Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1720: Present

After reading these, Di Ping was also a little sighed, but he had more questions!

Why is the energy on the planet exhausted?

Who set up the big formation to prevent the cultivators on the planet from leaving?

Why is the vitality of the world, which had been exhausted, now come back again?

Where did his mysterious and powerful system come from?

Wait, this kind of questions entangled in his heart and caused him a headache for a while, but he knew that this was not something he could solve at the moment. Now his biggest problem is to develop the sanctuary city more powerfully and survive this end of the world.


Di Ping has already got the Ning Shenhua, and he is back with an arrow, but the injuries of Dezheng have not healed. He is not good to leave these people alone. If he leaves, none of these people will want to leave alive. Bring it by yourself, countless beasts in the grassland and jungle can eat them countless times.

I have fought side by side with these people, and I have had comrades in war, and these people are not bad, and a few people Di Ping also like it. For example, this seems to be rude but quite upright Shi Yanwu, with high moral character. , A quiet but honest person, and the lively and lovely Lin Yun, including the handsome young Lin Mujin who always stares at him with fiery eyes.

After being in contact with these people for two days, he already had some friendships, so he couldn't leave these people alone anyway.

He had to take out a few bottles of healing potions to the most injured Dezheng, Xingzhi and others, so that the two of them could almost act normally after a rest overnight.

In the valley, shrouded in mist all the year round, it was eerie and terrifying, and even mutant beasts dared not come to the valley.

Although the fog has cleared now, the valley is still extremely silent, as if this place is already lost.

Di Ping didn't even show the magic camp, so he lit a bonfire in this hall. A big pot was steaming, and the smell of meat came out of the pot.

And Di Ping also lit a fire and was roasting a piece of mutant animal meat. The meat was already a little browned, and the smell of roasting meat filled the whole hall.

Everyone in the main hall, some lying and some relying on it, look at everyone's expressions a little low, it seems that they all have extremely serious concerns.

However, Di Ping knew what they were thinking without guessing. Too many things happened today, beyond the imagination of many people. Many people were exhausted, thinking about what happened during this period.

Lin Yun was sitting not far from Di Ping, looking at Di Ping’s barbecue with her cheeks in her hands. The fiery red light reflected on her face, and her pretty face was red and simple. Her expression was focused, as if there was something on Di Ping’s body. Nice picture, flames beating in a pair of big shiny eyes.

Her brother Lin Mujin is still wiping his long knife intently, as if wiping his beloved baby. Occasionally, his eyes swept across Di Ping's body, and a pair of slender eyes flashed with goose bumps. Shencai.

"City Lord Di, what kind of meat are you roasting, it's so **** scent...I have all the greedy bugs crawling out!"

Shi Yanwu came in from outside the main hall holding a bundle of dry wood. As soon as he entered the hall, he sucked his nose vigorously. His eyes lit up on Di Ping’s barbecue. He put the dry wood on the pile and came to Di Ping. Staring sideways at the barbecue with a smile.

His voice immediately attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, everyone smelled the unspeakable aroma of the barbecue, and they couldn't help but **** their noses.

Lin Yun was startled by Shi Yanwu's throat, as if he meant something, there was a panic in his eyes, a trace of rosy appeared on her pretty face, and then secretly glanced at everyone and found that no one was paying attention to her, so she covered her with her little hand. Cover your hot face.

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