Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1640: Will break

Dezheng Master's face was full of blood and there was no time to wipe it, he suddenly raised his head to look in the direction of the roar, then his face changed drastically, and he roared: "Quickly go up, end the formation!"

After a roar, he rushed towards the place where the spirit grass grows. When he moved, the brothers of the idiot master also moved, and then rushed towards the wild.

When Dezheng yelled, all the pale-faced people were awakened. At this time, they had no idea. Hearing Dezheng's order, they ran along.

Di Ping looked up and his face changed. He was not afraid, but worried for these people. The wind wolves were rushing out crazily in the jungle one kilometer away. The number is definitely not less than a hundred, and the jungle is still there. Wind wolves are constantly pouring out, and I don't know how many they are.

At this time, he really admired Dezheng's madness. At this time, it was the most reasonable to retreat to the valley, but these people wanted spiritual grass and no one wanted to retreat.

"Brother Di, rush!"

Zhou Jianming saw that Di Ping was still stunned, and hurriedly yelled to him. Only then did Di Ping recover and rush towards the spirit grass with the flow of people.

There was only two hundred meters away from the spirit grass. Everyone rushed over to grab the spirit grass, but Dezheng suddenly blocked the front with his long sword and shouted: "Stop, don't grab the spirit grass. The spirit grass is here. Form the formation first, solve the mutant beast and then come to the Spirit Grass!"

When he moved, Xing Chi and a dozen monks lined up in front of the spirit grass, the steel rod in his hand had been raised, his eyes were fierce and awe-inspiring.

Suddenly those eager to move all died down, and finally took a greedily look at the spirit grass, and then they shouted, "Team, hurry!"

Under Dezheng's prevention, the looting did not happen. Everyone formed one after another. The Awakened were defending on the outer layer. The original third-tier people had already set up their guns at the mutant beast that rushed in madly.


The mutant beasts suddenly became irritable when they saw the crowd rushing to the place of the spirit grass, and they roared, speeding up again, the fastest has rushed to within a hundred meters, and the wind-wrenching fangs were clearly visible.

Hundreds of wind wolves are like thousands of troops and horses, pressing over like a billowing cloud, with a terrifying aura. Many people have changed their colors, and some even shouted in horror:

"How come such a wind wolf, don't you say that there are only more than a hundred, Master Dezheng?"

"It's over.... There must be two or three hundred!"

"I knew they were not so kind, Dezheng, you have to give an explanation"

"Shut up!"

Master Dezheng's face was gloomy, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Don't panic, we can hold on to our many people, many guns, and can resist!"

Fortunately, Master Dezheng has some prestige. The most important thing here is that many forces are more or less related to Shaolin Temple, and a few dissatisfaction is not enough to affect Dezheng's influence.

The wind wolf speed is extremely fast, reaching 30 per second, 100 meters in two or three seconds, and it can rush to the front of the formation. No one dares to let it rush over. There are too many wind wolves.


Someone couldn't help but fired. The gunshot broke the tense atmosphere, and the gunshot suddenly burst.

Hundreds of guns were fired at the same time, and a series of fiery red bullets shot towards the rushing Fenglang. It only disappointed everyone. Only at the beginning, a dozen wind wolves were shot by the gun. The Fenglang behind seemed to know that the bullets were powerful. It accelerated even more, and began to dodge bullets flexibly.

These wind wolves have thick scales. As long as the bullet doesn't hit the vital point, the wind wolves just rushed over again with a horrible roar, and it didn't affect their actions at all. Everyone's faces changed when they saw this scene.

"The awakened one stepped forward to protect the position, and the rest shot and killed the mutant beast!"

At this time, Dezheng roared, and then rushed to the front of the battle, raising the sword in his hand, as if the same wall was blocking the wind wolf charging route.

More than fifty awakened people stepped down at the same time, forming an encircling circle, keeping ordinary people in the circle.


At this time, the dozen wind wolves in front had already rushed forward aggressively, and many of the awakened's teeth began to tremble, and the hands holding weapons were wet.

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