Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1312: Overlord Gun Gun Gun Overbearing

He didn't dare to report to Zhongzhou. He had to know hundreds of kilometers away from here. If he reported to Zhongzhou, how would he explain that he came here?

If you say that you are here by a giant eagle, you must frighten these people!

So I reported to Zhongzhou, Zhongzhou is big, no one knows where it is, and the recent Liaocheng borders Quanzhou, and everyone will only hesitate that he said Liaocheng.

Even so, the five people on the opposite side were still shocked. Cao Ruida looked up and down Di Ping with shocked eyes, and then exclaimed:

"My God! Brother Di, you are really bold enough to run so far to chase mutant beasts?"

Di Ping smiled bitterly: "Well! It was finally beaten half to death, but let it run away. How can I let it go when the meat in my mouth is gone. As a result, this chase chased farther away! If it weren't for Brother Cao, I wouldn't I know where this is!"

"It seems that Brother Di is also an Awakener! Otherwise, we dare to chase the mutant beast, and if we have a chance, we will pass it!"

Cao Ruida's eyes were filled with excitement, staring at Di Ping closely, feeling like he was happy.


Di Ping knew that this was definitely a fighting madman, or a Wu Chi who was a bit like Tang Zhandong and Zhang Hengcheng. The two of them were looking for people everywhere to rub each other, and the entire sanctuary city awakened without fighting.

"Haha! I dare not! I dare not! How can my strength be compared to Cao Ge, your arm is thicker than my thigh!"

Di Ping smiled repeatedly and waved his hand.

"That's it! Cao, it is also the top platoon in Quancheng base. Now there are a few in Quancheng who don't know about Huguan Zhenba·King Spear Cao Ruida!"

When the five people heard Di Ping's praise of Cao Ge, their faces immediately showed their faces. Among them, the horse's face was even more proud of the big mother's finger.

Di Ping only noticed at this time that this brother Cao was holding a black steel gun nearly three meters long and the thickness of a duck egg. He didn't pay attention just now and thought it was a steel rod. It turned out to be a gun.

If this is pure steel, this gun should weigh 50 or 60 kilograms. This guy is indeed quite powerful in rounds. Generally, a mutant beast can definitely kill it.

"Just your nonsense!"

Cao Ruida stopped the flattery of his younger brothers, and then looked at Di Ping with an apologetic smile and said, "Don't worry about Di Ping, these guys are just used to bragging, how dare I brag in front of Di Ping? I also ask Brother Di not to see strangers!"

Di Ping smiled faintly: "Brother Cao is polite. Brother Cao must be able to get the title of Tyrant King Spear. His strength is definitely extraordinary. What the brothers said is also the truth. If there is anything to blame, it's not too strange!"

"Okay! Brother Di is open, walk around, brother Di, now that we are here in the realm of Quancheng, come to my place to sit down, good wine and good food will definitely be enough!"

Cao Ruida happily clapped his big hands and greeted Di Ping.

"That's good! I'll bother Big Brother Cao!"

Di Ping hurriedly clasped his fists in response.

He had intentionally been with Cao Ruida and the others. He knew where Quanzhou was! But he didn't know where the Quancheng base was there, and no acquaintance took him there to find it!

Moreover, he had seen through observation that this Cao Ruida was an extremely outrageous person. From his eyes, he could tell that he was sincerely inviting himself, not the kind of cunning villain who seemed outrageous and outrageous, so he felt that he could have a friendship.

I was mistaken, Cao Ruida is really a villain, that's nothing, he doesn't care, he is just looking for a guide.

Di Ping began to walk around the big pit towards the pedestrian!

At this time, Cao Ruida's eyes fell on Di Ping, but he was extremely shocked. He came from a family of martial arts practitioners, and his hands were very keen, and he was extremely sensitive to the human body.

Even though he is so far away, he can still sense the surging qi and blood fluctuations in Di Ping's body and the terrible coordination between the muscles between the hands and the feet. He can even sense the hidden hidden in Di Ping's body. The force of terror.

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