Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1649: Out of space

"Shameless! Or let someone tie their hands and fight with you!"

At this time, Shi Yanwu suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

"Shi Yanwu, I know you are very strong, but this matter has nothing to do with you, it is my business and his business!"

Hua Qinghua raised his eyebrows and glanced at Shi Yanwu, then looked at Di Ping provocatively, "Just say you dare?"

"You...I will meet you!"

Shi Yanwu was furious and shook the steel rod in his hand to move forward, but was blocked by Di Ping's hand, "Wu Dang family, thanks...but this is a personal grievance, I will handle it!"

Di Pingyuan didn’t have a good impression of Shi Yanwu, he thought he was too domineering, but now he thinks he is very real, he is a person with clear grievances, like it, like it, dislike it, don’t like it, and never hide his emotions. , This kind of person was a hero in ancient times, and now many people may not like it.


Shi Yanwu nodded when he heard the words, and then glared at Hua Qingyang and said, "Brother Di, don't be polite with such a villain, just kill him. Keeping him alive is polluting the air!"

"He can't live!"

Di Ping smiled slightly, took two steps forward, came to the opposite of Hua Qingyang, and said faintly: "I promise you!"

Hua Qing Yang laughed for a while after hearing this, "Haha! Good, heroic enough! I, Hua Qingyang, died in your hands without regret!"

Then he stared suddenly, his whole body rushed forward, shaking his long knife, and shouted: "Come on! Let me see how strong you are!"

Di Ping shook his head indifferently, "You do it! Otherwise, you won't have a chance to do it!"

A trace of anger flashed in Hua Qingyang Wenfang’s eyes, and angrily retorted with a smile: "Haha! Good, crazy enough!"


Crazy word didn't land, he suddenly yelled, kicked on the ground with his feet, and countless pieces of mud were blown off the grass by his powerful kicking force. His whole body instantly rushed out, and the space of more than ten meters was almost instant.

Di Ping looked at him quietly with a heavy knife. There was no sign of movement. Everyone squeezed a sweat for him. Hua Qinghua just killed mutant beasts. Many people have seen it. He is very strong and not worse than the idiots. .

kill! With another roar, Hua Qinghua's long knife dragged behind him headed towards Di Ping with a cold light.


Suddenly Di Ping moved, hearing only a buzzing sound, everyone's eyes only felt a cold flash, like a thunderbolt across the sky.

Then everyone discovered that Hua Qingyang seemed to be frozen, standing quietly on the spot.

Everyone had strange expressions in their eyes, looking at Hua Qingyang.

I didn't understand what he was doing, instead of rushing to Di Pianyang, why he stood still.

At this time, Di Ping had already turned around and walked outside. He didn't even look at Hua Qingyang, as if he knew the result of his cut!

Everyone looked at Di Ping and then at Hua Qingyang, all at a loss.


At this moment, there was a soft sound and a blood mist sprayed out, and everyone was horrified to discover that there was a blood line around Hua Qingyang's neck, and blood was spraying out of it like money.

Hua Qingyang didn't care about his neck spurting blood, his eyes were blood red, but his eyes were staring at Di Ping, and he said with difficulty: "It's really strong!"

Then, his Hua Qingyang's body shook a few times, and finally fell to the ground with a bang. The blood quickly ran over the ground, staining the grass red.

Everyone then realized that they didn't know when Di Ping had already taken the knife, but the knife was too fast. Everyone saw only a cold light, and Hua Qingyang was killed.

Everyone looked at Di Ping with horror, fear, and respect. The strong have always been respected.

Wherever he went, people stepped aside and dared not stand in front of him!

He came to the mad wolf that was blown up by the grenade in a few steps. The mad wolf looked terrible, his legs and arms were broken, and his chest was covered with blood holes. This is the result of the shot of shrapnel. With his body twitching constantly, he stared at Di Ping with wide eyes. There was no bitterness in it, but a deep resentment.

Di Ping knew what he was unwilling to do. He didn't expect Hua Qingyang to use him as bait. He didn't even let him go. It's just that he was unwilling and he couldn't survive. The pupils of the crazy wolf had been distracted, and his body was twitching unconsciously. With.

Sure enough, a minute later, the mad wolf spouted blood again, and then his head tilted and his body fell softly. Di looked at him quietly, and felt a little sorrowful for a while.


Xing Chi had already stood by Di Ping's side, looked at the crazy wolf on the ground, and sighed, "You can't live by yourself, I hope the donor will sleep peacefully!" As he said, he stepped forward and gently opened the crazy wolf's eyes. Close up.

"How is this going?"

At this time, a loud voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

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