Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1648: human nature


The sudden death of the wolf king frightened the pack of wolves. The whole pack was deadly quiet at first, but after a while it seemed to react, groaning in horror, and then turned around and fled with the tail between them.

Coming fast, and going fast, as if there are wild beasts chasing behind and running slowly, they will be eaten. They ran so fast, they scattered in a blink of an eye, and disappeared into the jungle.

At this time, everyone was stunned. This scene was so horrified, it was almost unheard of!

He was crazy, his eyes widened suddenly, he finally knew who this person was, and he also remembered that he had seen him there. When he saw Di Ping, his eyes suddenly burst into joy.

Di Ping's strength left him too much shock, even as his strength increased, the more he felt Di Ping's strength, in his consciousness Di Ping was as unfathomable as the sea.

Goodbye Di Ping, he found that Di Ping is now stronger, to the extent that he can no longer estimate.

Most of the sensitive people present were filled with joy and excitement at this time. One is that the threat of death is no longer there, and the other is that the young man is amazed by the strength of this young man. They finally saw a truly powerful person.

Everyone was excited, but at this time some people were on the verge of despair. Hua Qingyang had been completely replaced by fear and ferociousness at this time. He pointed to Di Ping like crazy and shouted in shock: "No... ...Impossible...How can you be so strong! This is impossible..."

Di Ping killed the Wolf King with a flying knife, glanced at him, then slowly turned to look at the young man throwing the grenade, and said coldly, "How do you want to die?"


At this time, the young man who threw the grenade was already scared and screamed with a horrified face. He looked at Di Ping with pleading eyes and seemed to be about to cry, and his body kept moving back.


In Di Ping's icy gaze, he finally seemed unable to bear the pressure and collapsed, turning around with a scream and fleeing.


Suddenly a cold light flashed by, and a red blood burst out from his chest, his body swayed and fell to the ground, his limbs twitched for a while before he stopped.

Everyone was stunned

In the next moment, everyone's complexion changed. Everyone was used to killing mutant beasts, but many people hadn't been killed before, but Di Ping shot one person with a calm expression.

Although everyone knew that this man deserved to die, when everyone was fighting with the wind wolf, he had a killer behind him, and he died, but many people still found it difficult to accept.

The handsome young sister let out a low whisper, dodged behind his brother quickly, and leaned out a pair of big sullen eyes to look at Di Ping, with fear and curiosity in her eyes.

But at this time, the beautiful eyes of the handsome young man suddenly lit up, and the eyes that looked at Di Ping had a strange brilliance.

"It's your turn!"

Di Ping turned to look at Hua Qinghua, his voice was flat, but there was a tone that could not be rejected.


Hua Qingyang was so excited that he couldn't help taking a step back. .

"Di Shizhu, we meet again!"

At this moment, Xingzhi hurriedly walked up, paid a respectful salute to Di Ping, and then looked at him and said, "Does Lord Di Shi remember the little monk?"

Di Ping just nodded, and then faintly said: "Master Xingzhi, please wait for me to deal with some trivial matters before you tell me!" After that, he raised his leg and walked towards Hua Qingyang.


Xingzhi hurriedly stepped forward, stopped Di Ping, and said with an awkward expression:

"Lord Di Shi, can you look at the little monk and spare him once, after all, he is also a member of the human race..."

Di Ping only looked at Xingzhi in front of him and didn't speak, but he couldn't say the words under Xingzhi. He already understood Di Ping's meaning, and said the Buddha's name in a low voice: "Amitabha" and his expression was calm. Retreated to the side!

At this time, Hua Qingyang also seemed to wake up, he knew that Di Ping would not let him go!

The reason why he acted on Di Ping was to find that Di Ping was very strong, and he was very good at flying knives. He was afraid that Di Ping would become an enemy after he went out. People like him never let others go. Of course, he felt hatred. Di Ping out will not let him go.

That's why he set up a plan of lore, even the crazy wolf was sacrificed by him, but he didn't expect Di Ping to be more powerful than he imagined, and all his arrangements were useless.

At this moment, Hua Qingyang also got up. He let out a long sigh of relief and looked at Di Ping and said, "I assassinated you. I was wrong. I know you will not let it go. But I have a request. I want to fight You really fight, I want to see how strong you are!"

Di Ping was a little surprised. Hua Qingyang's appearance made him look different. He looked at Hua Qingyang and nodded, saying "Yes!"

Hua Qingyang continued: "But I have a condition, you can't use a flying knife!"

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