Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1671: Meditation mantra

When Lin Yun said that, the eyes of the other people turned more uneasy when they looked at the valley, but they didn't dare to stay outside, and for a while they were in a dilemma.

"I'll go in!"

When everyone was hesitating, a soft voice sounded. Everyone looked at it, but they saw Lin Mujin looking at the valley in a daze. This voice was made by him.

Lin Mujin didn't have fear or fear in her pair of autumnal eyes, but there was deep desire and eagerness. His handsome face was portrayed with firmness, as if he was fearless in everything.

Di Ping was secretly shocked, aside from his long portrait, this is a young man who is extremely determined to his goal!

Since the contact, I have discovered that although this young man is very cold and talkative, his desire for strength is the strongest among all people. He has a clear goal, which is to increase his strength.

Looking at such young people, Di Ping couldn't bear to refuse, and a deep appreciation rose in his heart, knowing that no young people who struggled would dislike them.

"Brother! Then I'll accompany you!"

Lin Yun, who was still a little scared at first, suddenly became brave when she saw her brother going in, her face was nervous, and she pulled Lin Mujin's arm and said crisply.

The relationship between the brothers and sisters is really good. Di Ping looked a little envious.

"I'll go in too. Don't come here if you're afraid of death. People will not die for thousands of years. What's the fear!"

Shi Yanwu shook the steel gun in his hand and shouted in a deep voice.

"I'll go in too! To die sooner or later is death, maybe I can fight for the future!"

Flames were surging in Yang Yantai's eyes, his voice excited!

It seems that under their influence, everyone's courage returned one after another, and they all expressed their intention to enter. In fact, everyone knew that there was no reason not to enter!

"Okay! Rest for half an hour, eat full, let's go into the valley!"

Di Ping gave a final word.

At noon, the sun was shining on the earth, but when the sun reached the valley, it seemed to be absorbed by something. It immediately became weak and weak. Not only did it lose the heat, it gave people a feeling of coldness.

Di Ping was in the front, moral integrity on the left, and idiots on the right. Suffering and suffering lay on the left and right sides in the middle. Shi Yanwu and Yang Yan guarded the rear, forming three echelons, and went into the valley.

This valley is not small, and the entrance is only five or six hundred meters wide, but the largest part of the valley is five or six kilometers, and the depth is even more incomprehensible. The mountain looks close, but the real one is far away, at least ten kilometers.

Everyone cautiously entered the valley. Fortunately, the dense fog was floating almost ten meters above, and there was only a little mist below. The scenery within fifty to sixty meters could be seen clearly.

There were dead trees everywhere in the valley, with different shapes, some resembling monsters, some resembling human bones, and the oblique branches resembling outstretched arms, which they wanted to grab everyone.

The ground under my feet is also black, and it’s a little soft when I step on it. From time to time I can see the dead bones of a creature. The huge skeleton can tell that this is definitely a terrifying behemoth, and humans can even be seen in the bones Some of the dead bones were half buried in the soil, and some stood in a very strange posture. From the open mouth, it was known that this was a horrified roar.

When Di Ping watched this scene, he felt a little chill in his heart. It would be impossible to walk here without any guts. If there were not so many people, it would be a bit dare to let him come in alone.

Lin Yun no longer had the bravery he had shown before. He hugged his brother's arm tightly with both hands. His pretty face was pale, his eyes were frightened, he wanted to see but didn't dare to look, but he was afraid but he stretched out his head to look at him from time to time, then quickly Hiding.

However, no one paid attention to her at this time, and everyone was vigilantly paying attention to everything around her.

But this place was like a dead silence. There were no insects, no birds, and no sound. Only people stepped on the ground and made rustling sounds. On the contrary, the valley was even quieter.

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