】He is in the early stage of foundation building! Lin Hao shook his head with a wry smile, and he went down to the super dream state next to him.

[Super Dream, Realm: Early Stage of Foundation Establishment] To Lin Hao's surprise, Super Dream was also on the horizon, and Lin Hao swept the state of the others beside him.

[Flaming Spirit, Realm: Peak of Qi Practice] [Sister Disaster, Realm: Peak of Qi Practice] [Zhu Tongtong, Realm: Late Stage of Qi Practice] Lin Hao

It was found that, except for Chaomeng, the rest of my elves were almost all at the peak of Qi practice.

However, most of the girls in Yunshui Villa and the top combat powers of Yunshui Base are in the late stage of Qi training, and those who have entered the peak of Qi training are pitiful.

Just when Lin Hao was thinking about it, Chaomeng next to her suddenly frowned, and she said to Lin Hao, "Young Master, I feel that there is a force binding me."

When Lin Hao heard the words and looked at her, he didn't find any problem, so he asked the system in his mind, "What's going on?"

[Don't worry about the host, this is a normal phenomenon after the rules of this side of the world have been strengthened.

】Is it normal? Lin Hao frowned slightly, and at this time Ake, who came back from the battlefield, said to Lin Hao, "Young Master, the natural disaster monsters have been cleared."

Hearing this, Lin Hao turned his attention to the battlefield.

At this time, the outer city was in a mess, and there were corpses everywhere, and now all the personnel were harvesting their own spoils, so 38 was naturally the black crystal in the brain of the natural disaster monster.

After a few glances, Lin Hao looked at Ake beside him: "Is it a big loss?"

"The elves were not killed in battle, but one person was seriously injured in the battle at Yunshui Villa, and more than [-] people were killed in the battle at Yunshui Base, with countless serious injuries."

After listening, Lin Hao nodded and said, "Place the families of the deceased and send them pensions."

After finishing speaking, Lin Hao glanced at the people who were still cleaning the spoils. Although their faces were tired, they were still excited because they had won! Yes! The news was not so good.

Remind you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 472 The first place to live

The mood that made Lin Hao happy because of the victory also quickly became tense.

[It has been detected that the rules of this side of the world have been strengthened, the spiritual energy has begun to recover, the era of great immortals has arrived, and the main quest has been changed.

][Main quest: Make Yunshui Base the first place to survive in the bases established in the Huaxia world! Mission time: three months.

】The time limit has been changed! Lin Hao couldn't help but feel bitter. After all, he still didn't know how strong his opponent was! Originally, Lin Hao was quite confident, but after the realm level was changed, he found that he was better than himself. The group of summoned... elves became stronger.

He also knew that Ling Yao was not someone with top cultivation in his own sect, and he thought of that... the Tang sect worshiping the elder god operator.

Got a headache.

He seemed to be the weakest again.

Thinking about it, Lin Hao rode on the flame spirit, and after instructing other things, he took his elves and Ake back to Yunshui Villa.

The next day, Yunshui Villa.

Lin Hao was seated in the first place, and the management staff of Yunshui Villa headed by Zhao Xue were at the bottom, and they were also the core staff of Yunshui Base.

Following Lin Hao's narration, Zhao Xue and the others gradually opened their mouths wide, unable to hide the shock on their faces.

Isn't Nima cultivating immortals by practicing qi to build a foundation and strengthening the rules of heaven and earth! It seems that it is really immortal cultivation.

After the meeting dissipated, Lin Hao returned to a relatively empty and unoccupied one, and released many elves and Ake.

Then he repeated the speech he gave to Zhao Xue and the others as they were.

The faces of many summoned creatures were shocked when they found out.

But they quickly calmed down again, and then looked at Lin Hao in unison, waiting for him to say the next words.

Seeing this, Lin Hao couldn't help but smile and said

some of his plans.

He was just planning the future. Similarly, Lin Hao also shared his thoughts with Zhao Xue just now.

Nothing is going in the right direction.

He will also have other survival bases and told Zhao Xue.

At that time, Zhao Xue was very puzzled, but only after Lin Hao explained everything did he realize that the people from the sect were going to be born because of spiritual energy and recovery.

Only then did I understand Lin Hao's intention.

If you don't hurry up and take advantage of your own

The mood that made Lin Hao happy because of the victory also quickly became tense.

