Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1721: Return to change in the city

After eating a barbecue, the corners of the people’s mouths were sour, and they were addicted. This is the first-level and fifth-level mutant wild boar hunted by Di Ping. Everyone eats it for good. After a while, the next one fell asleep. .

Everyone was asleep, but Di Ping didn't. He was in a very good spirit now. He walked out of the hall alone, standing on the steps, looking at the ruins covered by the moonlight.

The once glorious Ming Jingzong has been reduced to a ruin. Everything has been wiped out by endless years. No wonder the evil spirit wants to cultivate the power of darkness at all costs to incarnate into a skeleton, and only for immortality and resist the erosion of years, but it is a pity that it will eventually There is no escape from the result of being frightened.

This made Di Ping sigh, he didn't know how far he could go, how high he could cultivate, and whether he would be desperate to pursue longevity in the future!

He doesn't know this. The future is still far away. He has already taken a fancy to this space for the immediate things he wants to consider. Not only are mutant beasts rich in this space, but no one has existed for thousands of years. I believe there are rich. The spiritual herbs and medicines are simply treasures, and there are some sect relics, which may be rewarded.

If a resource area is set up here, a steady stream of resources will be developed and flowed into the refuge city to strengthen the strength of the refuge city.

Moreover, this valley is simply a good hidden place that cannot be better. If the resource station is built here, there is no need to worry about mutant beasts being discovered in a short time, and the safety is much higher.

Therefore, he decided to build the first resource land of the sanctuary here instead of building it in the space closest to him.

The space is too dangerous, there are many mutant beasts, and most of them are high mountains and dense forests. With his strength, he can't get a foothold in such an environment in a short time, and it is not as suitable as this space.

He opened the system and checked the introduction of the resource station. The resource station was simply a camp, only one or two acres in size. It not only had a defense system, but also weakened the existence and dispersal effect, and reduced mutant beast attacks.

The resource station can not only provide accommodation for people to rest and eat, but also the teleportation array of China Unicom's main base, which can transport materials and personnel. In addition, the resource station has a special probe vehicle that can search for mines and mines.

"System, I would like to ask if we can build this resource station without such a big movement or delay!"

Di Ping asked Xin Nian Yi Dong to the system.

With such a group of people following, he is really not good at building this resource site. How can the movement be too much to hide from these people, not to mention the earth-shattering and frightening people, and he does not want people like Dezheng to know that he is building a resource station here.

With the urinary nature of the system, every time it was built, it was earth-shaking. For fear that others would not know it, he was a little scared now.

"Di·According to the requirements of the host, the system modifies the construction rules, and the system building is changed to purchase in kind. The host controls the time, location and effect of the building. It is not possible to modify the building in the binding!"

However, he also wanted to set it up, and he really didn't have the confidence that the system would agree. When he was a little distressed, the system's never-changing voice suddenly sounded in his mind, but he was ecstatic after listening.


Di Ping excitedly thanked the system, the system is really more and more humane, and his requirements are not as usual as before.

His gratitude came from his sincerity. This experience was too dangerous, but it was really breathtaking. He has been under the control of the system. Obviously, the system is helping himself, not only gaining spiritual skills, but also improving spiritually. Entering the three levels of mental power in one fell swoop, this is all the credit of the system, which deserves his thanks.

The system didn't answer, and Di Ping didn't care. The system was like this. He hurriedly opened the system building page.

He found that the construction page has changed. Previously, only the option of construction was available under the system building, but now it has become a purchase. As long as the purchase is made, it can be built at any time, which is really convenient.

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