Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1392: Frighten the real master of Tier 3

The whole room was quiet, except for Di Ping's invisible breathing. One minute, five minutes, and ten minutes passed, but Di Ping remained motionless, as if an old monk had settled.

However, some people will find that Di Ping's mouth gradually raised, revealing a joyful smile.

Twenty minutes later, Di Ping suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were like electricity, and two brilliant lights shot out, "Huh!" Exhaled like silk, and a hot breath shot out more than two meters away before dissipating into the air. .

Di Ping jumped up and waved a palm towards the stone wall in front of him, "Boom!" The wall vibrated, and a hot air wave suddenly rose in the room. When his palm left, a black palm print appeared on the white wall. .

Looking down at his palm, it was red, and there seemed to be a slight heat rising.

"This is Lieyang Palm, so strong heat, it can really burn gold and iron!"

Looking at the result of this palm, Di Ping's eyes were filled with ecstasy. Starting today, he has another powerful attack method.

At the same time, he has a deeper understanding of the power of the system in his heart. In just over twenty minutes, he has only practiced in the sea of ​​consciousness and he has already mastered this skill.

Di Ping looked at the watch. There was still time he was willing to delay. In the rest of the time, he was absolutely sure to go to the next level. He now has a new understanding of the enhanced spiritual power. Originally, his understanding was already so high. Up.

In fact, even without the assistance of the system, although the system cannot help more quickly, he is confident that he will become proficient in a short time.

With the continuous roaring sound, the temperature in the room rose rapidly. Di Ping was sweaty, but he didn't notice anything. Anyway, he is now half shirtless, wearing only a jacket underneath.

Di Ping's understanding of martial arts became deeper and deeper during the training. This Sun Palm is different from Bengquan. Bengquan is the use of strength, then to the blood and finally to the strength, step by step to a higher level, but ultimately Inseparable strength.

The Palm of the Sun is different, but he uses the power of a special technique to purify the power of the Sun. This power is like real fire, it is extremely hot, and the damage is greatly increased, which is equivalent to increased attribute damage.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. Lieyang Palm can’t be like Bengquan, but the strength is continuous. The more you fight, the more courage you will be. As long as you have physical strength, you will not be afraid of breaking off. The qi and blood of's blood can't produce the power of true yang that is as fiery as fire.

If the concentration of qi and blood is not enough, the qi, blood and true yang may be exhausted without being beaten by others, and only a metamorphosis like Di Ping, who has reached such a powerful qi and blood power at level 1 and ninth, can control this fierceness. The real power of Yangzhang is used.

This skill was tailor-made for him, which made Di Ping very excited.


Di Ping took another palm shot, and the air was distorted within a foot in front of his palm. When the palm fell on the wall, it left a more scorched palm print, which was deeper and larger than the previous palm.

For forty minutes, he finally trained Lieyang Palm to a deep level!

"There is still time.... come again!"

Di Ping didn't have time to be excited and pleasantly surprised. Seeing that there was still time, he began to practice again. The powerful vitality and blood gave him enough confidence to cultivate. If ordinary people practiced like this, they might have crawled down.

True yang is the foundation of human beings and the main driving force that promotes the movement of qi and blood. For example, people lose yang, immediately lose their qi and blood, impair the movement of qi and blood, and promote weakness, resulting in blue limbs, weakness, and death in severe cases.

Boom boom boom...

Di Ping seemed to be a tired machine, using the palm of flames over and over again. At this time, the temperature in the room had only reached fifty degrees. Even ordinary people would not be able to stand it inside. The sweat dripped on the ground immediately. There was a sizzling sound, and white mists evaporated.

Fifty-five points, fifty-six points...59 points...

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