It has developed into what it is now.

About an hour later, waiting for Lin Hao and the many girls sitting cross-legged on the main square all stood up, and suddenly looked at the light curtain above their heads.

I only saw that a light curtain that was enough to cover Yunshui Villa for three hours was slowly dispersing from its center point to the surrounding.

Within a moment, the entire circle of white light curtains disappeared.

And before the girls in Yunshui Villa had time to observe the disappearing white light curtain, they were surprised to find that the environment around them had changed.

In fact, just now, except for this one on Baiyu Square

[In the process of establishing a transformation sect, please wait a moment] But the girls in the main square were surprised by the changes around them.

They only saw that the buildings that were originally around them were rapidly disappearing, and then new buildings appeared.

They all knew that this was the handwriting of their own young master, so they couldn't help but secretly said: The young master is amazing! When Lin Hao looked away from his system panel, he naturally noticed the changes in his body.

He had never actually seen such a scene, but after seeing the surprised appearance of the girls on the main square, he suppressed his surprised heart.

You always have to look like you've seen the big world, right? That's what Lin Hao thought at this moment.

At this moment, it has been about two hours since Lin Hao used the Zongmen Building Order.

The girls on the main square were not as excited and curious as they were at the beginning.

Now they, including Mewtwo and the others, are sitting cross-legged on the large square that has been renovated.

Before this large square was strengthened, its material was only poured with cement.

While they were resting, a white light suddenly brushed past the feet of the girls and Lin Hao, when the white light dissipated.

The ground under their feet turned from the original cement floor to a ground made of a material like white jade.

Standing on it, you can clearly see your own reflection.

This is not only, in addition to this, there is a gentle aura on the ground.

Let them feel that in addition to the warmth of the whole body, it is also their cultivation speed.

Obviously, it wasn't just them. When Lin arrived, he couldn't help but lament the power of this sect's building order.

later on

It has developed into what it is now.

About an hour later, waiting for Lin Hao and the many girls sitting cross-legged on the main square all stood up, and suddenly looked at the light curtain above their heads.

I only saw that a light curtain that was enough to cover Yunshui Villa for three hours was slowly dispersing from its center point to the surrounding.

Within a moment, the entire circle of white light curtains disappeared.

And before the girls in Yunshui Villa had time to observe the disappearing white light curtain, they were surprised to find that the environment around them had changed.

In fact, just now, except for this huge place on Baiyu Square, the rest of them were covered by a layer of white mist.

They can't see the rest of the place no matter what.

But when the white light curtain covering Yunshui Villa dissipated, the layer of confused white fog also disappeared.

But the building that replaced it surprised the girls in Yunshui Villa very much.

Of course, it wasn't just them, even Lin Hao lost his composure looking at the buildings he had never seen before.

What kind of building is that! Except for the white jade square under their feet, there is also a circle of buildings that they have never seen before.

When Lin Hao saw this, he didn't even go to see the girls in Yunshui Villa, his own elves and Ake. He took a few glances at Yunshui Villa and it became: a brand new building, no, it should be said It's after buildings that appear out of thin air.

I quickly summoned my own system panel.

Chapter 475 Tianyun Sect? Yunshui Sect

[Host: Lin Hao Soul Fire: 20 Realm: Sect in the early stage of Foundation Establishment: Tianyun Sect has Sect: Yunshui Sect Ability: None.

Summons: Mewtwo, Flame Spirit Time Machine Witch, Hot Girl, Star Phantom, Harpy Girl, Ake.

Backpack: [Black Gun] [Magic Team 10] [Treasure Map Fragment 1] [Reincarnation "Three Six Three"

Stone 10] Main quest: Make Yunshui Base the No. [-] living place among the bases established in the Huaxia Realm! Quest time: three months.

】After Lin Hao was summoned, he found that there was a new horizontal character on his attribute panel, which was the sect he belonged to.

Moreover, Lin Hao also found that when his thoughts were all focused on his own sect, after the Yunshui sect, a reduced image of three phantoms would appear in front of his eyes.

After Lin Hao carefully observed it, he found that the image was the current position of himself and Zhao Xue and others, that is, the sect established by Lin Hao through the sect building order rewarded by the system, Yun Shui. Zong.

At this time, Lin Hao was overwhelmed by the voice around him.

He saw that the girls in Yunshui Villa had already lined up, and he was talking.

It's just that Lin Hao didn't look at them, but looked at the system panel that he summoned, but the girls in Yunshui Villa couldn't see the system panel.

So they thought Lin Hao was there, but they couldn't speak well, so they had to stand in place.

But beside these girls in Yunshui Villa, twenty or so beautiful girls who were incarnated by elves have always stood there with serious faces.

Meticulously they stood upright.

No matter what Lin Hao thought or acted in front of them, he was fine.

The girls incarnated by the spirits are still as obedient and obedient as they were at the beginning, and they have a serious look on their own faces.

