Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1393: Inheritance Hall first save the benefactor

"Break it for me!"

Seeing that the time was about to come, Di Ping suddenly opened his eyes, like a raging King Kong, his face was hideous, he roared, and he waved his palm, only to see a fierce heat burst out of his palm, shooting out a foot. No matter how far away, it hit the wall, and smoke instantly appeared, as if it was burned by a fire, there was a large piece of scorched black.


Di Ping looked at the effect in front of him and burst into laughter suddenly, but his laughter stopped abruptly, his body shook abruptly, then took five or six steps, and fell to the ground with a puff.

At this time, Di Ping seemed to be a patient with severe illness for many years, his face turned blue, his lips were dark, his hair was withered, and his eyes were blank.

Excited for a while, he was indulged in cultivation and consumed too much energy and blood, so he couldn't support it at this time.

Feeling the state of physical weakness, Di Ping immediately understood what was going on, and hurriedly bought two bottles of the best vitality potion to pour him down, and then meditated cross-legged.

"The third level of comprehension test time is up. It takes one hour. The Palm of the Sun has reached the realm of Dacheng, the rating is first-class, it has broken the record of the true sun sect, rewarded clearance prizes, the advanced technique of the Palm of the Sun, the C-level middle-grade martial arts, True Sun Palm!"

Di Ping didn't listen to the old voice in his mind at all. He adjusted his breath quietly at this time. The wastage was too great just now, and he almost hurt the foundation. This made him regret that he was too violent. Tested that he didn't dare to fight hard and only got a middle class, but this comprehension is not related to his life, but he was fascinated and almost out of the sun.

"The three trials are over, the overall rating is first-class, and you can start the ultimate scan for the Chuanzong disciple!"

As the voice fell, a green light fell on Di Ping, scanning up and down, which made Di Ping's brows frown, but he didn't open his eyes, and still closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

Ten seconds after the green scan, the anger disappeared, and then the old voice sounded in Di Ping's mind again.

"Di·scanning is over, with human blood, he is a disciple of the True Sun Sect, and now the temple of inheritance is open!"

As the sound fell, the white jade stone wall in front of Di Pianyang slowly sank, revealing a passage, and the darkness did not know where to go.

At this moment, the room was silent, only Di Ping was sitting in the middle of the room, and the dark passage in front of him was so strange.

One point, two points, ten points, and Di Ping's complexion quickly recovered, turning ruddy again, and the weak state disappeared.


Exhaling a long breath, Di Ping slowly opened his eyes. He secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he broke through at the last time. Otherwise, he might really be able to cultivate to the sun and die. This would be a joke of the ages.

Fortunately, at the moment when the foundation has not been destroyed, the palm technique is cultivated to the fourth level, the Dacheng state. This is all due to his super strong mental power and solid accumulation. The blood is deep and abnormal, without these two conditions. , If you want to practice a boxing technique to great success in such a short time, then dream!

Opening his eyes, Di Ping saw a piece of white jade quietly suspended in front of him. He knew that this was the C-level middle-grade palm palm that he had obtained. He just took a look and sent the jade slip into the backpack. Among.

The C-level exercises were impossible for him to cultivate at all, and it was useless to read it. On the contrary, it would cause uneasiness. He now wants to enter the temple of inheritance to take a look.

He heard all the words of the old voice in his mind just now!

At this time, he was extremely curious about this heritage temple, and just wanted to find out, he had already done nothing wrong with this mission.

I slowly stood up and walked towards the dark passage. Just stepping into the passage, the lights on the dark passage were lit up, and there were steps under my feet. I looked up, and the steps could not be seen. I don’t know how many steps and how long they are, as if It is generally connected to the sky.

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