Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1601: Ice skate

After a while, De Feiya opened her eyes, her bright eyes fell on Gina's face, with a sense of inquiry.

She has determined that this is by no means a talent skill. The talent skill only needs to be activated by physical instinct, but when Gina casts a spell, he clearly feels the regular fluctuations of mental power, and this spell is very magical, not only It can repair the physical body and it has a certain repair effect on mental damage.

She just wanted to ask Gina how she felt about the method of casting spells, but she stopped again, because she thought of the alien spaces she had entered. There were a lot of traces of civilization in these spaces, and it was difficult to guarantee that this method of cultivation would escape. , There is nothing fuss about.

Di Ping saw De Feiya open her eyes and hurriedly asked, "Feiya, how do you feel, is it useful?"

De Moya looked at Di Ping and shook her head when she heard the words, "The effect is a little, but it is not very useful to me. It can only play a little soothing and refreshing effect but cannot repair the damage!"

Di Ping's face changed, his brows condensed, and he said anxiously: "Ah! This is useless? What can I do? Your injury..."

De Feiya looked at Di Ping with tenderness in her eyes: "It's okay, don't worry...I will get better if I slowly cultivate!"

"That's so easy. Once the mental damage is cured, it will be troublesome!"

Xiao Bi said worriedly.

"Little Bi, don't talk nonsense!"

De Feiya took a look at Xiao Bi with her beautiful eyes, to stop her from continuing.

Di Ping Wenfang was even more anxious. He believed what Xiaobi said, but he couldn't help it. For a while, his brows tightened, like a bunch of earthworms together, which looked worrying.

The following journey was a bit boring in the car. Di Ping had been thinking about any way. He also asked the system in his heart, but the system ignored him, which made him even more mad.

He didn’t think about these things until the time of the settlement. He reinvested in the cleaning work. The dense mutant animals in the city caused frequent battles. Di Ping was like a mad beast, fighting extremely fiercely. For mutant beasts within Tier 2 of his current strength, he doesn't need to spend much effort at all.

And there was Xiao Bi, who had been holding his breath all the time, making his shots fiercely. The two of them seemed to be in a competition. All mutant beasts they passed by bowed their heads. They were highly efficient and scary. The soldiers who watched the asylum city slapped their tongues.


Just as the crowd was invigorated by thousands of people who were busy saving people and carrying materials, suddenly a terrifying beast roar sounded in Zhongzhou City.

With the roar, the mighty and powerful pressure pounced from a distance, even Di Ping felt palpitations and restlessness, this is definitely an extremely powerful mutant beast.

Di Ping's eyes condensed, and he looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. There was another team's position. It seemed that he was in danger. He was ready to run to the place where the sound was made without thinking.

"Let me go!"

At this time, Xiaobi gave a soft drink, and before Di Ping could answer, she had already shot out, fast as a meteor, and her voice fell to the ground, and she was already a hundred meters away.

The sound of Di Ping's body just about to move stopped, and Xiaobi was much stronger than himself. She should be able to keep it safe. He happened to stay here to ensure that there would be no accidents.

"Fiya, why are you down?"

But as soon as he turned around, he saw De Feiya floating down from the car, and he asked with concern.

De Feiya looked in the direction where the roar of the beast was coming from, and a worrisome color surged in her eyes, "We will pass too, this strange beast is not easy!"

"No! With Xiaobi's strength, it should be fine, right?"

Di Ping said with a look of surprise.

Xiaobi's strength Di Ping has seen that it has reached Tier 3, which is higher than the mutant crocodile strength. At present, the highest-level mutant beast he has seen is only Tier 2 and ninth. How can it be impossible to deal with Xiaobi's strength.

"This strange beast should also be a third-order high-level strange beast, Xiaobi may not be able to deal with it!"

De Feiya frowned her eyebrows lightly, looking at Xiaobi's departure direction, her eyes flashing with worry.

"Go! Let's go and see!"

When De Feiya said this, Di Ping was also worried. If Xiao Bi couldn't resist such a powerful mutant beast, his subordinates might also be in danger.

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