Di Ping's voice echoed in the valley, and everyone was left watching Di Ping disappear in consternation. Direction.

"Grandma looks big!"

However, after shooting for a kilometer and disappearing from the sight of everyone, Di Ping staggered to a halt. He quickly wiped the sweat on his head and swept around vigilantly. After seeing no one, he sat on the ground without image. , The whole person seemed to be exhausted, muttering to himself angrily.

He just used the soul skills he had just learned to transmit information and wanted to pretend to be an expert. In the end, he didn't expect that his thinking was too simple. It was easy for one person, but it was quite difficult to transmit to a dozen people at the same time. He almost didn't hold on. I wanted to say a few more words, but I was afraid that I would be exposed, so hurry up!

After a long while, everyone recovered and checked the information in their heads. After a while, everyone's faces showed ecstasy. They all raised their heads and looked in the direction where Di Ping disappeared, with strong gratitude in their eyes.

And it was more of amazement and panic!

Di Ping actually passed a message in their minds in an instant. This is so powerful and terrifying.

Xing looked at Di Ping's direction with a thick flame in his eyes. This is the path he should pursue. The path of the strong, he is stirring in his heart, and it has been difficult for a long time.

This time Di Ping puts too much pressure on him, he dare not speak much when he is older, but this is not what he wants. He has to become the strongest in madness. He must follow in Di Ping’s footsteps and even surpass him. .

Di Ping's last sentence was deeply engraved in his mind, like a magic sound, he would go to Zhongzhou anyway.


Dezheng bowed deeply at Di Ping’s background, then looked in the direction where Di Ping disappeared, and his eyes were full of expression, and he muttered, "Uncle Master is right, this person is really not an ordinary person, he is really a bold man. The amazing method is really mysterious..."

Lin Mujin's eyes were filled with joy, because Di Ping had already agreed to his refuge in his consciousness just now, and then he would send someone to contact him, which made him ecstatic, and his wish was finally realized, only to follow Di. He can become stronger with a flat pace.

Lin Yun was watching Di Ping's back, with big eyes full of doubts and a trace of unspeakable reluctance. Just getting along with this person has left a deep mark in her heart, and the girl's spring heart began to sprout. With strange affection.

Shi Yanwu's eyes were moved, watching the direction of Di Ping's disappearance, and he thought to himself that he would repay the kindness of City Lord Di if he had a chance.

The eyes of the other people flashed, and they didn’t know what they were thinking. Yang Yantai regretted that such a strong character, but he did not make good friends, left a bad impression on others, fearing that there would be no chance to see him in the future. Got it!

Thinking of this, he was really regretful.

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