Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1602: Smell the space again

"Zhang Liang, stop searching, all personnel shrink their defenses!"

Di Pingyan solemnly ordered Zhang Liang, the leader of the team.

"It's the city owner!"

Zhang Liang hurriedly took the order, then turned around and shouted: "Stop searching, stop searching...Set up a temporary defense on the spot...Hurry up..."

After Di Ping gave the order, he pulled out his legs and walked towards De Feiya's back. De Feiya flew away like a cloud, seemingly slow, but in fact extremely fast, Di Ping chased a few steps and De Feiya had already flown out. A hundred meters away.

Di Ping did not dare to delay, he ran after him, his speed was not slow, but he was still too slow compared to De Fei Ya, and he also knew that De Fei had not done her best. He had met Xiao Bi before. The speed at the top of the tree is as fast as a bird, not to mention the stronger De Feiya.

Obviously, Dephia is still taking care of herself, this is because she is afraid of being too embarrassed!

Ho Ho Ho...

There was a roar of the beast, and there was a soft drink, it was obvious that Xiaobi had already fought against the mutant beast.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rumbling sound, as if the sound of a building dumping, it was really earth-shattering, the entire Zhongzhou city was shaking, and the mutant birds were stunned in the distance, and they flew into the distance.

At this time, there was no beast roar in the city, as if they were all overwhelmed by the roar of this mutant beast.

Di Ping's face finally changed. The closer he got, the more he felt the pressure of horror. Although it was not against himself, he could still feel the pressure, and he felt a kind of palpitations, but he did not dare to stay and shot forward. I believe that there should be nothing wrong with De Feiya, even without him, there will be cards.

He was going to see what a mutant beast this was, even De Feiya paid so much attention to it.

Judging from this point, this must be a third-stage high-level mutant beast. He hasn't encountered this-level mutant beast in the outside world. Could it be that it came out of a small world?


A giant tree shattered in an instant, the huge trunk fell, and the giant tree over a hundred meters high fell with an amazing sound, breaking countless trees, making a huge roar, accompanied by the cracking sound of the tree breaking.

Di Ping secretly smacked his tongue, this battle was really frantic. I don't know what mutant beast can fight Xiaobi like this, Jian is really two violent machines.

De Feiya in front of her disappeared long ago, and she should have arrived at her speed. Di Ping's feet stepped up. Along the way, teams of retreating City Guard soldiers could be seen, and they were gathering in the middle under the leadership of the Awakener.

Di Ping's speed was too fast, and these people were too late to say hello to Di Ping.

The distance of one or two kilometers was almost in a blink of an eye. After crossing a street, Di Ping saw the white figure of De Feiya standing on the edge of a building more than 20 meters on the first floor, staring at the front, her clothes fluttering in the breeze, like a fairy. Want to fly.

Di Ping didn't say a word, he put pressure on his feet, and his body rose up. With the help of the force in the middle, his body rolled and jumped to the top of a building more than 20 meters high.

When he walked quickly to the position where De Feiya was standing, he could see the scene before him at a glance!

This is an old community with a small area. At this time, two figures, one large and one small, are fighting frantically.

At this moment, Di Ping finally saw clearly what mutant beast was fighting Xiaobi.

When he saw the appearance of this mutant beast, Di Ping was instantly stunned.

This is an extremely strange mutant beast, with dark red skin and four horns, two long and two short. The long foot grows two meters forward, and the short one is only half a meter forward. It has a wild boar face and a hideous face with two pairs of fangs. Stretch out half a foot.

It has a huge body, five meters high and nearly 20 meters long. Its body is covered with dark red rocks like a rocky mountain. It is also supported by a long tail with spikes and the root of the tail is still hanging. A football-sized dark red stone hammer, swaying gently, seemed to be able to attack at any time.

The speed of this monster is very fast. It does not fall into the wind when fighting against Xiaobi. It flutters, bites, blows, and sweeps, and its claws are extremely crazy. It is obviously a mutant beast that is good at fighting. Xiaobi has actually fallen into the wind and was caught by this mutant beast. Chase and fight.

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