It wasn't until Ling Yao who was beside Lin Hao called him, that made Lin Hao come back to his senses and made Lin Hao realize that he was currently in front of the girls.

He embarrassedly touched his nose, but he wasn't too cautious. After all, apart from the many elves who had a relationship with him, the rest of the girls were all from Lin Hao to Yun. Shui Shanzhuang had brought it with him before, so Lin Hao was not too embarrassed.

It's just that the only thing that's a little unfamiliar is Ling Yao who is beside Lin Hao at this moment.

But Ling Yao didn't seem to notice this, she was at Lin Hao's side at this moment, frowning and looking at Lin Hao, wondering what happened to him.


[Host: Lin Hao Soul Fire: 20 Realm: Sect in the early stage of Foundation Establishment: Tianyun Sect has Sect: Yunshui Sect Ability: None.

Summons: Mewtwo, Flame Spirit Time Machine Witch, Hot Girl, Star Phantom, Harpy Girl, Ake.

Backpack: [Black Gun] [Magic Team 10] [Treasure Map Fragment 1] [Reincarnation "Three Six Three"

Stone 10] Main quest: Make Yunshui Base the No. [-] living place among the bases established in the Huaxia Realm! Quest time: three months.

】After Lin Hao was summoned, he found that there was a new horizontal character on his attribute panel, which was the sect he belonged to.

Moreover, Lin Hao also found that when his thoughts were all focused on his own sect, after the Yunshui sect, a reduced image of three phantoms would appear in front of his eyes.

After Lin Hao carefully observed it, he found that the image was the current position of himself and Zhao Xue and others, that is, the sect established by Lin Hao through the sect building order rewarded by the system, Yun Shui. Zong.

At this time, Lin Hao was overwhelmed by the voice around him.

He saw that the girls in Yunshui Villa had already lined up, and he was talking.

It's just that Lin Hao didn't look at them, but looked at the system panel that he summoned, but the girls in Yunshui Villa couldn't see the system panel.

So they thought Lin Hao was there, but they couldn't speak well, so they had to stand in place.

But beside these girls in Yunshui Villa, twenty or so beautiful girls who were incarnated by elves have always stood there with serious faces.

Meticulously they stood upright.

No matter what Lin Hao thought or acted in front of them, he was fine.

The girls incarnated by the spirits are still as obedient and obedient as they were at the beginning, and they have a serious look on their own faces.

It wasn't until Ling Yao who was beside Lin Hao called him, that made Lin Hao come back to his senses and made Lin Hao realize that he was currently in front of the girls.

He embarrassedly touched his nose, but he wasn't too cautious. After all, apart from the many elves who had a relationship with him, the rest of the girls were all from Lin Hao to Yun. Shui Shanzhuang had brought it with him before, so Lin Hao was not too embarrassed.

It's just that the only thing that's a little unfamiliar is Ling Yao who is beside Lin Hao at this moment.

But Ling Yao didn't seem to notice this, she was at Lin Hao's side at this moment, frowning and looking at Lin Hao, wondering what happened to him.

Although it is said that the relationship between Ling Yao and Lin Hao has become much closer because of the time spent together.

Coupled with the various abilities that Lin Hao showed from time to time and the respectful expressions of the girls in Yunshui Villa, the relationship between Ling Yao and Lin Hao was also closer.

In the end, it was because Lin Hao agreed to worship Tian Yunzong 5.

8, after that day, the relationship between Ling Yao and Lin Hao was obviously much closer.

But this didn't stop Ling Yao from being curious about some strange things.

Just like now, since Lin Hao took out the sect building order, when Ling Yao saw the token in her hand fly into the air and cover the surrounding buildings, she felt that this little junior brother was not. an ordinary person.

Remind you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 476: Qionglou Yuyu

But in an instant, Ling Yao also wanted to understand, after all, those who can survive tenaciously in this apocalypse and establish a survival base must have their own survival secrets.

However, when Ling Yao noticed that the white light sources on the buildings that shrouded the original Yunshui Villa had faded away, what he saw was a group of buildings that he had never seen before.

That can no longer be called architecture.

Ling Yao swore that even if she came from a hidden sect, she had never seen such 22 buildings in front of her.

She even carefully recalled the buildings she had seen when she was in the sect.

Ling Yao originally thought that the sect she belonged to was immortal enough. After all, although she lived in the sect, she also lived in the secular world.

In addition, she also lived in Yunshui Villa for a while, so she naturally knew how the building was supposed to look, but the first thing she saw in Ling Yao's eyes was a white jade building, it shouldn't be called a building, Maybe call it "Qionglou Yuyu"

more fit.

Just because of what Ling Yao is seeing right now.

It is as if the white jade-like body is engraved with incomparably fine patterns, and even some white jade palaces have statues like dragon heads and lion bodies, which are really spectacular.

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