Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1313: Ancient martial strength is secret

This is no way, Di Ping just upgraded, his physical strength has not been well mastered, and he has not reached the state of mellow and introverted. This requires a process. From time to time, some terrible fluctuations of Qi and blood will leak out.

However, it is difficult for ordinary people to sense, but they don't want to meet Cao Ruida, a warrior who specializes in vitality, flesh and body, so that he can see a hint.

Although he didn't know that Cao Ruida had seen it, Di Ping could feel that Cao Ruida was very polite and enthusiastic towards him. This kind of politeness was obviously not polite to the guests, but a little awe in it.

He naturally knows a little bit, Cao Ruida should feel that he is extraordinary, otherwise Cao Ruida doesn't need to show such enthusiasm to a stranger, but he doesn't care, let's take a step!

Sure enough, there are really few people in this world who are fools!

The jungle can be said to be a truly dangerous place. Everyone left together after greeting. On the way, Di Ping met several of Cao Ruida’s men, one was Xie Liang, he already knew, the tall man was called Ma Lian, and there was a young spot. The young man was called Xiao Guan, and the last brawny man who spoke little was Liu Dayou.

They were hunting mutant beasts outside. Xie Liang saw the golden eagle drop from the sky and hit the ground, so he came over to Cao Ruida and took a look. Maybe he could find the powerful mutant beast meat, so the previous scene appeared.

These people are all from his village, and they are all people who practice martial arts. Although they are not awakened, they are not weak. Especially Liu Dayou, who has few words, is very powerful. Kicked and broke his waist.

On the way back to the city, he saw a few people fighting. Cao Ruida was truly extraordinary. With a steel spear, he was superb. Three or five mutant dogs were not enough to kill him. The combat literacy was a bit higher than that of Zhang Hengcheng.

At this time, Di Ping knew that there was a reason why five people in this group dared to enter the jungle. The fighting strength of the five people was really not bad. When they encountered three or five mutant dogs, these five people could completely retreat.

After reaching Cao Ruida's base, Di Ping didn't have a chance to take action. These five were fighting madmen. When they saw the mutant beast, they screamed and rushed. After killing, they skinned and cut the meat and packed them with the bag they had prepared.

Di Ping saw that they were very proficient in their movements, obviously it was not the first time they did it!

Without having to do it himself, Di Ping was also very happy, watching the few people fighting leisurely behind them. His calm attitude made Cao Ruida even more convinced that this young man was definitely not easy.

His five subordinates looked a little upset at Di Ping, but the boss didn't say anything, they didn't dare to say more, they could only get sulking, but their eyes looked bad at Di Ping.

"Brother Di, have you seen it? The front is my site, how about this place?"

Cao Ruida pointed to a proud road in front of the building.

Di Ping looked at a building in front of him and couldn't help showing a smile!

This Cao Ruida would really choose a place. It turned out to be a detention center. There were no tall buildings within two hundred meters of it. There was only one building standing in the center. From inside, it was possible to observe everything outside.

The ten-meter-high fence tightly protects the entire detention center. It is completely a fortress that is extremely conducive to defense. As long as it is guarded in it, it is difficult for ordinary mutant animals to penetrate.

"Brother Cao has a really good vision, this is indeed a good place!"

With a smile on Di Ping's face, he said sincerely.

"Haha! That is, our place is definitely the best place within ten kilometers of this area!"

Cao Ruida was very proud and laughed. It seemed that he was very proud.

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