Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1670: Shot

Wangshan is not fake!

Everyone rushed for a full 40 miles, and finally reached the foot of the mountain. Fortunately, the tens of miles in the back were sparsely grassed and there were few mutant beasts, so everyone could run freely.

This is a ring-shaped mountain surrounded on three sides to form a valley, and they are standing at the entrance of the valley at this time.

What makes him weird is that the vegetation on the other side of the mountain is luxuriant, but the plants on the other side of the valley have gone through a forest fire and turned into a scorched dead tree with their roots standing quietly like dead bones. It's kind of weird.

The entire valley is filled with thick fog, covering the entire valley. You can't see the scene in the valley from the outside. Even the sun can't penetrate into the dense fog, making the whole mountain gloomy and silent. There was no sound at all, as if it were a dead world.


At this time, a sound of woof sounded in the valley, like a ghost roar, the sound resounded like a sound from the depths of hell, echoing in the heads of everyone, everyone trembled, and a chill rose from the bottom of their hearts. A layer of goose bumps aroused on the skin.

Everyone's complexion suddenly turned ugly, their hearts were uneasy, and their eyes looked at the valley with fear.

Di Ping looked at the valley, his eyes twinkling, he felt an extremely cold breath in this valley, even he felt heart palpitations!

He had long discovered that there were very few mutant beasts in the tens of miles away, and he hadn’t even encountered a few of the beasts, and the more we went here, the weeds became scarcer, and the soil showed mottled loess in many places, like It was generally dry, and it was in sharp contrast with the previous grassland.

As if summer is over there, and autumn is close to the valley, the vegetation is withered!

"Master Sushan! Are you sure it is here?"

Di Ping stared blankly at Zen Master Sushan for a moment.

Zen Master Sushan's face also became extremely serious, his eyes cast into the valley, his eyes were solemn, he slowly closed his eyes and began to feel it, and Dezheng also closed his eyes and began to feel it.

After a while, the two opened their eyes almost at the same time, and joy filled their eyes. After looking at each other, Sushan turned his head to look at Di Ping, "Master Di Shi, the old monk is sure to be in this valley!" Finally he He also emphasized the tone: "It can't be wrong, the call comes from this moment, I feel very clear!"

Di Ping looked at the dead trees at the entrance of the valley, his eyes became solemn, "Master! This is not a good place, are you sure you want to go in? Even I feel uneasy, and I may not be able to protect it by then. To you!"

Zen Master Sushan and Dezheng glanced at each other, staring into the valley for a moment, and then their eyes fell on Di Ping's face, with an extremely firm expression, "City Lord Di, we decided to go in. We are already here and we don't want to give up!"

Di Ping was speechless, he was kindly reminding that this valley was extremely weird and he was not sure about it, and Sushan these people were not afraid of danger for a vague call, which in his eyes was undoubtedly dead.

However, he must go in. Since Sushan and the others are not afraid of death, take them!

He turned his head and looked at the people behind him and asked, "What about you? Are you waiting outside or going in too?"

Hearing Di Ping's question, a few people hesitated. After all, the valley felt terrible to everyone.

"Is there a ghost here?"

Lin Yun looked at the valley with uneasy eyes, and asked in a trembling voice.

"do not know!"

Di Ping shook his head. He really didn’t know if there were ghosts here. Although he had never seen ghosts, he wanted to have them in the last days. He really couldn’t guarantee that there were no ghosts. And when Lin Yun said that, he looked at the valley. There was also a chill in my heart.

Humans' fear of ghosts seems to be innate!

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