Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1708: Flame Furnace

Di Ping looked back and saw that he was full of spirits, and saw that the troll opened his mouth to connect with the sky and the sea. It swallowed everything like a black hole. Thunder and lightning, dark clouds, sea, and tornado storms were all pouring into the huge mouth. , As if it were a terrifying black hole, swallowing everything, and the pulling force could be seen in the void, and the space of pulling was distorted.

Di Ping wanted to teleport, but found that he could not move. The energy in the space was disturbed, and he did not teleport at all. He held his soul firmly to prevent it from being sucked in, and transformed various attacks, but at this time it seemed to be useless. Devoured by trolls.

This gradually caused despair in his heart. He already felt that the power of his soul was getting weaker and weaker. Seeing that the energy in the space was swallowed up like flowing water, he was helpless.

Is it really going to die here today?

At this moment, he couldn't help but think like this in his heart, he had exhausted all the means!


Just as Di Ping desperately discovered that his body had been pulled closer but was unable to stop him, a vigorous and exciting bell suddenly sounded in the space.

Roar! As soon as the bell rang, Di Ping found that the troll's body trembled, and a large amount of black energy in his body was shaken by the bell. It seemed that he could not maintain the troll's body, and the troll uttered an angry roar.


Another is a bell ringing, like Huang Zhong Da Lu Zhen's entire space is echoing, roar! The troll roared wildly, and its huge sky-swallowing mouth was distorted for a while, the power of swallowing was difficult to maintain, and the suction power was suddenly reduced.

And with every bell rang, the troll's body was shaken, and a large amount of black energy was stripped away.

"Ming..... where..... son..."

The troll let out an angry roar, and suddenly slammed his body towards the old monk sitting on the lotus platform. He didn't care to swallow Di Ping anymore.


A bell rang again. The bell was heavier and stronger again and again. The entire space of the tremor was buzzing. The larger black energy on the body of the troll was shaken away, and the body of the troll shrank by half. .

Di Ping looked and saw Ming Fanzi sitting upright in the void, with the umbrella cover on his head under the lotus platform. The golden light on his body was already extremely thin. Holding a golden object that looked like a golden bell in his hand, the golden bell rang without movement. ..... Golden sound waves rushed towards the monster, and every time the bell rings, the golden light on his body is a wave of fluctuations.

"good chance!"

At this time, Di Ping's eyes suddenly brightened, and the troll's black energy was shaken away. It was the best time to attack!

Click! Two giant thunder snakes appeared one after another, falling towards the troll, boom! The powerful lightning strikes the troll body, suddenly like a nuclear explosion, the blast emits a light that is more intense than the stars, and the entire soul space is bright as day.

Roar! The troll uttered a horrible roar. The two lightning strikes happened at the time when the bell shook. Its black energy was loosened, and the power of thunder and lightning directly penetrated. The troll uttered a horrible roar, and its huge body flipped wildly. Inverted, the space vibrates.

The black energy suddenly shrank, the body of the troll disappeared, and an embarrassing black shadow appeared above the void.

Who is this monster?

The black mist on his body was much lighter than before. Weakly supporting his chest, the purple pupil shot a spiteful light, staring at the old monk, and said angrily: "Ming Fanzi, do you have to die with me?"

Ming Fanzi didn't answer, but still closed his eyes. The golden bell in his hand was suddenly thrown out. The golden bell rose against the wind and turned into a huge golden bell, facing the monster.

"Drive me!"

The palms of the monsters suddenly rushed towards the golden bell. The black giant palms rose to the sky. They wanted to knock the golden bell into the air, but they were already severely injured. The power of the evil demon was damaged. The giant palm hit the golden bell and was immediately shattered by the golden bell. In order to fill the sky with black air, the golden bell shoots out ten thousand golden lights to cover the monsters. Each golden light is composed of countless Buddhist scriptures. It pulls the monsters hard and wants to pull them into the golden bell.

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