Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1674: Battle situation


Suddenly a soft sound rang from the skeleton's body, and a group of green soul flames suddenly ignited in the black hole of the skeleton's eye, like two ghost fires, revealing weirdness.

I saw that the skeleton slowly raised the bone sword in his hand and pointed at the sky obliquely. The green flames swayed in the eye frame, and the green flames would burst out of the eye frame, giving you a strange feeling, as if dancing.

But at the next moment, Di Ping felt that something was wrong. There was a strange energy fluctuation in the skeleton's body, and with the fluctuation, a rustling sound was heard in the valley at the same time.

Together with this sound, the already nervous everyone was even more disturbed, and they all looked around in horror!


At this moment, there was a soft sound, and the scorched muddy ground not far in front of everyone suddenly broke open, extending a muddy bone hand.

In the next moment, the surrounding land broke open one by one, and one bone hand stretched out. After these bone hands were stretched out, they followed the other hand out, and a skull came out of the ground. Drill out, if thousands of dead bones buried in the ground have to crawl out of the pit.


At this time, a woman-specific horrified scream sounded from the crowd. This sound awakened the sluggish people, and everyone became panicked. When did they see this scene?


Di Ping saw this face change drastically. At this time, he didn't know that this skeleton was using magic to summon these skeletons. He had never seen this thing before, and he didn't even think that such a thing would happen.

"You pay attention to defense!"

Di Ping shouted and shot out!

At this moment, he didn't care about being afraid, and shot at the skeleton like a bolt of lightning. Almost the next second, Di Ping was in front of the skeleton, and the heavy sword in his hand slashed towards the skeleton.

Skeleton's pair of green eyes cast towards Di Ping, and the soul fire flickered, seeming to tremble. Skeleton hurriedly moved the bone sword in his hand towards Di Ping, and the speed was not slow.


The heavy sword slashed on the bone sword, and the sound of steel clashing unexpectedly, the bone sword actually blocked Di Ping's slashing, but it did not break as Di Ping thought.

However, it was obvious that the strength of the skeleton was not as good as Di Ping's. The whole body was shocked and flew out in an instant, hitting the thick dead tree, the dead wood instantly shattered, and the skeleton rolled more than ten meters away.

But to Di Ping's surprise, the skeleton was not shattered. Although the skeleton made a painful click, no cracks appeared.

Skeleton seemed to be stunned by Di Ping. It shook its head, trying to get up from the ground.

The shocked Zhong Di Ping also reacted at this time. His that can make the skeleton get up. He shouted angrily, "Crash!" The next moment the person was already in front of the skeleton, and the heavy sword in his hand buzzed as if he was low in excitement. Yin.

"Bengshan cut!"

After the heavy knife was cut out, Di Ping’s power destroyed Bengshanshan, and the power was even more terrifying. The knife was like a dragon, and the space where the powerful force shook was trembling. The shadow of the knife was heavy, like a mountain of swords. Come down.

The skeleton raised its head and looked at Di Ping, the soul fire shook more violently. I don’t know if it was a long sleep. The skeleton’s movements were a bit stiff and not so flexible. It was too late to hide, so it hurriedly raised the skeleton sword again. Facing Di Ping's heavy knife.


A sharp metal impact sounded, and a large string of sparks emerged from the impact. The powerful force of the heavy sword burst out, venting its power to the skeleton, and the skeleton sword suddenly sank down and hit the skeleton's shoulder bone heavily.

Click! A crisp sound of bones rang out, as if they could not bear this powerful force.

boom! Under this heavy blow, the skeleton's body suddenly sank, and the powerful force smashed the skeleton's feet into the ground like a wooden stake until it reached his knees.

"Not broken! I see how hard you are!"

Di Ping found that not only the sword is hard, but the bones of the body are also extremely hard. He couldn't cut it to pieces with such a powerful force. A trace of anxiety flashed in his heart, but he was covered by anger. He did not believe that he could not beat a skeleton. , So he shouted angrily, and the epee cut down again.

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