Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1675: Golden light in the mist


Di Ping, incarnate as a piling madman, madly wielded a heavy knife toward the skeleton. Although the skeleton can always block his heavy knife, he is as heavy as a mountain with every knife. The skeleton body sinks downwards with every cut, like a piece of wood. The pile was gradually smashed into the soil.

The flame of the skeleton soul fluctuates violently, and the color changes, and Di Ping can actually feel the sense of anger emanating from it.

But Skeleton had no choice but to resist Di Ping's hack.

Di Ping was too crazy and didn't give it any reaction at all. One knife after one knife, one knife sinking one knife, the knife was fierce, and the vigor stirred by the heavy knife, the dead leaves and sand from the ground rolled around wildly.

Dezheng and his group stared at the crazy Di Ping in a daze, one by one, their eyes widened, watching the weird skeletons being beaten by Di Ping, without any backhand force, so that everyone's original nervous and fearful mood was relieved a lot. .

It only shows that these skeletons are not invincible, and the fear is often due to invincibility. Once they know that they can deal with it, these people will not be so panic.

But then they became nervous again, because the skeletons that broke out of the ground had crawled out of the soil one by one, and then slanted and approached everyone.

These skeletons, some carrying bone swords, some carrying bone knives, and some carrying broken spears, are full of decay and death, as if crawling out of the undead hell, a pair of hollow skeleton eye sockets are green and green. The fire of his soul flickered, like a ghost fire, radiating coldness, making people shudder.

The courage that had been so hard to gather has started to collapse again!

If these skeletons are as strong as the one that Di Ping is fighting against, whoever of them is the opponent, did not see the powerful as Di City Lord has also cut dozens of knives with all his strength, the bone sword collapsed all the way, and smashed the skeletons into the ground. , Until the chest, but still failed to destroy the skeleton.


Skeleton monsters slantedly approached the crowd, the sound of bone rubbing sounded like a tide, and it was even more connected in the mist. It seemed that thousands of skeleton monsters were coming from all directions.

These people have encountered this kind of scene, they only saw it in the movie novel, but today they saw it in reality, and they only feel terrible, their heart is like being caught, nervous and painful, and the courage in their heart is rapid. It faded, and the courage to resist was lost.

"Nan Wu, drink Luo Tan Na, Duo Luo Ye Ye, Nan Wu, Ah Yi Ye. Po Lu Jie Di, Shuo Bo La Ye. Bodhi Sabu Poye, Maha Sabu Poye... "

At this moment, there was a burst of Sanskrit singing in the crowd!

Although the sound of Sanskrit singing is not high, the scene at this moment is heard by everyone. This voice carries a different frequency and fluctuation, as if it has magical power, and it makes everyone feel in the ears. Jing, the sense of fear actually began to fade.

Everyone looked back and saw that Zen Master Sushan was sitting cross-legged on the ground in the middle of the crowd, his hands clasped in a majestic appearance, and he closed his eyes and chanted Sanskrit.

Dezheng's eyes lit up, and he was very familiar with this scripture. Although he was a monk in Arhat Hall, he also practiced Buddha. This is exactly the Buddha's meditation mantra, which has the effect of meditation.

In the past, he often sang, but it didn't have much magical effect. But today, under Sushan's singing, this scripture actually has a real meditative effect.


Dezheng seemed to have gained strength. With a roar, he stepped out two meters in one step, came to a skeleton monster, and swung his sword away.

Click! With a crisp sound, the skeleton monster actually broke into pieces, and was slashed out by his big sword, and the rotten bones instantly shattered.


Dezheng was taken aback, is this skeleton monster so easy to kill?

Everyone behind this scene also saw them, all of them looked weird, watching Di Ping's battle with the bones and skeletons over there shaking the earth, like a pile of ground, banging to the sky.

However, Dezheng carefully observed the skeleton monsters coming from the surrounding area, and then looked at the one that was fighting Di Ping, he found the difference.

The one who was fighting Di Ping had its bones and whiteness with a kind of luminous light, like jade quality, and the soul's fire green with yellow like torches.

In front of them, each of these skeleton monsters were covered with mud, their bones were gray and black, and they had a decadent aura. They moved slowly, like a rusty machine, and the soul fire was as weak as a candle that would be extinguished at any time.

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