[It has been detected that the rules of this side of the world have been strengthened, the spiritual energy has begun to recover, the era of great immortals has arrived, and the main quest has been changed.

][Main quest: Make Yunshui Base the first place to survive in the bases established in the Huaxia world! Mission time: three months.

】The time limit has been changed! Lin Hao couldn't help but feel bitter. After all, he still didn't know how strong his opponent was! Originally, Lin Hao was quite confident, but after the realm level was changed, he found that he was better than himself. The group of summoned... elves became stronger.

He also knew that Ling Yao was not someone with top cultivation in his own sect, and he thought of that... the Tang sect worshiping the elder god operator.

Got a headache.

He seemed to be the weakest again.

Thinking about it, Lin Hao rode on the flame spirit, and after instructing other things, he took his elves and Ake back to Yunshui Villa.

The next day, Yunshui Villa.

Lin Hao was seated in the first place, and the management staff of Yunshui Villa headed by Zhao Xue were at the bottom, and they were also the core staff of Yunshui Base.

Following Lin Hao's narration, Zhao Xue and the others gradually opened their mouths wide, unable to hide the shock on their faces.

Isn't Nima cultivating immortals by practicing qi to build a foundation and strengthening the rules of heaven and earth! It seems that it is really immortal cultivation.

After the meeting dissipated, Lin Hao returned to a relatively empty and unoccupied one, and released many elves and Ake.

Then he repeated the speech he gave to Zhao Xue and the others as they were.

The faces of many summoned creatures were shocked when they found out.

But they quickly calmed down again, and then looked at Lin Hao in unison, waiting for him to say the next words.

Seeing this, Lin Hao couldn't help but smile and said

some of his plans.

He was just planning the future. Similarly, Lin Hao also shared his thoughts with Zhao Xue just now.

Nothing is going in the right direction.

He will also have other survival bases and told Zhao Xue.

At that time, Zhao Xue was very puzzled, but only after Lin Hao explained everything did he realize that the people from the sect were going to be born because of spiritual energy and recovery.

Only then did I understand Lin Hao's intention.

If they don't take advantage of their advantages to develop quickly, then they will definitely be swallowed up by the survival base established by those sects who practice.

When Lin Hao finished speaking to many elves, it was already afternoon.

At this time, Lin Hao remembered the sect building order in his system space, and when he took it out, he found that it was a token.

After tossing and turning, Lin Hao found that it was no different from the others, it was just made of a kind of jade, but Lin Hao didn't know what kind of jade it was.

Lin Hao learned from the system that a sect could be established using this token, but Lin Hao did not know where it was established.

Relatively speaking, the floating island is the safest place for Hao Nuo, but Lin Hao doesn't go to the floating island much now.

And after the situation of the Yunshui Base stabilized, the people on the floating island have also arrived at the Yunshui Base.

So far, there are no earth creatures on the floating island.

The second is Yunshui City.

The core of Yunshui City is Yunshui Villa, which is the Yunshui Base.

And Yunshui Base is composed of inner city and outer city, which can be said to be suitable.

Chapter 473

Chapter 474 Establishing a Sect

[In the process of establishing a transformation sect, please wait a moment] But the girls in the main square were surprised by the changes around them.

They only saw that the buildings that were originally around them were rapidly disappearing, and then new buildings appeared.

They all knew that this was the handwriting of their own young master, so they couldn't help but secretly said: The young master is amazing! When Lin Hao looked away from his system panel, he naturally noticed the changes in his body.

He had never actually seen such a scene, but after seeing the surprised appearance of the girls on the main square, he suppressed his surprised heart.

You always have to look like you've seen the big world, right? That's what Lin Hao thought at this moment.

At this moment, it has been about two hours since Lin Hao used the Zongmen Building Order.

The girls on the main square were not as excited and curious as they were at the beginning.

Now they, including Mewtwo and the others, are sitting cross-legged on the large square that has been renovated.

Before this large square was strengthened, its material was only poured with cement.

While they were resting, a white light suddenly brushed past the feet of the girls and Lin Hao, when the white light dissipated.

The ground under their feet turned from the original cement floor to a ground made of a material like white jade.

Standing on it, you can clearly see your own reflection.

This is not only, in addition to this, there is a gentle aura on the ground.

Let them feel that in addition to the warmth of the whole body, it is also their cultivation speed.

Obviously, it wasn't just them. When Lin arrived, he couldn't help but lament the power of this sect's building order.

later on

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