Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1723: Royal Jelly

A ray of sunlight returned to the earth in the early morning, and the entire valley was bathed in the morning light, and the top of the mountain was more like a red glow, which was majestic and majestic.

The smell of rancidity is no longer in the air, but the morning breeze has a little fragrance, which makes people refreshing. If it weren’t for the dark earth and dead trees everywhere in the valley, it would indicate what happened here, it seems everything It's no different than usual.

There began to be voices in the hall, and everyone got up one after another, but Di Ping had found a place far away from the hall to practice Tiger Spirit Art for an hour.

In just an hour, he easily cultivated the Tiger Ling Jue to the realm of great achievement, which was only a step away from Consummation. The powerful mental power gave him unparalleled insight and cultivation speed. He felt that as long as the Tiger Ling Jue had completed him He can easily enter the second order at any time, and his accumulation is deep enough.

But when he came back, everyone looked at him with weird eyes, Di Ping could only wipe his nose angrily, and his face turned black before not seeing it.

"I want to talk to you!"

Lin Mujin said, even Di Ping, who has always been stable and calm, could not help but scream.

His voice awakened everyone, thinking that a mutant beast was coming, they jumped up and grabbed their weapons, but when he saw everything was fine, he only saw Di Ping standing at the door and looking at each other. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were a little weird, and they glanced back and forth between them, seeming to want to discover some big secret.

The two of them stayed up in the middle of the night and stood at the door talking face-to-face. This was fine. The problem was Lin Mujin, and his words were too easy to cause misunderstanding.

Although everyone fell asleep again, but there was a scene like this in the morning, Lin Mujin might be used to doing what he should do, but Di Ping was a little frustrated, but he couldn't tell.

Everyone simply ate in the morning and set off to leave, but everyone did not notice that a silver metal object was placed in an open space, flashing silver light in the sun like a treasure.

When everyone walked out of the valley, everyone couldn't help but look back at the valley. Although the valley was still dark, but the gloomy feeling before, everyone felt uncomfortable. They almost never came out of this place, no Feeling that it is impossible.

Di Ping led the people to leave the valley and ran towards the road, walking out less than ten kilometers, but the silver object in this valley suddenly fluctuated, and then rapidly changed and expanded like a deformed machine. All the surrounding buildings seemed to have encountered a crusher. Was shattered.

Ten seconds later, the change stopped, and a silver camp covering an area of ​​nearly one or two acres suddenly appeared in the ruins of an ancient temple. There were ten-meter-high walls, four guard towers, and city cannons on the towers. A barracks that didn't know what it was for, and there were silver figures in the camp that quickly walked out of some barracks, and began to work in various positions, with very skilled movements.

And not long after, small metal flying machines that looked like birds flew out of the silver barracks, and quickly flew out of the camp to fly everywhere, sending out blue rays from time to time across the ground and mountains, as if scanning. Landforms.

Di Ping didn’t even know about all of this. After he started the building order, he didn’t pay attention. He waited until he came out of space before he came to see this camp. Then, with teleportation, he could enter and teleport from the sanctuary to this camp. No need to run to the entrance of the void corridor.

The road back is much faster than when he came. Di Ping, who has greatly increased his strength, is more sensitive to danger and can avoid it in advance. He can almost never stop. He only hit a shoulder in four hours. The grassland of more than 100 kilometers is directly. Passing through, they had reached the forest area just over ten o'clock.

Running all the way to the crowd is also extremely exhausted. Although they are all awakened, not everyone has Di Ping's abnormal physique.

It just happened to be almost noon, everyone took a break for lunch, and prepared to go straight through the forest to the empty corridor.

Although there are not as many mutant beasts in the dark forest as there are on the grassland, there are many fierce beasts. Everyone will be attacked from time to time. However, Di Ping solved it with a spiritual attack secret method before it was activated. After practicing his spiritual skills, the more I have become more skilled.

At one o'clock at noon, I finally walked out of this dark forest and saw the valley like a volcano. Not only was there no anxiety and fear, but there was an excitement of returning home.

The wind wolves that originally gathered on the grassland outside the volcanic valley are gone. I am afraid that they will be terrified to kill them. If they leave this grassland, or the bone forging grass has been lighted by them, these wind wolves will withdraw from the place they did not guard. Here, after all, there is more space for them to survive on the grassland.

Entering the volcanic valley, the air is full of the smell of sulfur, and flaming red magma can be seen everywhere flowing in the cracks, and in the valley a huge whirlpool is slowly rotating, and the dark tunnel does not know where it is connected. .

Seeing the people in the void corridor speeded up again, smiles appeared on their faces, even if it was the always calm Dezheng, there was also a hint of joy on their faces at this time.

There is always a sense of suppressed fear in this space, so that everyone does not want to stay here too much, just want to go home quickly, without ordering, everyone greeted and jumped into the void corridor.

After Di Ping, everyone went out, he looked back at this space. This is a terrifying place for many people, but it is a treasure for him. The resource station has been established and he can come to this space anytime in the future. .

Thinking of the abundant resources here, he also showed a smile on his face, and then turned around and entered the empty tunnel. He once again saw the colorful light tunnel with the halo rotating in front of him. The intense colors dazzled his eyes. This time is very short, maybe it is a moment, maybe It was a few seconds, and then he felt black in front of his eyes, his body fell down suddenly, and his feet felt the ground, he knew he was out of space.

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