Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1639: Crazy Siege

Di Ping saw the handsome young man in the crowd. He was a little surprised. The young man was not weak. When Di Ping looked over, the wind wolf opposite him had fallen to the ground.

His knife was extremely fast, flashing cold light in the air, and in the blink of an eye, another wind wolf was beheaded. His knife was extremely sharp, and it cut off the neck of the wind wolf with a single knife, and he kept moving and his body flashed. He rushed to his sister's side, and slashed another wind wolf.


Just as Di Ping was about to look at the strength of Chen Qing'an, a scream suddenly came, and he quickly turned his face to look over.

Although the thirty wind wolves fell in half in an instant, not all of them are strong. A middle-aged strong man with a long knife cut through the air with a single blow, and the wind wolf bit the root of the man’s thigh with one bite and went down the thigh. Almost half bitten, the middle-aged strong man let out a horrible roar and fell to the ground.

Feng Lang reacted extremely quickly. As soon as the strong man fell to the ground, Feng Langsong rushed forward and bit his throat. If he was bitten, he would definitely bite his head off.

All this is long, but it happens quickly, almost in an instant!

Seeing that this strong man was about to be killed, Di Ping's eyes condensed and he couldn't bear it, but he was too far away from him, it must be too late to rush up, but seeing this man die in front of him, he was also somewhat Can't do it.

But he had mental power, and his spirit rushed towards Fenglang, instantly shattering Fenglang's brain.

When everyone thought that Wind Wolf was going to kill the brawny man, suddenly Wind Wolf let out a horrible roar and his body became stiff. At this time, the team had already reacted, and an awakened man stabbed the spear in his hand.

puff! With a sharp blade into the flesh, the long spear pierced through Feng Lang's neck and pierced his neck. Blood poured out along the muzzle. Feng Lang's body shook for a while and then fell to the ground. The blood quickly filled the ground.

This young man with the gun was in a daze. He didn't seem to believe that his shot could cause this effect. He had seen the speed of the wind wolf. The wind wolf was waiting to be stabbed by himself like a daze.

At this time, no one paid attention to this mutation, so the second echelon had already topped it, and the wind wolf that would leak from the first echelon was blocked.

Zhou Jianming rushed up with his exaggerated saber and slashed at a wind wolf. His movements were violent, with whirring sounds, and wailing strange sounds.

Di Ping secretly laughed that this product is also a fighting maniac!

At this time, a wind wolf pounced on him, and he had to drew a heavy knife and rushed up against the wind wolf. He deliberately slowed down and slashed past. The wind wolf dodged and bit at his waist. He hurriedly Dodged, turning the knife in his hand and turning to Fenglang's waist.

Feng Lang moved fast like the wind, and turned behind Di Ping in a flash, and suddenly rushed towards him, and Di Ping hurriedly stepped forward and came Qin Qiong's back mace, beg! Fenglang hit the back of the heavy knife and was immediately shot out.

Di Ping's fight with Fenglang is inextricably difficult to understand. In fact, his mental power has been expanded and he is monitoring the audience. The focus is on Zhou Jianming. He sees Zhou Jianming's strength is not weak. A tiger swinging a big sword can bring forth the wind, and Fenglang can't get close to him. Xiang Xiang, and Wind Wolf has already suffered several stabs.

His mental power swept around and found that 20 of the 30 wind wolves had been killed. It was just a quick thing, and few humans were injured.

At this time, he realized that he was worried for nothing. These people are not weak in combat effectiveness. It seems that none of them can live in the last days to the present is simple.

All of these people have agile movements, their weapons are well-organized, and they obviously have a little bit of effort. Although these martial arts are not as powerful as the martial arts produced by Di Ping's system, their skills are not bad.

Seeing this, he knew that he could not hide anymore, it would be a bit too much to hide again, so he found a chance, slashed Fenglang's head with a heavy knife, and smashed Fenglang's head with one blade. , Fenglang fell without a word.

He didn't realize that when he killed the Wind Wolf, Hua Qingyang, who was watching here, showed a trace of disappointment, especially the crazy wolf, whose eyes were more resentful.

Even if he saw it, he probably wouldn't care, for him it was just two small bugs.

At this time, Zhou Jianming also beheaded Wind Wolf on the spot, standing with a knife, panting, with a smile on his face.

By this time, more than 30 wind wolves were all taken down, and only two or three of the fifty awakened were injured, and they were basically minor injuries. Only the strong man had a more serious leg bite, and he has retreated to the third echelon Recuperation, the third echelon is all ordinary people, there is no opportunity to play.

Seeing that the wind wolf was killed, everyone showed joy, and then everyone looked at the land where the spirit grass grew. The sword-shaped leaves of the spirit grass swayed gently in the wind, seeming to shout: " Come pick it! Come pick it!" The eyes of everyone began to glow with excitement.


At this moment, a beast roar suddenly sounded, and everyone's complexion changed suddenly.

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