Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1709: Help

When Di Ping saw this secret joy, he didn't take any action at this time. When his soul moved, suddenly ten thousand arrows of water were shot out of the sea of ​​spirit. As soon as the arrows came out of the sea, they immediately condensed into ice, turning into a series of extremely cold. The icy arrow of anger shot towards Yin Mo.

The ice arrow exudes an aura of extreme cold ice, and even the space it passes through seems to be frozen, and even the hanging Buddha light is covered with a layer of hoarfrost, becoming extremely stagnant.

There is a golden bell above, an ice arrow below, and horror flashes in the purple pupil of the evil demon. Di Ping and the old monk are not easy to deal with, and now they are even more unable to resist the two of them together. Shot, he is now seriously injured, and the strength of his soul is severely depleted. If he is hit again, his injury will be even more serious.

"Ming...Fan... Son, today you destroy my chance of reincarnation, once I get out of trouble, you will destroy your Ming Jing Buddhism inheritance!"

Hatred was surging in the purple pupil of the Yin Mo, almost gritted teeth, his hatred of the old monk could not be eliminated.

The old monk's drooping eyes suddenly lifted, seeming to know what the Yin Demon is going to do, and suddenly waved his palms Buddha light descending from the sky to the shadow of the demon cover.

Di Ping also felt that something was wrong. The Yin Demon did not resist but said such words. He must have the means to get out of trouble. Seeing the old monk's actions, he immediately confirmed this thinking. At the same time, the soul was exerting force and the void was shaking, and a suction force increased. Produced on the sea, sucked towards the Yin Demon.

But it was still a step too late. Suddenly, Yin Mo's body twisted for a while, and then turned into a black light like a shooting star, and he escaped through the Buddha's light instantly.


Frozen Arrow and Golden Bell collided, and the Golden Bell was instantly shattered, and the Frozen Arrows also shattered one after another. Ming Fanzi's body suddenly leaned back and flew out, the lotus platform on his body and the lotus umbrella cover above his head. Instantly shattered and turned into a little golden light. When he stood firm, the Buddha light on his body was also dimmed a lot.

Yin Mo's body appeared again and was already on the edge of the space barrier. At this time, his body was even lighter and very weak. His pair of purple eye pupils looked at Ming Fanzi, and then at Di Ping. Di Ping's killing intent made Di Ping feel scared. He had a feeling that if he didn't leave him today, once he got out of trouble, he would never die with himself.

"Lightning strike!"

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Dipinken, and he launched a thunder and lightning attack again, wanting to leave the Yin Demon, and now there is an old monk who has joined hands with him and has the opportunity to take it down.

A bolt of thunder and lightning pierced through the world and fell on the Yin Demon. The lightning speed in the soul space was so fast that it arrived in front of the Yin Demon almost instantly, but the Yin Demon made a strange smile and moved his body, suddenly facing behind him. The barrier shot away.

Although the lightning is fast, the evil spirit is too close to the space barrier, and there are cracks everywhere in the barrier, and it cannot stop the evil spirit.

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Di Ping's eyes. Once the Yin Demon left and escaped into his blue skull again, he could no longer use his strength.

However, the next moment, Di Ping's eyes suddenly flashed ecstasy!

I saw that the evil demon hit the barrier and was bounced back. The barrier that had been cracked everywhere was now glowing with invisible waves, and the evil demon hit it as if hitting an invisible wall with strong elasticity. There were only waves of light, not even a trace of cracks.

The Yin Demon was also stunned. Di Ping's spiritual barrier seemed to it to be a decoration. You can enter as you want, but you don't know when there is such a strong defense.

It was just that before he was stunned, the thunder and lightning arrived, and finally there was fear in the purple pupils of the Yin Demon, and his body suddenly turned into a streamer again, this time directly slamming into the barrier.


A wave of light flashed, like a dragonfly clicking on the calm lake surface, spreading light ripples around, the Yin Demon was bounced back at a faster speed before.

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